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noisereductions 08.13.2009 07:11 AM

Machete !!!

It's really coming out! Began filming in July! And Lindsay Lohan's in it! Yes!

al shabbray 08.13.2009 07:16 AM

this is going to be just plain awesome!!!
btw nice new sig

nicfit 08.13.2009 07:17 AM

and jessica alba and michelle rodriguez....

hey al!

noisereductions 08.13.2009 07:17 AM

And DeNiro.

al shabbray 08.13.2009 07:24 AM

wtf? deniro??
thats awesome news

atsonicpark 08.13.2009 07:27 AM

Rodriguez is a truly a unique and intelligent filmmaker (and I'm not even a big fan of any of his films) unlike his hack friend Tarantino. So, this should be fun enough I guess. Still looks kinda awful at the same time.

MellySingsDoom 08.13.2009 07:33 AM

Fucking hell, this looks awful. Seagal must be in this for a joke by the producers, and De Niro's just a whore who'll appears in any old shit for money. This has the makings of a Tarantino cast-off, trying to be "cult" but with sans any real violence.

noisereductions 08.13.2009 07:56 AM

I think it looks great. It reminds me of a USA Up All Night action flick.

atsonicpark 08.13.2009 08:01 AM

I am so over the cannibalization of great films from 20 years ago. It's about as bad as simply remaking them. You're trying to replicate what made those films (very of-the-time films) special. But it can't be done. You can have all the best post-production effects in the world, it still comes off as boring, unoriginal, and dull. You know, a few films like this would be cool.. but it just further proves that Hollywood has no original ideas left. Every film is a sequel, a remake, a rehash, an homage, etc. It's been like that for a good 15 years now. What a joke.

Not just for big budget films either. Look at AWFUL HORRIBLE SHIT like Guy Maddin's "furthering the techniques of early silent films" VST plugin bullshit. Oh man, you put vaseline on a lens and a blue color filter. So fucking cool. Too bad your films are HORRIBLE!

Rodriguez is a smart and fun guy, so this will probably be a fun little film. Really surprised it's even going to come out, since Grindhouse bombed so badly. There's no doubt this will be an entertaining little flick, but at the same time it's not anything Rodriguez hasn't done before (oh, it's kinda like Desperado but cheesier! I get it!). Meh.

MellySingsDoom 08.13.2009 08:02 AM

noisereductions - I'm a major fan of exploitation and trash cinema, and love a good hearty shlockfest, with violence a-plenty. Honestly though, this smells like ersatz exploitation, which is pointless and dull.

atsonicpark - agree very much w/your 1st paragraph.

atsonicpark 08.13.2009 08:03 AM

To me, the only good films to come out of big-budget mainstream Hollywood in the past 5 years have probably been Crank 1 and 2. Only because they were so fucking ridiculous.

TheFoxBen 08.13.2009 08:05 AM

Is Jeff Fahey back for the role of the guy who hires him ? (in the Grindhouse fake trailer)

Trasher02 08.13.2009 08:07 AM

I'm actually psyched to see this, the trailer was so over the top I couldn't stop laughing. We'll wait and see I guess.

noisereductions 08.13.2009 08:29 AM

@atsonicpark, I understand all yr intellegint film points...

...but it's a big budget b-movie (I know!)... with Lindsay Lohan... so it's already good in my mind.

floatingslowly 08.13.2009 08:38 AM

are you going to be upset when linday gets a machete to the neck?

ps: can't wait. loved the in-movie trailer.

nicfit 08.13.2009 08:41 AM

yeh, I want to see it, I bet I'll have loads of fun. I don't care for its artistic/idealistic value at all honestly.

atsonicpark 08.13.2009 08:45 AM


Don't get me wrong here, I will definitely see it, but I'm also kind of confused.. since there are so many awesome new films coming out (not in Hollywood, though) that don't simply remake, rehash, and pay tribute to films from 20 years ago (that no one cared about at the time). Just seems a little odd to me.

It's kind of like ... oh, who's a band no one cares about today... let's say RUINS. Okay, some of us on here care about Ruins. But does the general populace? Nope. Now imagine 20 years from now, some Ruins tribute band comes out and it makes this big splash. That'd be cool, but I'd have mixed feelings. Why didn't anyone give a shit about them before now?

But again: shrug. This will be a fun ride. Still gotta be the voice of contention here :)

floatingslowly 08.13.2009 08:46 AM

fuck ruins!

we want MACHETE!!

noisereductions 08.13.2009 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
are you going to be upset when linday gets a machete to the neck?

ps: can't wait. loved the in-movie trailer.

nah. I'm just psyched she's in something kind of big again. The last thing I saw her in in the theater was I KNOW WHO KILLED ME, which was 2 yrs ago already.

atsonicpark 08.13.2009 08:50 AM


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