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GeneticKiss 07.30.2009 10:45 PM

The Eternal's Survivor
Malibu Gas Station has closed down.

Massage The History wins.

I have lost all my faith in this board.

So if I have a Survivor for Washing Machine, the winner will be The Diamond Sea? How about if I did EVOL; would Expressway To Yr Skull take the crown? Maybe I could do Daydream Nation, since there is that small chance Teenage Riot might lose...

Massage The History apparently has now joined those mentioned above as the cliched "fan favorite".

atsonicpark 07.31.2009 12:50 AM

So predictable. I think I called it on the second round.

Thanks for doing this though.

Oh, and yeah, regarding Evol and Washing Machine, I think you're right, those two would win unfortunately (I'd choose "Tom Violence" as the best off of Evol and "Washing Machine" as the best off of ... Washing Machine). BUT, as for Daydream, I am pretty sure Cross the Breeze would win that one. I've never heard anyone say anything bad about that song, ever. Whereas Teenage Riot is probably the worst song on the album.

jerf 07.31.2009 01:09 AM


Originally Posted by GeneticKiss
I have lost all my faith in this board.


Leetdude 07.31.2009 01:14 AM

Shadow of a Doubt, In The Kingdom #19 and Green Light are the best songs on EVOL. =|

joe11121 07.31.2009 01:20 AM

I knew this would win. I like this song, but I love Malibu Gas Station. Leaky Lifeboat is my favourite from the new album though. Do survivors for any album, they'd all be fun. Who cares who wins..

atsonicpark 07.31.2009 01:25 AM

On the old board, there was a survivor-type thread for every album and then every song from all those albums were put together for the ultimate survivor, and nyc ghosts and flowers (the song) won.

atsonicpark 07.31.2009 01:26 AM

"I farted and it relieved my lower stomach pain momentarily."

DanielCarlson 07.31.2009 06:10 AM

Well, I prefer Massage over Mailbu. But still, What We Know, Antenna, Anti-Orgasm and Walkin' Blue are better in my opinion.

noisereductions 07.31.2009 07:06 AM

funny, "Massage The History" is my 2nd LEAST favorite song on the record. Oh well.

Shifty Prophet 07.31.2009 08:08 AM

So yeah, maybe some of us here who liked Massage The History were ''predictable'' and played into the ''cliche fan favourite''. Cliche-shmiche, MTH is a song that struck accord with a bunch of people, and oddly enough, pretty much everyone I've played it for likes it for different reasons.

As for EVOL, Daydream and WM, my winners would be:
In the Kingdom, The Sprawl, and Skip Tracer/Washing Machine

emmebr25 07.31.2009 08:55 AM

I like Massage the history. But my favourite song is Antenna. I think that this game choises THE LESS HATED ETERNAL'S SONG, not THE MOST LOVED Eternal's song.

noisereductions 07.31.2009 09:02 AM

I dnt know. MTH just didnt grab me. It was like a poor-man's "Strawberry" which is a perfect songs. Best ETERNAL songs in my opinion: "Sacred Trackster," "Antenna," and "What We Know."

Shifty Prophet 07.31.2009 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
I dnt know. MTH just didnt grab me. It was like a poor-man's "Strawberry" which is a perfect songs. Best ETERNAL songs in my opinion: "Sacred Trackster," "Antenna," and "What We Know."

Oh, well you can't win em' all.....

NR, I thought you would be one with MTH, but looking at yr favourites, I can completely see where yr at in this sense.

noisereductions 07.31.2009 09:41 AM

I dnt know. I dnt dislike MTH. But as the album closer it's kind of a letdown to me. To continue with the Vs. "Strawberry" thing. When "Strawberry" slowly unwinds and then errupts and finishes, I'm like "gotdamn!! I gotta start that album over again!" But when MTH ends, I'm like "................. oh! It's over now. Okay. Yeah. I'll probably listen to the album again." Very different reaction (with ultimately same outcome, haha).

godsfavoritedog 07.31.2009 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
funny, "Massage The History" is my 2nd LEAST favorite song on the record. Oh well.

I'm with you on this one. The majority of the time I just eject the cd and don't even bother listening to it.

Leetdude 07.31.2009 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by DanielCarlson
Well, I prefer Massage over Mailbu. But still, What We Know, Antenna, Anti-Orgasm and Walkin' Blue are better in my opinion.

I like yr taste; yr top three on the album is my top three. :D

noisereductions 07.31.2009 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by Leetdude
I like yr taste; yr top three on the album is my top three. :D

Holy crap, I forgot to say "Walkin' Blue" which IS MY FAVORITE song on there.

DanielCarlson 07.31.2009 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by Leetdude
I like yr taste; yr top three on the album is my top three. :D

If I'm not mistaken, that means yr taste is great as well! ;)

EVOLghost 07.31.2009 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by godsfavoritedog
I'm with you on this one. The majority of the time I just eject the cd and don't even bother listening to it.


atsonicpark 07.31.2009 06:34 PM

Massage is just epic and has an acoustic guitar. THose facts alone meant it was going to win.

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