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amerikangod 10.17.2010 12:33 AM

Updates from the road.

EVOLghost 10.17.2010 03:27 PM

''While this behavior continues, I will use this thread to randomly update you on my life.'' <---?

I need a manga to read and/or anime to watch. Berserk just isn't being released soon enough.

knox 10.17.2010 03:28 PM

You can try taking some B vitamins if you want it yellow again.

Something wrong with the wiring again, I only have power in the living room - that means really cold showers. I'm considering washing my hair in the kitchen sink.

I'm thinking maybe a goth club or a gay bar that plays shitty house music tonight.

floatingslowly 11.04.2010 03:45 PM

high two ewe, bro'man.

knox 11.04.2010 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by amerikangod
Goodness no! I was pleased by its clarity. This past week has been nothing but sleepless nights of binge drinking and my urine has returned to a dayglo raw sienna.

have u been drinking beer

floatingslowly 11.04.2010 04:30 PM

someday...but not at the moment.

got married instead.

moved to Austin, TX.

been travelin'.

that said, if you ever have an itch to visit Texas, we have a blow-up mattress and a spare room.

Toilet & Bowels 11.04.2010 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by amerikangod
Have you read 'Lone Wolf and Cub'? One of the greatest things ever.

GAINAX has a new show called 'Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt.'

Have you seen Colorful?

floatingslowly 02.06.2011 10:36 AM

somewhere West, between the border patrol checkpoints and truck stops.

gast30 02.06.2011 11:33 AM

great picture
have fun in texas flowz

gast30 02.06.2011 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by amerikangod
I am not actually traveling. Goodness no! I am looking at an anal bate video involving a hairbrush at the moment (really countless young ladies, the handle of a hairbrush is the most suitable phallus you have?), which is pretty close to the opposite of traveling. But I haven't been coming on here at all in recent weeks. While this behavior continues, I will use this thread to randomly update you on my life. Please similarly make use of this space to clue me in on important happenings with you.

Tonight while I was pissing in my sink I was shocked to find that my urine was nearly clear. This has not been the case in well over a decade. It is my belief that I am finally hydrating enough to balance out my alcohol intake.

update american god 2011 > hairbrush > pee in sink

ok, thanks for the update

the farest i go is to pee in a plastic bottle when i'm too lazy to go to the toilet

!@#$%! 02.06.2011 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by amerikangod
Brooklyn forever, y'all.

sounds good, minus the "y'all", makes you sound texan, but all is forgiven.

EVOLghost 02.09.2011 08:36 AM

I think this thead should be named..."Updates from the Chode"

!@#$%! 02.09.2011 04:46 PM

don't waste your life going to phoenix (arizona). seriously. unless you need some suffering in your life for therapeutic reasons of some sort.

!@#$%! 02.09.2011 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by amerikangod
I was only going to be there for five months. In an attempt to carve out a career path for myself. 2011 is the year I shit or get off the pot.

what career is this? coyote? meth cooker? border vigilante? deranged shooter? process server?

that would explain phoenix.

!@#$%! 02.09.2011 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by amerikangod
If I could be a coyote I would.

I was going to learn luthiery. Building acoustic and electric guitars, as well as amps and effects pedals from scratch. Couldn't get the loans to happen, and it fell through at the last minute. I was so close that I even had an apartment there with a deposit on it, and had given up my apartment here.

oh. fuckit, find a luthier in nueva york and work as an apprentice. student loans are cack and will destroy your life-- you can't get rid of them even through bankruptcy.

debt is for suckers. just saying.

!@#$%! 02.09.2011 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by amerikangod
I've tried that for some time, and no one is interested in apprenticing.

did you mention you'd be willing to put out from both ends? that might change their minds.

Anthony J. Huvard
PO Box 130
Sandston VA 23150
30 year veteran of the craft; 20 years of teaching experience (former director of Northwest School of Instrument Design); offers intensive Private Apprenticeships on occasional basis. Currently developing global online guitarmaking apprenticeship on the World Wide Web.

virginia is a hick state but at least it's the east coast!

anyway best wishes with this thing you wanna do. sounds fucking cool.

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