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FreshChops 07.30.2010 02:55 AM

trouble with the LAW
what's the worst trouble you've been in with the law? been to jail, served time? wanted? (I'm not a NARC, please indulge)

EVOLghost 07.30.2010 03:04 AM

been caught for pot...stayed in jail for a few hours...that's it....The ONLY time I've ever been arrested.

Keeping It Simple 07.30.2010 05:46 AM

Got a ticking off from a policeman when I was a kid for being involved in a tool shed break-in.

ann ashtray 07.30.2010 09:20 AM

Been caught stealin' once when I was 5.


I got arrested once in 7th grade. I made a "threat" I'm not proud of. Was put into a holding cell for 8 hours. I think it was something schemed up between my mom and the police to scare my ass into being good. It worked, for the most part.

Outside of that I've always avoided the police at all costs. Got a speeding ticket once for driving too slow. Got another one for being on the railroad tracks in the cemetary. Lot's of "harrassment" when I used to skate...

thats about it. Nothing exciting, sorry.

SONIC GAIL 07.30.2010 09:53 AM

ryan got a ticket from a BIKE cops for skating downtown. they took points off his license and deemed it a moving violation. FUCKERS

me just a couple of minor speeding tickets. i have been very lucky. i don't look like a criminal. just an innocent young mom.

chicka 07.30.2010 11:34 AM

It's probably easier to say what I didn't do than what I did. I never murdered anybody, I was never charged with assault and battery and I never committed an armed robbery.

ann ashtray 07.30.2010 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by amerikangod
Got some time for stealing bread from the mouths of decadence. Went on a hunger strike until they released me.

I think I remember Eddie + Chris mentioning that.

Count Mecha 07.30.2010 11:51 AM

Never had direct trouble with the law. Closest I ever came was when this guy threatened to call them on us. He owns this vacant lot behind the post office and we were making a film there. In one scene our friend peeled out in his tracker or whatever to chase this other car and spun tires and kicked up alot of mud. We had to film it several times and our friend got a little overzealous a time or two and did a bunch of emergency brake slides, making these neat horrible muddy tracks in the grass.

The guy happened to drive by during one take and annihilated us verbally. Must've been a funny sight for him. I was covered in mud, a friend was covered in fake blood, and a third had a torn up shirt carrying a pizza box. He kept threatening to call the cops but I managed to talk him out of it. Most of the tracks are still out there in the grass.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 07.30.2010 01:19 PM


SONIC GAIL 07.30.2010 01:20 PM

I miss dave:(

artsygrrl 07.30.2010 01:23 PM

I got caught shoplifting makeup when I was i9.

SpaceCadetHayden 07.30.2010 02:26 PM

Theft, a few minor consumptions, posession of various illicit substances, and once for prank phone calls.

I just really like riding in the backs of cop cars.

chicka 07.30.2010 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by amerikangod
It's good to know there's another child rapist on this board. Don't let them get to you, brother. Ours is a glorious way of life.

others can only fantasize ;)

FreshChops 07.30.2010 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by SpaceCadetHayden
Theft, a few minor consumptions, posession of various illicit substances, and once for prank phone calls.

I just really like riding in the backs of cop cars.

dude, my stories exactly.....

caught stealing a Gameboy from a dept. store to end a long run of kleptomania (I was about 13)

a few drug bust (usually weed), but was always lucky to walk with slaps on hands

and once I prank ordered about everything in the yellowpages to a foe's place with a friend: ordered lumber, limo's, pizza's, so much stuff to mention but eventually, it can back to us. Cops showed up with my friend and collected us. It was worth it when we heard the cops run through the list of things that showed up at their house... everything worked to our shock! we were only like 14. they didn't press charges but they didn't think it was funny.... man, some peoples lack a sense of humor.

a few times pulled over for speeding

fugazifan 08.03.2010 03:45 AM

ive written here about my run ins. i was arrested three times over the last few 4 months for legally protesting against the israeli occupation of palestine. my most recent arrest was four weeks ago.


Anngella 08.03.2010 05:08 AM

I got a speeding ticket somewhere in TN 20 minutes away from my destination after a 13 hour trip at 3 AM.

That's it... so far.

tesla69 08.03.2010 01:17 PM

I'm a white guy so I don't have any trouble with law enforcement officers. I've never been arrested.

We got justice for kids we thought had been bullied at the hands of police," Fowler said, noting that the payouts to the children in many ways were structured to allow them access to the money incrementally rather than give them a lump-sum windfall. "It gives the kids money when they need it" for college and other expenses.The lawsuit, filed in July of last year, accused Bowers and the other deputy of lashing out without provocation at the Southern Thirty Adolescent Center that houses youths ages 11 to 18, often children with behavioral issues.
It claims that Bowers and Lawler went to the center on July 4, 2008, in response to a report that three teenagers were acting unruly. But the young people suing the deputies were not those disruptive children, the lawsuit said.
Bowers allegedly pushed one boy toward his bed and repeatedly shocked him with a stun gun. Bowers then held down a second boy, stunned him several times and threatened to sodomize him, ultimately causing the child to soil himself, the lawsuit claimed.
A third child complied with the deputies' demands that he sit on a couch, but Lawler handcuffed him before Bowers zapped him repeatedly, the lawsuit said.
The fourth child, a girl, pleaded with the deputies to stop but Lawler handcuffed her. Bowers lifted her off the ground, pressed her against a wall and choked her, the lawsuit alleged.
"Do you want to live or die (expletive)?" the lawsuit claimed Bowers asked the girl before she was thrown into a closet, vomiting.
Calling the deputies' actions "extreme, outrageous and unjustified," the lawsuit did not release the names or ages of the three boys shot with the stun gun. The fourth child was a foster child who did not live at the center, according to the lawsuit.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 08.03.2010 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
I'm a white guy so I don't have any trouble with law enforcement officers. I've never been arrested.


I'm a white guy and I ALWAYS seem to get in trouble with law enforcement officers, I don't get it. Do please explain your secret, though I am convinced race has little to do with things.

SONIC GAIL 08.03.2010 07:50 PM

Its year style man. In my work cllothes they see me as no threat. But my normal garb gets more suspision. Same goes with ryan. Nicest guy you'll meet but his stature and tats make strangers look at him differently

Anngella 08.04.2010 01:19 AM

I was highanddriving home from being at George Webb which is a pretty much Midwest-Wisconsin restricted restaurant but comparable to iHop and Denny's and Waffle House and Huddle House but they are all different in their own special ways.

Anyway, I was about to turn right but let the guy to my left go in front of me and behind me was a cop and the guy in front of me was going really slow forcing me to go slow and then the cop put his lights on and pulled over the guy in front of me what an amazing star!

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