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ni'k 11.17.2009 12:52 AM

top 100 albums of the 00's
i can't wait to be honest even after a decade of shitty list culture. will be interesting to read other people's from this board to see what i've missed. also to see what stylistic shifts and trends become noticable in retrospect, how much utter shit i was listening to back at the start of the decade. at the moment hairdryer peace, wigmaker and physicalities of ingrediential stairways are in my top 5. i don't know if its just having nothing to do till the end of the year that is exciting me about this or what. anyone else thinking about this?

the most important thing to remember tho is the point of doin lists is NOT to reach some sort of consensus among other people, or else you are just manufacturing genericism.

Moshe 11.17.2009 01:31 AM

atsonicpark 11.17.2009 04:18 AM

This has been such an epic, amazing 10 years for music. At the top of my list would be secret chiefs 3 - book of horizons, boredoms - vision creation newsun, number girl - numheavymetallic, rhys chatham - a crimson grail, suishou no fune - prayer for chibi... and shitloads more. Yeah.

The Earl Of Slander 11.17.2009 05:25 AM

This is what people thought last year:

For me at least though, over half of my votes would have been different now.

Genteel Death 11.17.2009 08:56 AM

Philip Jeck - Stoke
Kaffe Matthews - cd dd
Dizzee Rascal - Boy in Da Corner
Pink Reason - Cleaning The Mirror
Mr Lif - I Phantom
Six Organs of Admittance - Dark Noontide
Birchville Cat Motel - Astro Catastrophies/With Maples Ablaze
Times New Viking - Present The Paisley Reich
US Girls - Introducing/Gravel Days
Broadcast - Tender Buttons
Graham Lambkin - Salmon Run
Anti Pop Consortium - Tragic Epilogue
Ashtray Navigations - New Fashions in Toilet Training/ Live at Wolf Central/ Four More Raga Moods
Sensational - Get on My Page/Sensational meets Kouhei
Whiteout with Jim O'Rourke- Drunken Little Mass
The Hospitals - Hairdryer Peace
Lamborghini Crystal - 1992 Cool Runnings
Neptune - Gong Lake
Eve - Scorpion
Los Llamarada - Take The Sky
Alastair Galbraith - Orb
Drunkdriver - Born Pregnant
Drunkdriver/Mattin - List of Profound Insecurities
Akitsa - Goetie/La Grande Infamie
Subhead - Neon Rocha
Jake Mandell - Love Songs For Machines
Wolf Eyes - Burned Mind
The Hunches - Exit Dreams
Merzbow & Russell Haswell - Satanstornade
Circuit Des Yeux - Symphone
Hue Blanc's Joyless Ones - Arriere-Garde
Sonic Youth - Murray Street/NYC Ghosts & Flowers/The Eternal
Circle - Katapult/Miljard
The Goslings - Grandeur of Hair
Paul Flaherty/ Chris Corsano - Slow Blind Avalanche
Psychedelic Horseshit - Shitgaze Anthems
Mouth of The Architect/Kenoma - Split
The For Carnation - The For Carnation

I will amend it later.

Keeping It Simple 11.17.2009 09:07 AM

It's been a lackadaisical decade for music. The best album of the decade is Turn on the Bright Lights by Interpol. Best band of the decade is tied between British Sea Power and Fleet Foxes.

ni'k 11.17.2009 09:13 AM

there are no wrong answers... but british sea power is the wrong answer

Glice 11.17.2009 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by NME
1. The Strokes - Is This It
2. The Libertines - Up The Bracket
3. Primal Scream - XTRMNTR
4. Arctic Monkeys - Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not
5. Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Fever To Tell
6. PJ Harvey - Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea
7. Arcade Fire - Funeral
8. Interpol - Turn On The Bright Lights
9. The Streets - Original Pirate Material
10. Radiohead - In Rainbows

I honestly have no idea what I'd have in my list, but original pirate material is a shockingly good call.

ni'k 11.17.2009 09:32 AM

let's keep this thread civil and not besmirch it with tawdry nme indie lifestyle hair gel accessory music.

radiohead = no.
one of the weakest polly harvey albums = wtf?
yyy's? only one good song on the album which is y control
arcade fire = overrated shit that was perhaps worth 1 listen.
the top four don't even deserve to be typed.

but anyway, the nme is like cancer, if you don't worry about it and just be healthy it will not ruin your life (taste in music). it will ruin your ability to write analogies tho, because it is too shit to work with.

as for the streets, k punk said it best:
"Surely even Skinner’s most loyal supporters must be given pause by the readiness with which he is championed by the post-Loaded beery, leery LLAD lobby. That co-option is no surprise, since the Streets specialize in that warmhearted fuzzy sentimentality beloved of wifebeaters , thug-drunks and other hot irrationalists everywhere, coz underneath y’know they are really sensitive (ask Gazza). Skinner is like the worst kind of pub bore, the amateur psychologist who imagines that his pitifully limited observations of ‘birds’ qualifies him to sidle up to you and proffer his facile homilies. Been dumped? ‘Plenty more fish in the sea, mate, get em in.’ But at least most other bar bores don’t back up their words of wisdom with cack-handed, Quo-tidian, quasi-Casio, sub-ska, pub-‘Garage’ that allows indie-windies to whine, “I do like SOME dance music…’ I know it might have been a novelty a few years ago to hear about chip shops on a ‘Dance’ track but, after Dizzee and Grime, there is no possible case to be made for Skinner’s pious and pompous know all-isms . It’s bad enough having to walk past boozombies lurching out of a KFC, I don’t want to listen to one in my own home, thanks."

Genteel Death 11.17.2009 09:46 AM

I've never seen what the big deal is with Skinner's lyrics.

TheFoxBen 11.17.2009 09:53 AM

I've done a "Top 100 Albums of the Decade" list but I don't know if it's interesting for you:

The Earl Of Slander 11.17.2009 11:15 AM

I no order:

Boris - Flood
Radiohead - Kid A
Talib Kweli - Train Of Thought
Deltron 3030 - s/t
Endless Summer - Fennesz
Jay-Z - Blueprint, Black Album and American Gangster
Sonic Youth - Murray Street
Beck - Sea Change
Wilco - Yankee Hotel Foxtrot and especially A Ghost is Born
King Geedorah - Take Me To Your Leader
Arcade Fire - Funeral
J Dilla - Donuts
Kanye West - Late Registration
Omar Souleyman - Highway to Hassake
Deerhunter - Cryptograms and Microcastle
Atlas Sound - Let The Blind Lead...
TV On The Radio - Dear Science
Birchville Cat Motel - Gunpowder Temple Of Heaven
DOOM - Born Like This

I may try and order those at some point, but they're main albums which will be fighting to be on the list. I'm sure there's ton of stuff I forgot though. I need to properly take stock of the noise/drone stuff to list up. Hip-hop is kind of the top genre for me this decade it seems. Also, note that I didn't count Vision Creation Newsun, because it came out in 99. If that was 2000s it would be WAY up there.

atsonicpark 11.17.2009 01:13 PM

I actually like parts of original pirate material, that song about legalizing weed is pretty brilliant. The Strokes - Is This It, surprisingly great album.

The rest of that list is terrible. Yeah Yeah Yeahs are embrassing.

Decayed Rhapsody 11.17.2009 01:52 PM

This was a weird decade. I don't think I can even begin to make a list. There has been so much music made in the last 10 years that I'll still be discovering things from the 00's many years from now.

Keeping It Simple 11.17.2009 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by Decayed Rhapsody
This was a weird decade. I don't think I can even begin to make a list. There has been so much music made in the last 10 years that I'll still be discovering things from the 00's many years from now.

This decade was the worst so far for treating music as a commodity business rather than as a inspirational art form. Music festivals of the past decade have been a testament to that fact.

atsonicpark 11.17.2009 03:52 PM

This has been by far the best period for underground music. An overwhelming amount of great albums released daily on tons of microlabels. Just insane.

SuperCreep 11.17.2009 03:58 PM

I'll compile a list together after the year is done. I still haven't heard Embryonic yet, which could possibly make it.

But yeah, my list will probably have shitloads of Boris, Microphones/Mount Eerie, and Okkervil River, that's for sure.

auto-aim 11.17.2009 04:34 PM

er okay. checking my rateyoumusic i've bought more music from the 2000s than any other decade which surprised me - you forget how many albums were from this decade - also they're rated the lowest. It's difficult to pick lists and it changes but i'll give it a go.

1. Thinking Fellers Union Local 282 - Bob Dinners and Larry Noodles Present Tubby Turdner's Celebrity Avalanche
2. Unwound - Leaves Turn Inside you
3. NumberGirl - Num-Heavymetallic
4. Sonic Youth - Murray Street
5. Sir Richard Bishop - Freak of the Araby
6. Shellac - 1000 Hurts
7. Interpol - Turn on the Bright lights (I think they're a crappy band overall but this record is really good.)
8. Cerberus Shoal - The Land We All Believe In
9. Thurston Moore - Trees Outside the Academy
10. No Neck Blues Band - Qvaris

from the top of my head. theres still shit loads to check out from this decade though and probably plenty i've overlooked.or mistook. i was struggling at the end. Theres some local or not so big bands that ive probably enjoyed EPs more which i may have considered.

atsonicpark 11.17.2009 04:46 PM

excellent list auto aim

cerberus fuckin shoal!

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 11.17.2009 04:49 PM

I've really enjoyed:

Shellac- 1000 Hurts
Fugazi- The Argument
Unwound- Leaves Turn Inside You
TFUL282- Tubby Turdner's
Sonic Youth- Murray Street, NYCG+F, Sonic Nurse, The Eternal, and even RR
Mission of Burma- The Obliterati, ONoffON, The Sound The Speed The Light
The Streets- A Grand Don't Come For Free
Deerhoof- Milkman, Halfbird, Reveille, Apple-O, Runners Four
Gary Wilson- Mary Had Brown Hair
Polysics- Karate House, We Ate The Machine
Hot Snakes- Automatic Midnight, Suicide Invoice, Audit in Progress

other stuff, but I can't think right now

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