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Glice 05.09.2010 04:49 PM

Insult management thread
I tire of putting insults to specific people in the thread concerned. So I'm putting them in this one. Feel free to do likewise.

--Do be quiet, you insufferable AIDSjacket.

Glice 05.09.2010 04:50 PM

-- That's the gayest thing I've ever read. You really are incredibly homosexual, rimqueen.

Glice 05.09.2010 04:50 PM


Toilet & Bowels 05.09.2010 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
I tire of putting insults to specific people

Is that people or person?

Glice 05.09.2010 04:55 PM

People. Definitely people.

Glice 05.09.2010 04:56 PM

-- you sound like a dayglo arse-weaver. Stop now.

ni'k 05.09.2010 05:03 PM

dear glice, i know you need to be passive aggressive in order to sublimate the gushing boner you have for me, so i understand completely and will just prance my merry way around the board making light trails with a glow stick half in my arse and you can enjoy your insult thread. thanks.

Glice 05.09.2010 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by ni'k
dear glice, i know you need to be passive aggressive in order to sublimate the gushing boner you have for me, so i understand completely and will just prance my merry way making light trails with a glow stick in my arse and you can enjoy your insult thread. thanks.

You can cut me up with your pork sword any time you want doll-face. Most actual gays are far less gay than the sort of gayness I was referring to.

ni'k 05.09.2010 05:06 PM

haha. im intrigued as to who you actually are referring to now. im off to work it out

Lurker 05.09.2010 05:09 PM

Nobody cares how many pokemon you have!

Lurker 05.09.2010 05:11 PM

That's my combine harvester you prick!

Glice 05.09.2010 05:12 PM

-- You are a slide-watcher.

Lurker 05.09.2010 05:16 PM

Keep off the grass, fucker!

Lurker 05.09.2010 05:16 PM

You Watson & Crick!

space 05.09.2010 05:19 PM

I feed upon yr angst, like you feed upon the the rancid penises of the crack addicts, that wait outside yr door, for their morning services. free lunch.

nom nom nom

Lurker 05.09.2010 05:20 PM

Your kidneys are sub-par!

Lurker 05.09.2010 05:22 PM

This thread is quite disturbing really.

ni'k 05.09.2010 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by space
I feed upon yr angst, like you feed upon the the rancid penises of the crack addicts, that wait outside yr door, for their morning services. free lunch.

nom nom nom

haha were the fuck did that one come from?

fuck floso i always thought you were such a gentle soul.

space 05.09.2010 05:24 PM

if glice keeps his insults to only one thread, I might be forced to quit the board from lack of interest.


pbradley 05.10.2010 12:02 AM

You pick cherries with your arse cheeks.

EDIT: directed at space

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