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evollove 10.06.2010 03:36 PM

People You Dislike
By dislike, let's include everyone from "really annoying" to "Holy shit, I wanna rip out his/her eye and rape the socket."

Try to remember everyone: all those folks who populated your school years, aquaintances, family, "friends," co-workers, bartenders, the lady at the bank . . .

How many of them do you dislike? When you look over the people with whom you've shared time on this planet, what's the ratio of assholes to decent people?

space 10.06.2010 03:42 PM

I tend to never think about people that I don't like.

disliking people takes too much undeserved energy.

Toilet & Bowels 10.06.2010 03:43 PM

finding someone annoying isn't the same as disliking them. dislike is a specific thing and I find it really childish when people say they dislike others for the slightest of reasons.
what's worse is when someone you dislike (e.g. my boss) and know overall is worthless does something half decent for a change (like today when she increased the budget for the company christmas party that i'm organising), even though you know they'll go back to behaving reprehensibly in the future.

evollove 10.06.2010 03:55 PM

^ I know. I was trying to create as broad a catagory as I could, and "dislike" seemed a good enough catchall.

I have a feeling this'll be one of those threads where no one actaully answers the question, but T & B already made an interesting point, so whatevs.

!@#$%! 10.06.2010 04:08 PM

1) i dislike assholes (myself included)

2) i hate accounting even more

to compound both realms of unpleasantness would be migraine-inducing

space 10.06.2010 04:35 PM

I can't fucking stand floatingslowly, although I've heard a rumor that he's a sock puppet for savage clone (who currently posts as 'glice').

fuck those dudes.

ann ashtray 10.06.2010 04:37 PM

There's only two people in this world I can honestly say I legitimately dislike. My dad, and this other guy....Let's just call him Buffalo.

demonrail666 10.06.2010 05:04 PM

Nicole Scherzinger, from the Pussycat Dolls. I watched her when she was one of the judges on X Factor and came away thinking I really don't like that woman.

Derek 10.06.2010 05:11 PM

Funny how this thread came up, I've spent the past few hours annoyed at the thought of someone I dislike. Childish? Yes.

Rob Instigator 10.06.2010 05:20 PM

I dislike bitch lawyers making high six figure salaries who then proceed to tell me how "cheap" it is just to leave a sick dog at the vet.

Genteel Death 10.06.2010 05:23 PM

I've had to find a compromise for this because I dislike too many things and people to rationally be able to exist. If I can't get the thought of disliking them out of my mind when it comes up, I pinch my testicles till they hurt and then it's fine.

Genteel Death 10.06.2010 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by verme (prevaricator)
i'll have to try that.
but that type of freudian approach might go wrong. don't your balls hurt when you see them?

Balls don't hurt when you look at them. You know that yeah? More importantly, I got one more of your posts in the net.

atsonicpark 10.06.2010 06:09 PM

My motto in life is from that Helmet song "sinatra"... "I hate everything as much as I hate me."

...Heh. Not really.

I actually hate myself more than I could dislike anyone else. But I've usually gotten along with other people quite well. I was a lot angrier many years ago -- and many, many posts ago! -- but certain things in my life have made me realize that focusing on negativity is a waste of time. Of course, I can't escape a severe hatred for myself. I certainly have good qualities, but god, I just fucking hate myself so much, all the time! It's probably unhealthy, but it's something I've accepted, and I guess a lot of is probably stemming, subconsciously, from severe physical and mental abuse from when I was younger. I dunno. I just feel myself growing more and more unhappy every year, and less interested in the things I used to like. But to answer this thread, I can't think of anyone I really "dislike", I mean most of the real idiots I've met are easy to ignore, so why even think of them? I don't have any real enemies -- the "Enemies" I've made, I've usually ended up apologizing to, for wasting my time fighting with them, and if they're cool (which they usually are), then we're cool. You know? Even people who have severely fucked me over... well... I certainly get pissed off about them, but it's very easy for me to forgive. I also believe in karma. I think if people go around doing fucked up shit to people, eventually they're going to get fucked over themselves. That's why I try to be good. And I know I'm a good friend, and a pretty decent person... at least from society's perspective -- I don't litter! I don't speed... I donate to charity, I don't curse in public... I don't get into fights. I mind my own business. I try really hard not to gossip. I work hard. I don't break the law aside from the drugs (that I'm trying to kick). So, yeah, everything's good. Sorta... At the same time, again, there aren't many people I enjoy hanging out with. But I like just about everybody -- I find something to like in everybody, and everything, it makes life a lot more tolerable. So, yeah. Sorry for rambling.

jon boy 10.06.2010 07:46 PM

i very much dislike some of the people i work with, they are silly petty bullies who never left home. my bosses dog died today and i didnt even care.

Satan 10.06.2010 08:33 PM

i truly hate a few people in this world. one is my ex best friend, another is my friend's ex boyfriend (abusive, i knocked two of his teeth out a couple years ago), the other is someone who likes to date rape women including two of my friends.

SpaceCadetHayden 10.06.2010 11:02 PM

I hate everyone

space 10.06.2010 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Same here......but I was listening to the news on the drive back from Houston today and heard a couple of news stories about the blowhards from that church that likes to stand outside funerals of soldiers holding signs saying: "god likes dead solders." Thank goodness we live in a country where such freedom is offered, but it probably wouldn't take much for me to hate those people.

that would be Westboro Baptist.

I find them mildly entertaining in the fact that their founder looks a lot like the preacher from Poltergeist 2.

gawd issss innn hisss holy temmmple.

GeneticKiss 10.06.2010 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by space
that would be Westboro Baptist.

I find them mildly entertaining in the fact that their founder looks a lot like the preacher from Poltergeist 2.

gawd issss innn hisss holy temmmple.

All I have to say regarding that "man" is that if he ever considered it his First Amendment right to spread hatred at a member of my family's (or any close friend's) funeral, I'd be exercising my Second Amendment rights.

I can't say I really hate anyone, but there are things people do that just piss me off to no end...

hevusa 10.06.2010 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by ann ashtray
There's only two people in this world I can honestly say I legitimately dislike. My dad, and this other guy....Let's just call him Buffalo.

Could've called that with your feminine personality (no offense meant, really). You will find that the older you get the more you identify with the male side of yourself (most likely).

knox 10.07.2010 08:03 AM

I dislike tom cruise, tyra banks, and avril lavigne and angelina jolie. they all make me sick.

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