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cars_willkillyou 04.04.2010 02:16 AM

I have 3 stories I am currently writing. The first one is a fantasy/medieval based story that I have been writing and revising for about 10 years now in my spare time, or whenever inspiration strikes. It's by far the most developed, and has two parts to it. Magic is a major factor in the story, but there is a small, but strong presence of alchemy and clockwork technology. It has a lot of traditional fantasy themes, including kings/queens, elves, dwarves, a little bit of dragons, etc. It takes place on a completely fictional world. I have a large cast of main and supporting characters. The story revolves around 3 generations of a family, but rarely from their point of view. Most of the story is told from the perspective of supporting characters, villains, or characters that become villains. I wrote it this way as a means to keep the reader interested and guessing at who the "hero" of the story will be.

The other two stories are more recent ideas I have been working with for a little bit over a year.

The next story is a present/near future story that follows one character. I'm writing it almost as a "fictional autobiography," meaning I am drawing a lot of influence of the main character from my self as far as personality, setting, goals, and background, but the fiction part of it takes over the autobiographical aspect. Like George Lucas did with writing Luke (though I am by no means comparing myself to the Almighty). The story will be told through 3rd person narration, and at times, non-linear. It's about a guy who slowly develops the ability to manipulate gravity. There are other characters with abilities in the story, but I don't want them to be super heroes, or villains, or have these powers be the main focus of the story. The plot itself is somewhat open-ended, and would like to collaborate/brain storm with any creative/imaginative people on developing a strong plot.

The last story I'm working on is set in a post-apocalyptic Earth, roughly 400-500 years into the future. There is space colonization, and very advanced technology, but on earth, there is a lot of mad-max esque weaponry and technology. It may have one alien race, I'm not for sure if I want to include aliens or not, but if I do, I know that it will just be one race. Most of the story is based on concept, but I do have a lot of material on cultures and a small cast of characters, and know the general direction of the story I want to tell. Most of the story will be told from the point of view of a soldier. A little background to give a better idea:

By the 22nd century, humanity has finally achieved world peace, and cured most diseases. Without war and famine or cultural indifferences, humanity works together and technology improves exponentially. Space colonization and exploration progresses at very fast rate. What was once third world, poverty stricken nations, are now living with just as much luxury and complacency as the rest of the world. As life becomes easier, and more luxurious, people become lazier. Technology has advanced to a point of a seamless and successful integration of computers and the internet, and has allowed most of the human population to work and live almost entirely in cyber space. After about 150 years of peace, some people become bored and unsatisfied with this life style. The feel that this is not the kind of life Man was made to live. Not only do they reject "modern" technology, their ideals conflict with peace itself. So they take advantage of humanity's complacency, and start causing chaos. Just to make life more exciting. These "terrorists" gain the attention of most of the world, and are met with little resistance due to the fact that most of the world has almost forgotten what fighting is. More and more of the population becomes attracted to this lifestyle, and soon, Chaos breaks loose worldwide. War rears its ugly head, but is now welcomed by most of humanity, the same way we would welcome Peace in the 21st century. The world's leaders and the rich all jump ship first, and go into space, leaving earth for the "uncivilized and barbaric."

The story itself starts over 200 years after all of that. By now, the nations no longer exist. Territories controlled by groups and gangs of raiders and clans are constantly shifting their boundaries. But there is a world-wide police force/militia that fight a losing battle, trying to keep people safe, or maintain some balance or form of peace. They are vastly outnumbered, but they are very well organized. Usually dispatched on missions in small task forces, they are well-trained and commanded by leaders based in space colonies. The main character has lived on earth his whole life, and is a soldier in this military. The story follows him from one of his first missions, his progress through the years as an exceptional soldier and leader, as he fights the raiders and warlords, and eventually realizes and investigates that theres a bigger enemy, someone behind the curtains pulling the strings, and how the last 200 years of war have been orchestrated from behind the scenes of an unknown group.

There's a lot more to all of these stories, but I'm not going to post them on here for sake of post length. Also, I dont want nobody saying "hey, thats not a bad idea" then stealing it. Not that my ideas are worth stealing, but still.

Anyway, I'd like to find some people that would want to work on a side project. I'm not a bad artist, but I'm not good either. Most of my work is meant for concept and design, but i am slow and inconsistent. I definitely need some illustrators for story boarding and paneling. I would ideally like to start a few web comics.

Most importantly though, this isn't just about my ideas. I love writing and collaborating with creative minds, especially with stuff like this. So if you have any ideas, let me know. Due to the fact that I don't expect this thread to stay on the front page forever, and I dont check the board every hour, it may be better to send me a message regarding details or genuine interest.

phoenix 04.04.2010 03:07 AM


Originally Posted by cars_willkillyou

By the 22nd century, humanity has finally achieved world peace, and cured most diseases. Without war and famine or cultural indifferences, humanity works together and technology improves exponentially. .

it is a comedy then?

phoenix 04.04.2010 03:09 AM

no really, I'd love to work on something with you, I like this kind of thing. But I'm more a sitting at home around the coffee table with a drink/some kind of buzz and candle light and talking about it and drawing than anything I could share online. I need people around me in order to stay motivated so I'd end up losing touch with the project.

Good luck though!

cars_willkillyou 04.04.2010 03:28 AM

I've had this problem over and over again. I find people to work on a project with, i start producing more and more material, then they become uninterested or bored or distracted by "more pressing matters" then, i'm left by myself again. Not that I mind working alone, it's just that I am at a point where I kind of need the help of others in order to take any of these projects to the next level.

phoenix 04.04.2010 03:48 AM

I'm not disinterested, I just know how my brain works and I need to be in physical proxmity to people in order to collaborate properly and actually acheive anything..

Haveyou thought about looking into local art groups? Life drawing classes.. art jams.. community galleries.. etc.

cars_willkillyou 04.04.2010 04:22 AM

I'm not taking a jab at you, in fact I appreciate that you know yourself well enough to not sign up for something you will inevitably bail on.

Maybe I havent looked in the right places, but for the most part, south florida's art scene doesnt really appeal to me. In all fairness, I stopped looking awhile ago, after being disappointed a few times. People are more wrapped up in calling themselves artists than producing art.

phoenix 04.04.2010 04:25 AM

There might be small groups, maybe just harder to get into. But I know what you're talking about. The people I find who actually love to sit and just create without judging each other, rather than sit and talk BS about concept within concept, are few and far between.

cars_willkillyou 04.04.2010 04:36 AM

Yeah, they are too busy complaining about the lack of creativity in society on online forum boards, rather than finding one another. We should wear shirts advertising our liking for creative and conceptual conversation.

i love alliteration.

phoenix 04.04.2010 06:20 AM


Originally Posted by cars_willkillyou
We should wear shirts advertising our liking for creative and conceptual conversation.

i love alliteration.

I made postcards but got told I sounded 'too desperate'

and me too!

atsonicpark 04.04.2010 06:43 AM

Contact this guy:

Samples of his work:

Reasonable prices..

cars_willkillyou 04.04.2010 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Contact this guy:

Samples of his work:

Reasonable prices..

I like his work. Thanks for showing me this.
I'm looking for more of a traditional comic book artist though. Especially if I'm going to pay money, which I doubt I will. I'm looking for people that have a little bit of free time and ambition, and a lot of imagination. People that share my passion for animation and fiction.

I am capable of doing all of the writing and art on all three projects by myself, technically. But at this rate, none of it will be completed for another 20 years. And, I am definitely more productive when working with others.

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