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Skuj 07.20.2010 12:16 AM

Brando In Last Tango
The absolute pinnacle of acting. All aspiring actors must study this. Nobody ever did it better than this. Especially, the scene with his dead wife is monumental.


atsonicpark 07.20.2010 12:46 AM

Mm.. butter.

terminal pharmacy 07.20.2010 02:19 AM

last tango is probably my least favourite of films with brando. I think on the waterfront is pure genius though. very few actors like brando. except for maybe deniro, depp, pitt, maybe dicaprio when he is good and sometimes pacino but he plays himself most of the time.

TheFoxBen 07.20.2010 02:34 AM

Daniel Day-Lewis in There Will Be Blood.

atsonicpark 07.20.2010 02:42 AM

I think DeNiro, Pacino, Keitel, Oldman, and Walken are the best actors of our generation.

demonrail666 07.20.2010 03:11 AM

I'm not a huge fan of LTiP but I do think Brando is incredible in it. Love him in Streetcar Named Desire and On the Waterfront too, and prefer them as films overall.


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
I think DeNiro, Pacino, Keitel, Oldman, and Walken are the best actors of our generation.

Interesting choice. I tend to think DeNiro, Pacino and (to a lesser degree) Walken represent a slightly older era now, in that I'd say their best work was probably in the 70s and 80s. Keitel i still think is interesting, though. My favourite 'lost' actor of that generation is definitely John Cazale, and I can't ignore Meryl Streep, Robert Duvall, Diane Keaton and Gene Hackman - all brilliant, but again doing their best work in the 70s and 80s. I've never been able to get into Gary Oldman, for some reason - although he seems to fall somewhere between that generation and this one - same with Sean Penn.

Off the top of my head, actors I'd consider the best of this current generation would be Steve Buscemi, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Leonardo DiCaprio, Kevin Spacey, Daniel Day Lewis, Tim Robbins, Susan Sarandon and John Turturro.

atsonicpark 07.20.2010 03:13 AM

That's funny, Steve Buscemi is my personal favorite actor, though.. you know.. I don't think he's the best or anything, I just like him as a person.

He also has the funny distinction of just seeming to randomly appear in movies I'm watching, whether I know him in it or not. For example, I watched Art School Confidential the other day, and Things To Do In Denver When you're Dead earlier, and I had no idea he was in either one. But he ruled haha.

Also can't forget that he's a great DIRECTOR. Lonesome Jim and Trees Lounge rule.

My favorite actor of the "last" generation was Dennis Hopper.

demonrail666 07.20.2010 03:26 AM

I absolutely agree about Buscemi. Incredible actor and definitely my favourite working today.

I'm really not into Dennis Hopper at all. I can't deny that he was pretty adventurous in a lot of his choice of films but always felt that he delivered the exact same performance in every single one.

Satan 07.20.2010 04:38 AM

he was great in last tango. he was just great.

Keeping It Simple 07.20.2010 05:36 AM


Originally Posted by Satan
he was great in last tango. he was just great.

No he wasn't. Plus I read it got so cold during filming Brando's balls shrunk to the size of a walnut.

Satan 07.20.2010 05:54 AM

you're still alive? pity

TheFoxBen 07.20.2010 07:26 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
That's funny, Steve Buscemi is my personal favorite actor, though.. you know.. I don't think he's the best or anything, I just like him as a person.

Haha I thought I was the only one ! I don't think he's the best, there are better actors than him but he's really my favorite, I love the way he acts and his face. In my opinion, his best performance was probably in Fargo, but he was also really great in Ghost World.

atsonicpark 07.20.2010 07:36 AM

I think he's sexy.

Keeping It Simple 07.20.2010 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by Satan
you're still alive? pity

My balls shrink to the size of a walnut at the mere thought of entering your rancid flange.

jon boy 07.20.2010 08:12 PM

one question, is low fat margarine as good as butter?

Satan 07.21.2010 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by Keeping It Simple
My balls shrink to the size of a walnut at the mere thought of entering your rancid flange.

that's a good one, we all know you don't have any balls

by the way, WHAT?

Main Entry: 1flange
Pronunciation: \ˈflanj\
Function: noun
Etymology: perhaps alteration of flanch a curving charge on a heraldic shield
Date: circa 1735
1 : a rib or rim for strength, for guiding, or for attachment to another object <a flange on a pipe> <a flange on a wheel>
2 : a projecting edge of cloth used for decoration on clothing <a jacket with flange shoulders>

batreleaser 07.21.2010 04:04 PM

I just wished he made the effort to memorize his lines, I'd be super pissed if my actor insisted on putting up note cards all over the set to remember his lines. But yeah, he's amazing.

Daniel Day has to be included on the top actors of our generation though.

Anyone else erect over the premiere of Boardwalk Empire with Buscemi in September?

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