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looking glass spectacle 07.22.2009 12:48 PM

Dave had his entire right arm amputated...
... at the shoulder and we surgically reattached it immediately behind my right pectoral muscle.


BME: Wow. If I wasn't looking at it right now I'd never believe it. How was the procedure done?

DAVE: Obviously there was no clinic willing to do a procedure like this (we didn't even bother to ask), so we had to do it all under local anaesthesia since we simply didn't have the facilities to safely administer general anaesthesia. We had a group of two practitioners and two assistants working on us. First we elevated my arm and using an Ace bandage we slowly squeezed all of the blood out of it. Then we tourniquetted as high up on the shoulder it could be, and injected lidocaine into the exsanguinated veins. Almost immediately there was no feeling whatsoever. An amputation knife cut through the skin and muscles, and a bone saw did the final removal. Bleeders were ligated and the wound was cleaned up. This entire part of the procedure took about forty minutes.

RYAN: At the same time as Dave was being worked on, the other practitioner and his assistant prepared the attachment site on my chest. Veins and arteries were spliced to supply blood to Dave's arm and the skin and some of the subcutaneous tissue was peeled up to merge as smoothly as possible. Luckily the healing went smoothly. The transplant healed up in about a month, as did Dave's stump.

floatingslowly 07.22.2009 12:58 PM

BME: What modifications does the future hold for you two?
DAVE: We've got some genital work planned that's pretty exciting. As soon as it happens we'll be sure to update BME readers with some photos.


davenotdead 07.22.2009 01:18 PM


Sonic Youth 37 07.22.2009 01:18 PM

This is dumbest fucking thing I've ever read.

automatic bzooty 07.22.2009 01:30 PM

wtf. [i]why[i]?

floatingslowly 07.22.2009 01:36 PM

z. beeblebroxian complexus.

pbradley 07.22.2009 01:43 PM

A third immobile ampendage hanging from my side! What I've always wanted!

terriblecanyons 07.22.2009 01:49 PM

He's probably going to have another "third leg" attached, if you know what I mean...

ploesj 07.22.2009 02:04 PM

huh? no way.

PAULYBEE2656 07.22.2009 02:07 PM

he is 'armless..wouldnt hurt a fly...

always there to lend a hand.....

he will give you the cold shoulder....

etc etc etc

Glice 07.22.2009 02:27 PM


davenotdead 07.22.2009 02:33 PM

i think this is going to catch one once tattoos/piercings become passe .

i want someone else's back implanted onto my back

Lamont Cranston 07.22.2009 02:40 PM

I hope neither of them is planning on being a gynaecologist.

SYRFox 07.22.2009 02:40 PM

when i saw this thread on the index and that "davenotdead" was the last user replying to it i thought our dave had been amputated and one of his friends had posted on here to inform us that he wouldn't be able to post on the internet anymore. i was like "what the fuck"
but reading the actual thread i was actually even more like "what the fuck"

davenotdead 07.22.2009 02:43 PM


Shifty Prophet 07.22.2009 02:59 PM


ploesj 07.22.2009 03:09 PM

now he has to get custom-made clothing with three sleeves.

i just pictured his grandmother knitting him a sweater.

Zombie Robot 07.22.2009 03:24 PM

bloody brilliant. i luv this thread.

demonrail666 07.22.2009 03:58 PM

whatever happened to a simple earring and 'mum' tattoo?

godsfavoritedog 07.22.2009 04:04 PM

What is this exciting "genital work" he's planning ... an amputated dick grafted onto his forehead? It would definitely suit him.

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