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ann ashtray 08.26.2010 02:18 AM

why I love the south....
Walking around downtown Macon, esp. when alone/uninterrupted by too much traffic and/or company, is almost like traveling back in time. A brick street running alongside a nearby coffee shop might not be appreciated much by skateboarding youth, but it screams vulgar obscenities, as well as utter beauty, of yester-years, to anyone that cares to notice and dive head first into a little research. That particular street, you see, was laid brick by brick by slaves. A beautiful thing within itself? Hell no. But those sweaty, hard working African Americans of yesterday were doing far more than just building a road, they were building a history far more intense than anything they could have possibly realized at the time. Behind the scenes, these very men (and women), from here and elsewhere amongst this general region of the USA, were creating a music that would forever change absolutely everything. BLUES. Without them, no rock n roll, without rock n roll I don't even want to consider the person that I might be.

It's so easy for outsiders to degrade what it means to be from the south, with our tractors and funny accents...but, you see, this place, full of so many so called "ignorant folk", changed the entire world. I mean really...where would the WORLD be if not for Robert Johnson? Skip James? Elvis Presley? The Beatles? The Stones? Jimi? Led Zep? The Stooges? The Ramones? The Damned? The Wipers? Nirvana? I don't even want to begin to imagine where it might be...for that's a world I damned sure don't identify with. Even if some of the aforementioned artists weren't from this place, they damned sure were informed by it...even if not realizing it.

The street I live on consists of houses mostly built in the 1800's (the one right next door to me, currently a bed a breakfast, was built in 1842). The only thing about this street that has changed much since the 1800's is the road (it's no longer dirt), and perhaps the telephone poles/power lines. It's beautiful. Also on this street lies the location THE first all female college (currently, it's a oversized post office)..Wesleyan. Hows that for an ignorant south? Traveling down the same street, in the opposite direction, lies the intensely beautiful Rose Hill cemetery. The very place the Allman Brothers would jam before they ever recorded anything. Two of them are currently buried there. A certain grave stone at Rose Hill is marked with the name "Elizabeth Reed"...that's where the song title came from. A few streets over, maybe a ten minute walk away, lies the shot gun shack Little Richard is rumored to have grown up in. The Ig was def. taking notes from that guy (just listen to "Shake Appeal").

SO, yeah, some of us talk a little funny. Some of us are indeed viewed widely as lacking culture (when reality is these people have a culture, just one that happens to be UNIQUE to them as individuals). Some of us like guns (many of us hunt our own food, truly more beautiful that buying it at yr local grocer)...but whatever. I wonder just how many people are eating veggies that were grown by our farmers, and listening to music that beyond any doubt originated in this place? It's certainly a number I do not wish to count to, I know that much.

In other words, the south isn't a place to be ashamed of. There's NO PLACE else like it in the entire world. + yeah, I'll move out of this region...eventually...again...but I know I'll die here, + I find great comfort in that.



atsonicpark 08.26.2010 02:36 AM

In 1924, a cigar-loving clown named Zeebo stole $4000 from the circus he worked for and made a run for it. When police chased him into a local amusement park, he hid in the Laughing in the Dark funhouse. Zeebo probably would have gotten away with too, but a cigar he discarded accidentally set the funhouse on fire and the place burned down with him inside. A few years later, a new funhouse was erected on the same spot and a dummy of Zeebo was placed inside to capitalize on the story. Rumors quickly spread that the new funhouse is haunted by Zeebo's ghost. Many years later, Josh (You Can't Do That On Television's Christian Tessier) is at the park with his friend Weegee. After Josh makes fun of Weegee one too many times for being a wuss, Weegee dares him to enter the haunted funhouse. Josh ups the dare: not only will he enter the funhouse, he'll rip the fucking nose off the Zeebo dummy and make Weegee wear it. Josh succeeds in stealing Zeebo's nose, but the clown's ghost torments him until he gives it back.

demonrail666 08.26.2010 03:05 AM

You must spread some peaches around before giving any to ann ashtray again.

ann ashtray 08.26.2010 03:07 AM

I thought about you when I wrote this one, Demonrail666666666!

<3 ya,


Derek 08.26.2010 05:28 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
In 1924, a cigar-loving clown named Zeebo stole $4000 from the circus he worked for and made a run for it. When police chased him into a local amusement park, he hid in the Laughing in the Dark funhouse. Zeebo probably would have gotten away with too, but a cigar he discarded accidentally set the funhouse on fire and the place burned down with him inside. A few years later, a new funhouse was erected on the same spot and a dummy of Zeebo was placed inside to capitalize on the story. Rumors quickly spread that the new funhouse is haunted by Zeebo's ghost. Many years later, Josh (You Can't Do That On Television's Christian Tessier) is at the park with his friend Weegee. After Josh makes fun of Weegee one too many times for being a wuss, Weegee dares him to enter the haunted funhouse. Josh ups the dare: not only will he enter the funhouse, he'll rip the fucking nose off the Zeebo dummy and make Weegee wear it. Josh succeeds in stealing Zeebo's nose, but the clown's ghost torments him until he gives it back.

Are You Afraid of the Dark fuck yeah.

atsonicpark 08.26.2010 05:30 AM

the south = Druid Perfume

ModCop 08.26.2010 06:12 AM


Originally Posted by ann ashtray

Son, you need a bullet in the head.

pbradley 08.26.2010 07:08 AM


- p.

(this is prescriptive)

_slavo_ 08.26.2010 07:15 AM

pa pa ra pa pa pa ra pa pa pa pa pa the tic

hevusa 08.26.2010 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by ann ashtray
In other words, the south isn't a place to be ashamed of.

yes it is. there are exceptions of course... but for the most part people from the south are a bunch ignorant, racist, gun toting, Dubya voting, gas wasting, sibling fucking, bible beatin', fat-ass, fucking motherfuckers. america would be better off without you (weed would be legalized, health care would have happened long ago, better education, less pollution, etc).

you fail to mention the south's ONLY redeeming quality: THE FOOD/COOKING

fuck you guys... get your act together.

tesla69 08.26.2010 09:05 AM

that the hell is a shot gun shack anyway

Rob Instigator 08.26.2010 09:32 AM

Preznit Dubya and the W clan are blue blood WASPS from Maine. NOT the South.

Rob Instigator 08.26.2010 09:34 AM

The South rules now. Fra less blatant overt racism than the North. Much more civil attitude to smoking weed. Much more integrated cities. Better food, hotter women, thicker thighs.... ;)

SONIC GAIL 08.26.2010 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by hevusa
yes it is. there are exceptions of course... but for the most part people from the south are a bunch ignorant, racist, gun toting, Dubya voting, gas wasting, sibling fucking, bible beatin', fat-ass, fucking motherfuckers. america would be better off without you (weed would be legalized, health care would have happened long ago, better education, less pollution, etc).

you fail to mention the south's ONLY redeeming quality: THE FOOD/COOKING

fuck you guys... get your act together.

Once again u have demonstrated your steriotypes, ignorance and judgemental mind set. I will tell yall why I love the south when I'm off the bb. Long winded response required.

tesla69 08.26.2010 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
Preznit Dubya and the W clan are blue blood WASPS from Maine. NOT the South.



demonrail666 08.26.2010 10:40 AM

As someone who's only been to the South on holiday, I can still thank it for teaching me the following:

That I'd never really experienced humidity before.

That grits are possibly the worst tasting thing ever.

That when someone says something is twenty minutes away, they mean twenty minutes in a car, not on foot!

That, when ordering a pie, I need to specify that i only want a slice or else I'll end up getting the whole thing.

That there are parts of the world where my accent suddenly makes me very attractive to women who look like Jessica Simpson.

That the police in Tallahassee get confused when they see white people who aren't in cars and will give you a free ride to wherever you're going once they realise you're English.

That the grass verges dividing the freeways in Miami turn into swamps after it's been raining.

That I'm addicted to the smell of shopping malls.

Rob Instigator 08.26.2010 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by tesla69


they are actually all originall from the goddamn Plymouth colony in the late 1600's!!!!

chicka 08.26.2010 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
they are actually all originall from the goddamn Plymouth colony in the late 1600's!!!!

I admire you're love of Texas Rob that you do not want to in any way to admit that Dubya is from there. Actually if I was them I'd live year round in Maine too because their estate in Kennebunkport Maine is beautiful with a most spectacular view of the coast.

As for the South my brothers have moved down there and I enjoy my visits down there. The folks are certainly more laid back then up here, for the most part friendly and the cost of living isn't to bad either. Wow Hevusa talk about the pot calling the kettle black you should be ashamed of yourself for that narrow-minded stereotypical outlook. If you really feel like that and aren't just trolling then I feel sorry for you because with all that hatred it must be hard to find enjoyment out of life.

Rob Instigator 08.26.2010 11:15 AM

Dubya was raised for a few years in Midland TX, while his daddy used Bin laden family loans of millions of dollars to grow his oil business.

after Yale, and after many failed attempst to kill himself with cocaine and whores and alcohol, Dubya moved back to work for his daddy's oil business, and there he met a small town librarian through his friends who he ended up marrying.

so heartwarming.

afterwards he drove several more business into the ground and almost killed the Texas Rangers.

GeneticKiss 08.26.2010 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
That when someone says something is twenty minutes away, they mean twenty minutes in a car, not on foot!

Well, that's what it means up here too. If talking about measuring distance with time in England, are you usually talking about walking?

It's a fairly new concept for me...

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