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pbradley 07.21.2009 11:53 PM

What is you personal philosophy?
This may or may not be a trap for me to rant about how they are bullshit.

What would your manifesto say?


pbradley 07.22.2009 12:29 AM

You stole my rant. Ass.

DeadDiscoDildo 07.22.2009 12:50 AM

Actually me too. I too used to be a very serious christian, probably at the worst time in my life for romantic developement too, teen years. I just got over that too. At least I've had my "life experience."

Though I wasn't catholic, like pbrad, so it was less guilt trips by tradition, and guilt trips by fundementalist non-denominational go getters

Satan 07.22.2009 01:02 AM

religious philosophy?
anything's possible.

chrome noise tape 07.22.2009 01:12 AM


zen is everything
zen is nothing
zen is zen

dirty bunny 07.22.2009 01:12 AM

I guess I believe in what goes around comes around. And treating people with respect. I aspire to be a better person, but I don't think I'm as nice or friendly as I could be. So yeah.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 07.22.2009 01:21 AM

Appreciate the universe as is and not long for a better one
try to love everyone
don't beg God for anything, believe that you are well provided for
believe in your ability to overcome obstacles
differentiate between want and need
give yourself something you want every once-in-awhile
don't depend on fulfilling wants for happiness
learn from your mistakes in life
don't be down on yourself because you can't help someone
be open minded to other worldviews
art is the meaning of life

pbradley 07.22.2009 03:01 AM

Once I was walking down Lower Haight and this homeless man asked me for some change or a cigarette. Confessing I had neither, the man then asked me for my philosophy. This took me aback as I had just declared my major in philosophy the day before. Having been thrust into a dense reflection at this impasse of meaning, I flatly said that I didn't have one. The homeless man replied to this to something to the idea of how I should get my shit together. Wanting nothing more to reflect more on the layman use of the word "philosophy," I agreed and walked on.

ploesj 07.22.2009 03:22 AM

i basically agree wih swa(y) here. as a kid i believed in god and angels and heaven and all because my grandmother did, and it made sense. she died when i was seven, after her son and her husband had did, and i started by being mad about god letting such things happen. later i realised that religion is just a way of finding answers to qustions every hman has, and believing in god is a way of finding peace about why you're on earth and where you wil go after you die. i greatly admire people who can believe this, but i find myself incapable of it.

the human brain is a fantastic thing, but its capabilities are not endless. there are things that are just too much for our brain to handle, and we'll probably never find the answe with our brain alone. the thing is to find peace with knowing that, and focusing on what you do know: your time here is limited and we don't know what comes after, so it's best not to rely on the idea of having and afterlife or a second chance and just make this time the best time. try to make life as nice as possible for yourself and those around you.

atsonicpark 07.22.2009 03:41 AM

Mine is "if there's not a lot that you want, you'll probably always have what you need."

Shifty Prophet 07.22.2009 06:36 AM

Life is a killer. Yes, it brings the joys of various things both physical and psychological, but in the end, and there will always be an end, life is a killer.

Life is a killer. You get through your childhood, hopefully you weren't beat too bad by your step-dad, and you maintain a sense of balance about the world. You become a teenager and just want to destroy any sense of balance you developed about the world. You become an adult and try to put the pieces back together from the world you destroyed, you try to make sense of it all.

Life is a killer. Perhaps you fall in love, or at least you think you do, enough to marry someone. Then you have a bunch of kids, they grow up and you die, not able to recoup the time you could have spent with your family, instead you were working to ''provide'' for them.

Life is a killer.

Fuck, maybe its just the modern hierarchy of our ''civilized'' society.

My personal philosophy belief is that life is a killer. But until that point, live your life, seize the day, run away from the day, hide from the day, whatever. Just live your life. I'm honest,respectful and usually fair with people. I live like that not cause of societies norms impressed on me as a child or some belief in a God or higher being, I'm honest,fair,respectful etc. because it feels good, to me.

Basically to quote Jimi Hendrix: ''I'm the ones thats gotta die when its time for me die, so let me live my life the way I want to''.

demonrail666 07.22.2009 06:47 AM

be polite and listen to a big star album at least once a week.

ALIEN ANAL 07.22.2009 07:13 AM

No regrets because you cant change the past
Glass breaks
The universe is infinite so anything can happen but it wont
Try not to hurt anyone

Trasher02 07.22.2009 07:16 AM

"Go Home, Get Down"

reginald 07.22.2009 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by pbradley
Once I was walking down Lower Haight and this homeless man asked me for some change or a cigarette. Confessing I had neither, the man then asked me for my philosophy. This took me aback as I had just declared my major in philosophy the day before. Having been thrust into a dense reflection at this impasse of meaning, I flatly said that I didn't have one. The homeless man replied to this to something to the idea of how I should get my shit together. Wanting nothing more to reflect more on the layman use of the word "philosophy," I agreed and walked on.

This happened to me once when riding my bicycle and I said, I have nothing but shorts, flipflops and my bike...what do you WANT ?

He said "Your sanity".

That shook me, but little did he really know. :rolleyes:

floatingslowly 07.22.2009 08:44 AM

let's begin..
what where why or when?
will all be explained?
why destruction is a game
see I'm not insane
in fact I'm kind of rational
when I be asking
yo who is more dramatical
this one that one
the white one or the black one
pick the punk
and I'll jump up to attack one
KRS ONE just the guy to lead a crew
right up to your face and dis you.
everyone saw me on the last album cover
holding a pistol
something far from a lover
beside my brother
I just laughed
'cuz no one can defeat me
this selection number two
is "my philosophy"
number one
was "poetry"
you know it's me
it's my philosophy
many artists got to learn
I'm not flammable
I don't burn
so please stop burnin'
and learn to earn respect
'cuz that's just what
KR collects
see, what do you expect?
when you rhyme like a soft punk
you walk down the street and get jumped
you got to have style
and learn to be original
and everybody's gonna wanna dis you
like me
we stood up for the South Bronx
and every sucka mc
had a response
you think we care?
I know that they are on the tip
my posse from the Bronx is thick
and we're real live
we walk correctly
a lot of suckas would like to forget me
but they can't
'cuz like a champ
I have got a record
of knocking out the frauds in a second
on the mic
I believe that you should get loose
I haven't come to tell you I have juice
I just produce, create, innovate on a higher level
I'll be back
but for now just seckle.

I'll play the nine
and you play the target
you all know my name so I guess I'll just start it
or should I say, "START THIS"
I am an artist
of new concepts at their hardest
yo, cuz I'm a teacher
and Scot is a scholar
it ain't about money
'cuz we all make dollars
that's why
I walk with my head up
when I hear wack rhymes
I get fed up
rap is like a set-up
a lot of games
a lot of suckas with colorful names
I'm so-and-so
I'm this
I'm that
huh, but they all just wick-wick-wack
I'm not white or red or black
I'm brown
from the Boogie Down
of course
our music be thumpin'
others say their bad
but they're buggin'
let me tell you somethin' now
about hip hop
about D-Nice, Melodie,
and DJ Scot La Rock
I'll get a pen, a pencil, a marker
mainly what I write is for the average New Yorker
some mc's be talkin' and talkin'
tryin' to show how black people are walkin'
but I don't walk this way to portray
or reinforce
stereotypes of today
like all my brothas
eatin' chicken and watermelon
talk broken english and drug sellin'
see I'm tellin'
and teaching real facts
now when some act in rap
is kind of wack
and it lacks
creativity and intelligence
but they don't care
'cuz the company is sellin' it
it's my philosophy
on the industry
don't bother dissin' me
or even wish that we'd
soften, dilute,
or commercialize all our lyrics
'cuz it's about time
one of y'all hear it
from the intelligent
brown man
a vegetarian
no goat or ham
or chicken or turkey or hamburger
'cuz to me that's suicide
let us get back to what we call hip hop
and what it meant to DJ Scot La Rock...

how many mc's must get dissed?
before somebody says, "don't FUCK with Kris!"
this is just one style
out of many
like a piggy bank
this is one penny
my brother's name is Kenny
Kenny Parker
my other brother I.C.U.
is much darker
Boogie Down Productions
is made up of teachers
the lecture is conducted
from the mic into the speaker
who gets weaker?
the king or the teacher?
it's not about a salary
it's all about reality
teachers teach and do the world good
kings just rule
and most are never understood
if you were to rule
over a certain industry
fuck right now
would be in misery
no one would get along
nor sing a song
'cuz everyone'd be singing for the king
am I wrong?!
so yo, what's up
it's me again
Scot La Rock,
KRS, BDP again
many people had the nerve to think we would end the trend
we're criminal minded
and only tend
funky, funky, funky, funky, funky hit records
no more than four minutes
and some seconds
the competition checks and checks
and keeps checkin'
they get the album
take it home
and start sweatin'
well it's simple
to them it's kind of vital
to take KRS-One's title
to them I'm like an idol
some type of entity
in everybody's rhyme
they wanna mention me?
or rather mention us
me or Scot La Rock
but they can get bust
get robbed, get dropped
I don't play around
nor do I fuck around
and you can tell by the bodies that are left around
when some clown jumps up to get beat down
broken down to his very last compound
see how it sound?
a little unrational
a lot of mc's like to use the word
fresh for '88
you suckas...

Dead-Air 07.22.2009 09:38 AM

Have as much fun as a sociopath without being one.

Rob Instigator 07.22.2009 09:39 AM

My philosophy of life is

we are here to fart around, and to help each other get through it.

!@#$%! 07.22.2009 10:02 AM

if by personal philosophy you ask about my method of inquiry unto reality, i'll say it's probably a perspectivist pragmatist, i.e., one part nietzsche, one part william james.

if you ask about my personal beliefs, that' wouldn't really be a "philosophy," although that's the common expression-- right? right...

personal "beliefs": i have a number of ready-made notions i keep for practical purposes, i.e., they are "true" as far as they are useful to my survival and satisfying to my value system, but i don't have a lot of "beliefs" that i hold on to when there is strong evidence against them.

note: "unto"-- i'm not sure of the correct use of this eeenglish preposition but here's hoping it will not muck up shit.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 07.22.2009 10:12 AM

Birth is always painful
Decaying in the womb
Trapped within this body
A bleeding human tomb

Gutted bitch lies dead
Emptied of the child
Chewing on the cords
Its life line to this world
Afterbirth is flowing
The stench is overwhelming
My body, growing stronger
My pain turns to torture
Severing its bloodline
A butchered infant carcass

Meat from the unborn
The freshest kills
Chopped up children
Bathing in blood

Contoured and festering
I rot in disgust
Re-generation of my body
Mother ripped apart
Smashing in her face
My knife cutting holes
Fucking her remains

Esophogus carved out
Crushing cartilage
Bile oozing from punctures
in your liver

Riping meat within
Chewing in intestine
Bladder spurting urine
Sight of defecation

Now grow infection
The child ripped to shreads
Drinking its excretions

Ejaculation over mutilation
On the Mother's body hacked into pieces

The sludges from my cock gives her life once again
Sewing the remains of the child deep within her

Reborn through evil
My torture known throughout Hell
Heed to his calling
The demons await my next kill

Carnage is my fetish
Body cavities scraped of guts
Brains seeping from cracks
As my axe continues to hack

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