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cryptowonderdruginvogue 07.08.2006 08:56 AM

id like to go ahead and apologize
if ive called you a "commie", "freedom-hater", or "faggot"
obviously, we all have different point of views...
and thats whats great about america.
the secret police are not going to come to your house and take you away.
not to mention, my actions were very childish and not accomplishing anything.
ive been a drunken bafoon and i wasnt thinking straight.

so once again, sorry. it wont happen again.
i'll keep my political views to myself from now on.

good day and god bless the u.s. of a

Danny Himself 07.08.2006 09:20 AM


Don't be sorry about it. Everyone loves a bit of pro-American rambling.

atari 2600 07.08.2006 09:34 AM


some have a simpleton's mindset about what is pro-american when what they proffer is, in actuality, vehemently anti-american in the guise of ignorant pro-americanism.

& furthermore...

the apology of a dupe (one that is merely afraid of being banned) rings entirely hollow.

cryptowonderdruginvogue 07.08.2006 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by Danny Himself

Don't be sorry about it. Everyone loves a bit of pro-American rambling.

well no, the thing is, i went a little too far and was quite obnoxious.

Daycare Nation 07.08.2006 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by cryptowonderdruginvogue
if ive called you a "commie", "freedom-hater", or "faggot"
obviously, we all have different point of views...
and thats whats great about america.
the secret police are not going to come to your house and take you away.
not to mention, my actions were very childish and not accomplishing anything.
ive been a drunken bafoon and i wasnt thinking straight.

so once again, sorry. it wont happen again.
i'll keep my political views to myself from now on.

good day and god bless the u.s. of a

You mean you were serious?

Lurker 07.08.2006 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by cryptowonderdruginvogue
obviously, we all have different point of views...
and thats whats great about america.
the secret police are not going to come to your house and take you away.

THe USA is possibly the most corrupt government in the 1st World that isn't ruled by a dictator (or is it? What, with the dodgy election recounts etc)

Savage Clone 07.08.2006 11:21 AM

I always figured anyone using the word "commie" could not possibly be serious.

porkmarras 07.08.2006 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by cryptowonderdruginvogue
if ive called you a "commie", "freedom-hater", or "faggot"
obviously, we all have different point of views...
and thats whats great about america.
the secret police are not going to come to your house and take you away.
not to mention, my actions were very childish and not accomplishing anything.
ive been a drunken bafoon and i wasnt thinking straight.

so once again, sorry. it wont happen again.
i'll keep my political views to myself from now on.

good day and god bless the u.s. of a

You really should get out of the USA and find out what people REALLY think of it.It would shock you at how much hatred is around for americans.Not a good thing(especially as NOT everyone in America votes,let alone votes Bush)but a reality for sure.

cryptowonderdruginvogue 07.08.2006 01:04 PM

ive traveled outside of the us, and yeah i know a lot of people hate us.
i wore my "FUCK YA'LL IM FROM TEXAS" shirt once in france
yeah... it was funny the first 10 minutes.

but anyways, you asses can either take it or leave it (the apology). its there for grabs.

atari 2600 07.08.2006 01:08 PM

It's truly stupendous that Bush & Co. had the perfect opportunity to galvanize the world's support with 9/11 (despite the fact that they let it happen) & yet managed to piss off the whole world instead.

But, the hatred of America that porkmarras calls our attention to was never justified until Bush. The fact is that world commerce simply cannot exist without America's navy. As an extension of this, the USA has naturally assumed that we have a say in everything.


Originally Posted by cryptowonderdruginvogue
i wore my "FUCK YA'LL IM FROM TEXAS" shirt once in france

gee, you sound like such a swell fellow --- &, to be fair, I sound like Wally Cleaver.

I lived in Dallas once. The overwhelming majority of Texans suck so bad that it is difficult to put it into words.

cryptowonderdruginvogue 07.08.2006 01:10 PM

its supposed to be taken lightly.

you wouldnt understand, its a texas pride kind of thing.

Toilet & Bowels 07.08.2006 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
The hatred of America that porkmarras call attention to was never justified until Bush.

that's highly debatable

h8kurdt 07.08.2006 01:14 PM

Yeah were being a bit of dick. Don't quite get what your problem was.

atari 2600 07.08.2006 01:16 PM

since Nixon then, T&B...

I know we weren't perfect before Nixon either, but fuck all the ungratefuls.

Without America's navy (Air Force too to a lesser extent), the world would be plunged into apocalypse.

Daycare Nation 07.08.2006 01:17 PM

America was started because a bunch of crazy people with guns thought taxes were too high and went on a rampage. Didn't George Washington give blankets infested with malaria to innocent Native Americans? And how about the fact that Texas was stolen from Mexico by ruthless bandits?

Savage Clone 07.08.2006 01:19 PM

Lincoln, the great emancipator himself, made a LOT of patently racist remarks.

Hell, there are any number of reasons to be resentful toward any country.
Especially Switzerland. Fucking clock-making, secret banking neutral pussy fucking Swiss.

I think the blanket thing with the Native Americans was smallpox, but yes.

h8kurdt 07.08.2006 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by atari 2600

Without America's navy, the world would be plunged into apocalypse.

Would we?, oh, missed that one.

Savage Clone 07.08.2006 01:21 PM

Yeah, the navy is keeping the Sodomites and the Abortionists from destroying us all.

atari 2600 07.08.2006 01:25 PM

I thought "everyone loves a bit of (legitimate) pro-American rambling" as Danny put it...hehe

I don't expect h8kurdt to understand much, nor do I give a damn about what they write at all.

Sometimes I have to ask myself whether my love of Sonic Youth is worth spending time here with a bunch of know-very-little contrarian assholes.

Пятхъдесят Шест 07.08.2006 01:26 PM

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