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artsygrrl 08.12.2010 01:56 PM

What are your thoughts re:
...texting while driving? It's now illegal in Michigan.
I don't get what the big deal is. It's no different than talking on yr cell phone, putting on lipstick, etc. Any distraction could cause an accident.
Once again,...our tax dollars at work...

Glice 08.12.2010 02:02 PM

It kills people. Someone I know died on a bike because a driver was texting. It's just as bad as putting on lipstick, which would be difficult to make illegal (or at least police) and takes up a fraction of the time texting does.

Rob Instigator 08.12.2010 02:03 PM

texting is worse than talking on cell. yr eyes off the road?

cell phone alone have been shown to make experience drivers react like they are drunk 15 year old trainees.

I have to be extra vigilant to not get run over in downtown houston because fuckers will not get off the fucking PHONE

DeadDiscoDildo 08.12.2010 02:09 PM

Every now and then I'm guilty of it. It's stupid.

It is really dangerous

!@#$%! 08.12.2010 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by artsygrrl
...texting while driving? It's now illegal in Michigan.

GOOD. behind-the-wheel texters should be shot on sight though.


Originally Posted by artsygrrl
I don't get what the big deal is. It's no different than talking on yr cell phone, putting on lipstick, etc. Any distraction could cause an accident. Once again,...our tax dollars at work...

those people drive like complete asswads and cause accidents. shoot them too.

every time i see some asscrack veering off their lane, holding traffic, and causing danger to others like a drunk diver, they are invariably sucking on a cellphone like a satellite cock of death.

also, some useless twat almost ran me over while texting. i was crossing the street and she turned the corner without looking. i wanted to kick her window.

yes, i have violent feelings about irresponsible drivers. need lipstick? wait for a red light. wanna text on the road? take a fucking cab or hire a chauffeur.

Rob Instigator 08.12.2010 02:35 PM

would you want someone to use a typewriter while driving a 2 thousand pound vehicle aroudn 35 mph?

automatic bzooty 08.12.2010 02:59 PM

it's stupid, dangerous, and... stupidly dangerous. i'm glad it's illegal here.

artsygrrl 08.12.2010 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
GOOD. behind-the-wheel texters should be shot on sight though.

those people drive like complete asswads and cause accidents. shoot them too.

every time i see some asscrack veering off their lane, holding traffic, and causing danger to others like a drunk diver, they are invariably sucking on a cellphone like a satellite cock of death.

also, some useless twat almost ran me over while texting. i was crossing the street and she turned the corner without looking. i wanted to kick her window.

yes, i have violent feelings about irresponsible drivers. need lipstick? wait for a red light. wanna text on the road? take a fucking cab or hire a chauffeur.

!@#$%!, You are absolutely right. Let me clarify my comments:
What's the big deal about making texting illegal? My gripe is, why make just TEXTING illegal? Why not cell phones, lipstick, blow jobs, etc etc? ..Because it's an impossible task. ANY distraction to a driver poses immense risks.
My point is, I don't know why Michigan has targeted texting but not cell-phone use. ...EVERY swinging dick I encounter on the road is tongue-kissing a cell phone.

atsonicpark 08.12.2010 03:11 PM

Never had a cellphone, never texted anyone, so in general, I might seem a bit biased towards cellphone culture... it's true, people glued to their phones 24/7, to the point that they can't function, can be a bit annoying in social situations. I remember going on a date with a girl and she looked at her phone literally every 5 seconds. Whatever, I can overlook that.

I can't overlook texting and driving though. Texting while driving is about as responsible as getting drunk and driving. Driving is just a privilege for most people -- for me, it's a necessity, since I live in the country, which is like 30 minutes away from everything. So, unfortunately, as much as I'd love to ride a bike or walk, it would take hours to get anywhere I need to go. That means that I really want other people on the road to be safe, since I have to drive me so much and therefore have to deal with them.... it just kills me that people can't wait 5 fucking minutes to text someone, because that text msg is just SO important that it's worth risking everyone's life over.

People who text and drive should get their license taken away. Hell, get some jail time too.

artsygrrl 08.12.2010 03:32 PM

I saw a cool bumper sticker that said, HANG UP AND DRIVE! in super-big letters. You put it on your front bumper and it was printed in reverse.

atsonicpark 08.12.2010 03:33 PM


Satan 08.12.2010 03:38 PM

it's bad bad bad. i don't drive a car here, but i don't even text on my bike anymore because i ran into a pole and banged my face up awhile back.

automatic bzooty 08.12.2010 04:00 PM

they'll probably get on the cell phone thing soon enough. i reckon texting went first because you have your eyes off the road, hand(s) off the wheel, etc. people can talk while they do nearly anything, obviously, but can most of them type? nah.

in detroit you can't talk on a hand-held phone while you're driving... they can't pull you over for that, but they can add it on to, say, a speeding ticket. i dunno if they enforce that at all.

!@#$%! 08.12.2010 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by artsygrrl
!@#$%!, You are absolutely right. Let me clarify my comments:
What's the big deal about making texting illegal? My gripe is, why make just TEXTING illegal? Why not cell phones, lipstick, blow jobs, etc etc? ..Because it's an impossible task. ANY distraction to a driver poses immense risks.
My point is, I don't know why Michigan has targeted texting but not cell-phone use. ...EVERY swinging dick I encounter on the road is tongue-kissing a cell phone.

yeah! fuckers! i'm with you. all those behaviors are dangerous, but texting has taken self-centered assholity to a new and greater level. it's an epidemic. bullet to the back of the head, i say. like zombies. wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 08.12.2010 04:41 PM

its obviously stupid and dangerous, much like many things we humans end up doing even and especially when we know better... I am guilty of this as anyone, but I will be the first to admit it is terribly dangerous.

cars kill more people than war and in many cases more than disease..

hevusa 08.12.2010 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by artsygrrl
...texting while driving? It's now illegal in Michigan.
I don't get what the big deal is. It's no different than talking on yr cell phone, putting on lipstick, etc. Any distraction could cause an accident.
Once again,...our tax dollars at work...

that is a fucking retarded attitude.

artsygrrl 08.12.2010 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by hevusa
that is a fucking retarded attitude.

mmm.....did you by any fucking chance go back and read my clarification?

Count Mecha 08.12.2010 05:30 PM

My eyes off the road driving vice is changing cds in the car. I don't use an ipod or anything like that. So I just have a bunch of cds sitting in the car that I use to listen to. Changing them while driving is pretty reckless. I've almost wrecked a time or two because of it.

In terms of texting, which I don't do, so I don't really know how long it takes to text anything, it just seems like it takes time to do. So that means eyes off the road for an extended while. Sounds pretty dangerous. Can you text one handed? I don't even know. Most people I see doing it make it two handed affair.

artsygrrl 08.12.2010 05:42 PM

It's all I can do to goddamn DRIVE, let alone all that other shit.
I was with a friend once who also was texting while driving. They were exchanging queef jokes.

hevusa 08.12.2010 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by artsygrrl
mmm.....did you by any fucking chance go back and read my clarification?

We should legalize blowjobs. Everything else should be illegal while driving.

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