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cars_willkillyou 10.06.2009 06:31 AM

in search of the girl from my dream
I just woke up after a 3 hour sleep. The reason for this was the events that transpired in my dream. The point in the dream that last recall, I woke up behind the wheel of my car, coming home from work. Apparently, I had fallen asleep while driving home, and was asleep for about 5 hours, because i "woke up" in the town I grew up in (which is a very rural area of north florida). I woke up in time to catch myself driving off the road, and into a ditch. My truck got stuck in a ditch, so I proceeded to walk in order to find help. I get to a large house, on a large plot of land. There's a semi truck parked outside and the engine is running. Inside the truck, an old lady waves at me, and steps outside, and asks if I need a ride somewhere. I tell her yes, and she invites me to breakfast.
Her family consists of her, her husband, and their two grandchildren. One is a guy with long brown hair, and a large beard probably in his late 20s, early 30s. The other is a beautiful girl, early to late 20s, with really long, dirty blonde hair, wearing a long dress, which the patterns printed on it were constantly changing shape and form. During breakfast, we discuss music, the main topic being Publius Enigma. Then, the grandfather comes in and sits down, he is late for breakfast. He is dressed in a Union soldier uniform from the civil war. I ask him if he does the reenactments, and he says, "No. This is just what I want to wear today." I tell him that I think that is awesome, and the girl says to me, "I think we have some stuff that might fit you. After breakfast, we can go play dress up," and winks at me. And we do. We go out to a barn/carport type of building, pretty far from the house. Inside the barn is a Ford Model A (one of my friends growing up had one in his dads garage), and a whole bunch of chests, wardrobes and gun lockers. They are in seperate areas of the large room, with footlockers and gun cabinets beside each other. Inside are uniforms and guns used by different armies from different wars. One gun cabinet and footlocker would have Union uniforms and the guns the soldiers used, then another would have the british set up from WWII. It was like a toy store for historians. I put on a confederate uniform, and began discussing the civil war with them. I asked, "So, if Stonewall Jackson had survived until the end of the war, do you think the outcome would have been different?" And we debated back and forth. The girl was walking around, and accidentally knocked over a large brass container of black powder nearby the old Ford.
We were all startled because it made a very loud noise. the grandfather said that the gunpowder wasnt really a threat, as it had been in the same container since the civil war, and by now probably woulnt even ignite. To prove his point, he took out a zippo an put a flame near a small gathering of the scattered gunpowder. Nothing happened at first, but then it ignited, and a simultaneous "holy shit expression came over every ones' face. we all ran as fast as we could out of the barn, as flames began igniting, small explosions beginning to erupt. 2 Union soldiers, one old, one young, a confederate soldier, and a beautiful girl in a psychedelic dress, ran for their lives in seperate directions. Shrapnel, debris, and airborne flames chased after me. A few booms later, I had found some cover at a relatively safe distance. That's when Flaming baseballs began propelling themselves out of the exploding barn. When I woke up, I matched the sound the whizzing baseballs made as they went by my head, to an effect in A Silver Mt Zion song.

The end.

Satan 10.06.2009 06:40 AM

Come closer and see
see into the trees
find the girl
while you can
Come closer and see
see into the dark
just follow your eyes
just follow your eyes

I hear her voice
calling my name
the sound is deep
in the dark
I hear her voice
and start to run
into the trees
into the trees

into the trees

Suddenly I stop
but i know it's too late
I'm lost in a forest
all alone
The girl was never there
it's always the same
I'm running towards nothing
again and again and again

atsonicpark 10.06.2009 06:46 AM

I just crawled out
the hole in the head
of god
of god
so I wrote a
love letter
to my heart
I will never
you're the shit man
you're the shit

gmku 10.06.2009 08:15 AM

Nice story. I have those dreams quite frequently where I'm driving and don't know how I ended up someplace. I also have dreams where I can't control the car, or I can't see, like I can't force my eyes open to keep them on the road. I've had some very lucid dreams like this where things feel so real that when I wake I could swear I was actually someplace else.

phoenix 10.06.2009 08:22 AM

I'd like to sleep long enough to have dreams again. Roll on, 3+ hours.

wow for some reason until I just scrolled up, I thought it was alvioaioroobiobiopoillowcase that made this thread...

cars_willkillyou 10.06.2009 02:40 PM

i just woke up from more lucid dreaming. I'm having really vivid dreams. I dont even miss drugs and alcohol while i can dream like this.

DeadDiscoDildo 10.06.2009 05:56 PM

Watch Brazil and forget her.

artsygrrl 10.06.2009 08:10 PM

I rarely have dreams, just nightmares. And I am serious. Unresolved issues and all...

Sonic Youth Gossip 10.06.2009 09:56 PM

man i love dreaming about awesome girls
rarely ever happens but when it does it's gooood

cars_willkillyou 10.06.2009 10:38 PM

why do black people have nightmares?

because the last one who had a dream got shot.

I'm not a racist person. I just like racial/sexist/inappropriate in any way possible kind of jokes.

cars_willkillyou 10.06.2009 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by DeadDiscoDildo
Watch Brazil and forget her.

best advice ive ever been given.

deflinus 10.06.2009 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by cars_willkillyou
best advice ive ever been given.

i second that. seriously. and no, not the Love Conquers All version..

GeneticKiss 10.06.2009 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by Satan
Come closer and see
see into the trees
find the girl
while you can
Come closer and see
see into the dark
just follow your eyes
just follow your eyes

I hear her voice
calling my name
the sound is deep
in the dark
I hear her voice
and start to run
into the trees
into the trees

into the trees

Suddenly I stop
but i know it's too late
I'm lost in a forest
all alone
The girl was never there
it's always the same
I'm running towards nothing
again and again and again

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Satan again.

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