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Jeremy 06.25.2009 06:20 PM

Billy Corgan gets another nomination for "Asshole Of The Century"
From Pitchfork:

"You could buy Billy Corgan lunch! The nonprofit auction site Charitybuzz is offering a lunch with the Smashing Pumpkins leader to the highest bidder, and the Smashing Pumpkins website confirms that it's a real thing.
If you win the auction, you and a friend get to have lunch with Corgan in Los Angeles or Chicago at "a mutually convenient time". And, as the site makes sure to point out, "Winner is responsible for the bill." I guess it's the Taco Bell value menu for you, Billy!

The auction ends on June 30, and as I'm typing this, the minimum bid is $750. If anyone has any money to burn, they can go ask Corgan about that whole Tila Tequila thing! Or talk pro wrestling with him! Or sing "Today" at him really loud! That's got to be worth $750, right?
Corgan has put himself up for sale as part of the Songwriters Hall of Fame online auction. Your money goes to the SHOF, which aims to "establish a permanent, state-of-the-art museum in New York City to highlight the achievements of songwriting greats and acknowledge their rightful place in our culture." Other items up for auction include a meet-and-greet with Cher, a Pete Wentz bass, and an autographed Elvis Costello poster."

Remember when Billy Corgan had cred once? Me neither. Who would even want to have lunch with this shithead?

Note to Billy: You aren't cool anymore. Your "Prime" was over a decade ago. Things like this just make you look embarrassing.


Pax Americana 06.25.2009 06:25 PM

He can't even pick up the check? Fuck that.

al shabbray 06.25.2009 06:25 PM

embarrassing is too charming for that

negative8ball 06.25.2009 06:52 PM

I guess they don't want a $750 bid, then lunch for three at some swanky eatery running a $1000 bill... now THAT would be funny...

But, I agree - it'd be a wasted lunch - I'd spend the whole time punching him... just, out of necessity...

Antagon 06.25.2009 07:00 PM

Try to imagine that Omar Alfredo Rodriguez Lopez is the highest bidder. Two universal douchebags sharing their thoughts while having lunch together. It's about to get very ugly!

joe11121 06.25.2009 07:53 PM

  • Currently Placed Bid: $3,000.00
The fuck?! Why would anyone pay that much? Must be some spoiled kid who heard Today on Rock Band.

And really, the millionaire cannot pay for the lunch? Retarded.

Sonic Youth 37 06.25.2009 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by Antagon
Try to imagine that Omar Alfredo Rodriguez Lopez is the highest bidder. Two universal douchebags sharing their thoughts while having lunch together. It's about to get very ugly!

I call bullshit because you know Omar's middle name.

SuperCreep 06.25.2009 11:17 PM

Why couldn't god kill Billy Corgan today?

nancykitten 06.26.2009 02:51 AM

Billy Corgan, the most unlikeable human being ever?

I bet Osama Bin Laden would be below him on that chart.

vulva 06.26.2009 03:38 AM

9.95 for shipping?

loubarret 06.26.2009 07:14 AM

I hope so.

He should have been shot in 1997.

nicfit 06.26.2009 07:23 AM

I think those who placed such high bids think that they will eat Billy Corgan for lunch, not eat lunch with him.

greedrex 06.26.2009 07:27 AM


sl1ck 06.26.2009 10:14 AM

Billy is probably just doing this so he can find members for the Smashing Pumpkins.

joe11121 06.26.2009 12:22 PM

  • Currently Placed Bid: $6,500.00
Shit these people really want to meet Billy. I'm a fan of the band, but I would not pay anywhere near that much to meet him, even if the money is for charity, you could buy so much stuff with all of that money.

Glice 06.26.2009 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
id like to buy him lunch. im sure i could add a secret sauce that would bring him to his knees.

Is the secret sauce:

a) Fellatio


b) Religious salvation?

Imagine returning his charitable gesture with one of those gestures! Imagine converting Corgan to Christ. What better charity could there be?

floatingslowly 06.26.2009 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
Imagine converting Corgan to Christ.

^^^ has obviously missed out on 1,001 Songs About Jesus 'n Mary by Zwan.

Glice 06.26.2009 02:01 PM

Fellatio it is then. Off you trot, swa(y).

batreleaser 06.26.2009 03:12 PM

corgan isn't even asshole worthy. assholes have to be cool, lou reed is an asshole. corgan is just a deauche bag.

ZEROpumpkins 06.27.2009 12:22 AM

IMO Billy Corgan should have overdosed in '96 instead of Melvoin. It would have ended the Pumpkins on a much better note.

Seriously why is he such a douche these days? Is it drugs? Someone tell me it's drugs.

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