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SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.09.2010 06:53 PM

So I almost just got struck by Lightning!
I was standing under the shelter at the light rail station, waiting in the heavy rain for a bus which was well over an hour late.. if it weren't pouring buckets I woulda just walked the 2.5 miles to the casa but I would have been drenched.. so I waited.. I missed my bus because my first connecting bus was late and then the connecting train was also late leaving me too late for my last bus home from work.. so I am posted up in the cold, reading my newspaper.. the bus doesn't come.. I call ALL my contacts in my phone who are local, no answers.. I was not even looking for a ride, just some chit chat to kill time waitin for the bus..

Just as I give up on all communication and fall on prayer (after all I was trying to keep my spirits up but it was a horrendous day at work, all kinds of life altering drama, I was honestly near tears in anxiety and frustration) and when I threw my hands up in prayer and said, "God, I give up, Its all on you.. Lord you better help me on this one.. cuz if not you got me on yr hands.." and at that exact moment, I am not fucking exaggerating, lightning struck the shelter I and a crowd was standing under, directly overhead..

just second before I had been leaning on a metal support beam for that very shelter..

Now missing two buses and a late train to be stuck in the rain at the exactl place lightning would strike at its exact moment.. shit that is hardly even a cosmic coincidence.. that is what you call a divine revelation.

It is an ever gift to be alive, and I am now surely reminded of such :)
How much more obvious can God get sometimes ;)


EVOLghost 02.09.2010 07:02 PM

glad yer ok bra.

HaydenAsche 02.09.2010 07:07 PM

Groovy, man. Like, it's too bad that whole, you know, religion mess is mad played out.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.09.2010 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
Groovy, man. Like, it's too bad that whole, you know, religion mess is mad played out.

true.. however when lightning strikes over your head the instant you throw your hands up towards God in angst and frustration perhaps it will seem a bit less played out.. you have to remember that I had been in prayer and meditation, contemplating the limits of my current reality for some time leading up to this point.. I see this even as a natural reminder that God is in control, and that as it is written, "what are you O man? Your life is but a vapor.." While I am stressing the small shit (well enormous actually like paying rent and eating) God decided to remind me that life is much bigger than the small shit..


Originally Posted by amerikangod
Did it occur to you that maybe God just missed?

actually my brother that was EXACTLY what I was thinking, hence why I am so excited to be alive.. as the hackneyed adage goes, "If I am lying may I be struck by lightning." (which instantly went through my head after I saw the smoke and smelled the burnt rubber and paint)

also this came to mind..

"His lightnings enlightened the world..
we on the earth can only see and tremble..
Even the mountains melt as wax
before the presences of the Lord.." psalms 97

artsygrrl 02.09.2010 07:11 PM

SuchFriends, you are so sweet and genuine. I also believe things happen for a reason. Jesus!

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.09.2010 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by amerikangod
Well, be careful then! Sometimes it gets away from your smiting hand, but if the mosquito buzzes in your ear a second time it gets no mercy.

And instead of Psalms I'd have been thinking of a more apt passage:

Lightning crashes, a new mother cries
Her placenta falls to the floor
The angel opens her eyes, the confusion sets in
Before the doctor can even close the door

Lightning crashes, an old mother dies
Her intentions fall to the floor
The angel closes her eyes, the confusion that was hers
Belongs now, to the baby down the hall

Oh now feel it comin' back again
Like a rollin' thunder chasing the wind
Forces pullin' from the center of the earth again
I can feel it

Lightning crashes, a new mother cries
This moment she's been waiting for
The angels open her eyes, pale blue colored iris
Presents the sun and puts the glory out to hide, hide

Oh, now feel it comin' back again
Like a rollin' thunder chasing the wind
Forces pullin' from the center of the earth again
I can feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttt


From the Vedas:

Homage to thee, the Lightning's flash, homage to thee, the
Thunder's roar!
Homage to thee, the Stone which thou hurlest against the
2Homage to thee, Child of the Flood whence thou collectest fer-
vent heat!
Be gracious to our bodies, give our children happiness and
3Yea, homage be to thee, O Offspring of the Flood! Homage we
pay to thee, the dart and fiery flame:
For well we know thy secret and sublimest home, where thou as
central point art buried in the sea.
4Thou, Arrow, which the host of Gods created, making it strong
and mighty for the shooting,
Be gracious, lauded thus, to our assembly. To thee, that Arrow,.
be our homage, Goddess!

floatingslowly 02.09.2010 07:57 PM

I've always wanted to be struck by lightning. I think that it would make for a great story.

you should just leave out that prayer bit and roll with it.

chicks will dig it.

dale_gribble 02.09.2010 11:45 PM

would've been better if the lightening struck the street in front of you and a bus sprouted up.

alteredcourse 02.10.2010 12:20 AM

You seem to pray a lot. Why is it only a big deal now when lightning struck, even after so many millions of minutes spent praying?

Its like how people flail when they notice that its 11:11. Why dont they notice the millionth time they check the time and its 4:12, except the idea hadnt been given to them that the one time was worth noting.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.10.2010 12:50 AM


Originally Posted by dale_gribble
would've been better if the lightening struck the street in front of you and a bus sprouted up.

what is actually a coincidence is that the bus was coming at that same moment. in the extended split second (the sonic boom seemed to come in three waves since I was standing at its origin point) my first three thoughts in an instant were a) did the bus just crash? no it was going to slow to make that loud a crashing sound b) did the train crash on the platform directly bellow and was that the spark of the power line for the train? c) fuck, no. that shit was fucking lightning yo! wtf?!

At the moment, the prayer, bus and lightning were all unrelated, it was only upon reflection that I connected the dots.

Originally Posted by alteredcourse
You seem to pray a lot. Why is it only a big deal now when lightning struck, even after so many millions of minutes spent praying?

Its like how people flail when they notice that its 11:11. Why dont they notice the millionth time they check the time and its 4:12, except the idea hadnt been given to them that the one time was worth noting.

I do not pray a lot to get my prayers answered.. praying is not making a wish. Praying is a kind of meditation, clearing the mind of baggage and negativity, and connecting directly to experience a heightened, truer reality. Besides that..

I wasn't praying for lightning, I was praying for serenity and the patience to endure the drama with a peaceful demeanor. Technically, don't you think getting the shit scared out of you is the opposite of what I was initially seeking? Shit, I wasn't even praying for the bus to come, I was just trying to relax and enjoy being stuck out in the rain for a few hours after a horrible day at work. I saw the lightning later as a revelation from God, because my fight or flight reaction had kicked in so intensely. Its not that I felt in danger for myself, rather I had assumed people had just gotten hurt and I was deeply concerned and seeing if I needed to help.

Come on.. all bullshit aside. Anyone has to admit that it is a bit surreal to have lightning strike directly overhead at the exact minute they throw their hands up in exasperation and literally yell to God(s), "Its not on me, its all on you!" and BOOM BOOM BOOM!!!!

third-eye opening. the other bullshit like the "millionth time they check the time and its 4:12" (which would be quite the miracle, even if they checked every single day it would take 2739 years) and mundane things are not quite as impacting as fucking LIGHTNING striking directly over your fucking head! jesus man how often does that shit happen do you? (regardless of my own personal divine interpretation of my own personal experience)

knox 02.10.2010 07:03 AM

it seems buses are really shit in the us.

artsygrrl 02.10.2010 08:06 AM

No, golf courses are.

akprodr 02.10.2010 08:17 AM

I think it was due to your reliance on public transit. The safest place to be in a lightning storm is in your car.

How long until you could hear again?

artsygrrl 02.10.2010 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
I was standing under the shelter at the light rail station, waiting in the heavy rain for a bus which was well over an hour late.. if it weren't pouring buckets I woulda just walked the 2.5 miles to the casa but I would have been drenched.. so I waited.. I missed my bus because my first connecting bus was late and then the connecting train was also late leaving me too late for my last bus home from work.. so I am posted up in the cold, reading my newspaper.. the bus doesn't come.. I call ALL my contacts in my phone who are local, no answers.. I was not even looking for a ride, just some chit chat to kill time waitin for the bus..

Just as I give up on all communication and fall on prayer (after all I was trying to keep my spirits up but it was a horrendous day at work, all kinds of life altering drama, I was honestly near tears in anxiety and frustration) and when I threw my hands up in prayer and said, "God, I give up, Its all on you.. Lord you better help me on this one.. cuz if not you got me on yr hands.." and at that exact moment, I am not fucking exaggerating, lightning struck the shelter I and a crowd was standing under, directly overhead..

just second before I had been leaning on a metal support beam for that very shelter..

Now missing two buses and a late train to be stuck in the rain at the exactl place lightning would strike at its exact moment.. shit that is hardly even a cosmic coincidence.. that is what you call a divine revelation.

It is an ever gift to be alive, and I am now surely reminded of such :)
How much more obvious can God get sometimes ;)


SuchFriends, how did those around you react when the lightening struck? Curoius.

knox 02.10.2010 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by artsygrrl
No, golf courses are.

not the ones ive seen.
but i deal with buses more often than i do golf courses.

floatingslowly 02.10.2010 09:07 AM

for Gawd loves me so much, He gave me a car.

thanks, Big Guy.

SONIC GAIL 02.10.2010 09:09 AM

God answers prayer. I myself had had such moments of frustration that I have screamed at god for an answer. When all of my patience is gone. He has answered me in more suddle ways though. My job for instance. I was let go from my previous job, because they were over staffed. After months of searching for a new one and not being able to understand why I became very irate. I was sitting in my car by the river crying uncontrolably I looked toward the sky and screamed for his help. Is he really listening? Do something to help me! I cannot do it on my own. The very next morning I got a call back on a resume I sent out. I did not know the company was hiring it was just a shot in the dark. Well it so happens that the designer they had quit the same day I sent in my resume. So I got the job and that is where I am right now. I put in the leg work and god led me through the rest of the journey. Everything happens for a reason.

Watch what yr askin for suchfriends
"All those answered prayers you should never have sent"

floatingslowly 02.10.2010 09:25 AM

God only talks to me when people are about to die.

other than that, He let's math do the work for him.

he's smart, that Gawd. why lift a Holy Finger when probability can do the work for You?

SONIC GAIL 02.10.2010 09:42 AM

when people are about to die? elaborate please

knox 02.10.2010 09:44 AM

next time
ill pray for an empty eat on the bus

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