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Genteel Death 12.10.2009 03:21 PM

Favourite records you've been able to listen to exclusively because of the internet
Something peculiar to this decade has been the rise of super obscure records being shared by hardcore collectors thanks to the mp3 blogs. Records me and you can't afford or find, and often by artists we never knew existed. List them.

narlus 12.10.2009 03:32 PM


Glice 12.10.2009 03:34 PM

Museo Rosenbach - Zarathustra. I think it was Herr Clone who turned me onto this little beauty. There's been a fair few live shows/ rarities from more popular people, but I'm shan't bore you with them.

I can't think of anything else at the moment though. Will think.

Genteel Death 12.10.2009 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by narlus

Yeah, that record is excellent.

atsonicpark 12.10.2009 04:42 PM

too many to name

the whore gives head - burning an innocent child and queeves - satan's penis come to mind though.

_slavo_ 12.10.2009 05:29 PM

at the moment:


Oneohtrix Point Never, Ruined Lives c20 (out of print now)

Genteel Death 12.10.2009 06:22 PM

I've been on a major minimal synth kick of late, and found a great blog which has loads of obscure records of this stuff for download. These are the ones I'm enjoying the most, at the moment:
Palais Schaumburg- Das Single Kabinett
Cleaners From Venus- Midnight Cleaners
Moderne- Moderne

atsonicpark 12.10.2009 06:55 PM

thanks, death, I've been meaning to check out more so called "minimal synth" stuff.

Genteel Death 12.10.2009 06:55 PM

For Byron Peltor- the name of the blog is ''Death Wears White Socks''

SuperCreep 12.10.2009 07:00 PM

Les Rallizes Denudes comes to mind instantly. I'm not sure how I'd ever hear about that band if I weren't on RYM or here.

frades 12.11.2009 04:25 AM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
Records you can't afford or find

sonic youth's 'kali yug express' matches this definition. It's unfindable in CD, I would never buy it in vinyl, and I listened to it thanks to

This Is Not Here 12.11.2009 04:30 AM

diggin' the rodan peel session and their 7"s at the moment

Tokolosh 12.11.2009 07:50 AM

Which 'Death' are you guys refering to?
I only know of the shit metal one.
A link would be much appreciated.

narlus 12.11.2009 01:44 PM

it's the proto-punk band from detroit, c. 1974 or so...bunch of black guys banging otu some ace rock action. drag city issued an LP this year, so my comment doesn't exactly hew to the spirit of this thread and it's easily findable. however, they did a 7" back in the day, so maybe some blogger put that up and got the whole ball rolling.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 12.11.2009 01:48 PM

Death is fucking awesome. Is there a thread about them?

Tokolosh 12.11.2009 02:21 PM

Thanks narlus.
Never heard of them. I'll see if I can find some of their music.

StevOK 12.11.2009 02:35 PM

I'd have to say EVERYTHING I HAVE LISTENED TO SINCE I GOT HIGH-SPEED INTERNET ACCESS IN 2006. How is anyone expected to live in rural areas and listen to anything else but what is available at Wal-Mart? Shit.

!@#$%! 12.11.2009 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
Something peculiar to this decade has been the rise of super obscure records being shared by hardcore collectors thanks to the mp3 blogs. Records me and you can't afford or find, and often by artists we never knew existed. List them.

all of them.

before there was napster, i lived in a cave.

Genteel Death 12.11.2009 03:05 PM

Name them. Just like you'd name your favourite brand of crisps.

pop punk will eat itself 12.12.2009 12:09 AM

Bola - Soup
Move D - Kunststoff
Kirk Degiorgio presents As One - Elegant Systems
Herbert - Around the House
Pretty much anything involving Carl Craig and Dan Curtin
The Other People Place - Lifestyles of the Laptop Cafe
Rainstick Orchestra - The Floating Glass Key in the Sky
Joe Lewis - The Return of Joe Lewis
Lindstrøm & Prins Thomas - II
And lots more

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