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Anngella 12.02.2009 03:00 AM

I probably shouldn't post family info on a forum, but...
My sister was on the swings tonight from 8 PM until almost 2 AM.

She's been diagnosed with ADHD at a young age.
She just began cutting herself (really severely, according to my mom)
She's depressed and has transferred schools and is now going to be homeschooled because she didn't like the second school.

All of these things I "get".. except that she's always on the fucking swings. I don't get it. It is literally any time she is home and awake. Has anyone heard of/been through anything like this before?

She's already seeing a shrink and things are being dealt with.. I was just really curious/baffled about this particular behavior.

Keeping It Simple 12.02.2009 09:17 AM

That's pretty weird behaviour.

Keeping It Simple 12.02.2009 09:36 AM

There's a children's play area in the town's park, and if someone spent a solid six hours on the swings, it would freak everyone out, and the police might be called.

tesla69 12.02.2009 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by Keeping It Simple
There's a children's play area in the town's park, and if someone spent a solid six hours on the swings, it would freak everyone out, and the police might be called.

but playing guitarhero for 6 hours would not be questioned, as if that is 'normal' or 'natural'.

Sounds like it relieves anxiety for the poor girl. Get her off the flouride.

Rob Instigator 12.02.2009 10:13 AM

anngela, if it is a chemical imbalance in her brain all the home schooling in the world will not help. Hope it gets better.

her age if I may ask? no need to be specific, just a range.

atsonicpark 12.02.2009 11:04 AM

We all get comfort from different things, I don't think it's too weird for someone to want to swing, that's what they were made for afterall. I like to drive with the windows down even when it's cold out and listen to electronic music full blast while smoking cigarettes. That might be weird to some people, but it's sexy to me.

Seriously though, maybe just ask her, gently. "Sissy, why do you like swinging so much?" I don't have any brothers or sisters though, so I dunno..

Rob Instigator 12.02.2009 11:28 AM

fuck the swinnging/
it could be anything, the issue being the obsessive nature of it. add the fact that she is cutting, which is almost always a sign not of self loathing or suicidal thoughts, but of a feeling of complete lack of control over one's life. the cutting gives a sense of power over the self.
the self-inflicted pain is controllable, while the pain the world heaps upon a person is random and incontrollable.

Do what you can to help her anngela. You know better than us the details of everytthing.

wellcharge 12.02.2009 11:45 AM

am i correct to assume you don't live them?(i am assuming that because you heard about the cutting from yr mom and you would have noticed it if you were around)

maybe if you paid her a visit to spend some time with her it would make her feel better

jon boy 12.02.2009 12:32 PM

i worked with kids who have adhd and its basically a support thing, there are drugs but these are for extreme cases where the kid knows no boundaries about anything and will run into the road or do and say things that seem bizare for no reason. it sounds like someone should be/monitoring her at all times. there are support groups out there as its not always possible for a family member to do that and you can ask the school about this too. these kind of things can occur in adolescence and become easier to deal with as the person gets older. chin up.

hevusa 12.02.2009 01:30 PM

Tell your mom it is her fault (because it probably is).

Keeping It Simple 12.02.2009 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
but playing guitarhero for 6 hours would not be questioned, as if that is 'normal' or 'natural'.

Sounds like it relieves anxiety for the poor girl. Get her off the flouride.

You'll be playing Guitar Hero in the comfort of your own home, not outside for all to clearly see you have a screw loose. :rolleyes:

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 12.02.2009 03:35 PM

Sounds like bipolar.

My little brother is bipolar and it drives my family insane. He's on lithium, which he's now forced to take (because he lied about taking it) and it's still really fucking hard.

Tokolosh 12.02.2009 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by hevusa
Tell your mom it is her fault (because it probably is).

That's harsh. Twit.

Much strength Anngella.
Hope that something can be done about your sister's troubling behaviour.

Dead-Air 12.02.2009 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
We all get comfort from different things, I don't think it's too weird for someone to want to swing, that's what they were made for afterall. I like to drive with the windows down even when it's cold out and listen to electronic music full blast while smoking cigarettes. That might be weird to some people, but it's sexy to me.

Seriously though, maybe just ask her, gently. "Sissy, why do you like swinging so much?" I don't have any brothers or sisters though, so I dunno..

as another fucked up only child, I have to say this approach makes sense to me too. maybe talk to her about what it is she's into and maybe share it with her a bit, and encourage her to try some other (related) things.

does she look up to you?

EVOLghost 12.02.2009 11:24 PM

[quote=Shaka Moloch][quote=Tokolosh]
Much strength Anngella.

May I share something that has brought me a decent amount of reassurance? A funny, successful buddy of mine once noted, "Aw, I think everybody has a case of Asperger's in one way or another."

you're friend's with david byrne?

!@#$%! 12.03.2009 12:42 AM


Originally Posted by Anngella
My sister was on the swings tonight from 8 PM until almost 2 AM.

She's been diagnosed with ADHD at a young age.
She just began cutting herself (really severely, according to my mom)
She's depressed and has transferred schools and is now going to be homeschooled because she didn't like the second school.

All of these things I "get".. except that she's always on the fucking swings. I don't get it. It is literally any time she is home and awake. Has anyone heard of/been through anything like this before?

She's already seeing a shrink and things are being dealt with.. I was just really curious/baffled about this particular behavior.

never dealt with it sorry. my only assumption is that the swings could be calming-- something to focus on. or maybe it's the only restless behavior she's "allowed".

my nephew has adhd and he kicks ass at sports.

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