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nicfit 12.14.2010 06:56 AM

What to do with photos I don't want to keep?
I have a ton of photos (not digital files) I dunno where to stash or I don't want to keep because I don't need them.
What should I do with them?
Creative suggestions, please, no stuff like: "burn them".
I'm genuinely interested in your ideas.
be back this evening.

EVOLghost 12.14.2010 08:18 AM

burn them.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 12.14.2010 08:28 AM

Chop 'em all up into confetti, and store it in a sandwich bag. Save the bag until the next time you're having oral sex performed on you, then toss the confetti in the air, and shout "Ta-da!" as you ejaculate.

EVOLghost 12.14.2010 08:57 AM

^ I really like his idea.

shabbray2.0 12.14.2010 09:45 AM

nefelis suggestion is my fav!

SuperCreep 12.14.2010 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Give them to your local elementary or high school's art department. They are always seeking cards, magazines and pictures to use in different projects. Best part about this, at the end of the school year the art students usually display their creations and you can go see how your pictures ended up.


i've also seen people sell random photos to thrift stores. they have entire bins of 'em.

pbradley 12.14.2010 12:14 PM

Cut out all of the eyes and glue them to a mirror.

Masturbate in front of the photo-covered mirror.

SYRFox 12.14.2010 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by pbradley
Cut out all of the eyes and glue them to a mirror.

Masturbate in front of the photo-covered mirror.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to pbradley again.

SONIC GAIL 12.14.2010 02:07 PM

just use em for toilet paper

!@#$%! 12.14.2010 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by nicfit
I have a ton of photos (not digital files) I dunno where to stash or I don't want to keep because I don't need them.
What should I do with them?
Creative suggestions, please, no stuff like: "burn them".
I'm genuinely interested in your ideas.
be back this evening.

mix them with poison and mail them to berlusca

gast30 12.14.2010 02:20 PM

you can see them on street markets
to people who collect photos

nicfit 12.14.2010 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
mix them with poison and mail them to berlusca

3 fuckin votes.
Things are about to get ugly over here.

I'll take pics of the pics in a while
keep the suggestions coming ( Bytor, I'm afraid "art teaching" is reaching a new low in this damned country, it's not that easy to find school planning exhibiotions of the kids' works and stuff...sadly).

noisereductions 12.14.2010 03:11 PM

practice karate on them

tesla69 12.14.2010 04:46 PM

if they're garbage toss them.

What do I do with the 1000 cassettes I transfered to CDr?

!@#$%! 12.14.2010 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by nicfit
3 fuckin votes.
Things are about to get ugly over here.

I'll take pics of the pics in a while
keep the suggestions coming ( Bytor, I'm afraid "art teaching" is reaching a new low in this damned country, it's not that easy to find school planning exhibiotions of the kids' works and stuff...sadly).

holy shit, prophetic movie! i didn't understand 100% but i understood enough. insane!

space 12.14.2010 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
if they're garbage toss them.

What do I do with the 1000 cassettes I transfered to CDr?

cut them in half, glue them to a board and apply liberal amounts of spraypaint.

guy on venice beach (ca) sells art made from old cassette tapes and it looks fantastic.

see also: nicifitsi

acousticrock87 12.14.2010 06:40 PM

tie them to balloons and set them free.

EVOLghost 12.14.2010 07:04 PM

make postcards out of them.

EVOLghost 12.14.2010 07:05 PM

and sell ''ll make millions!

nicfit 12.22.2010 08:36 AM

So, I'm making carboard puppets with them glued on as textures and faces and shit.
It's creepy and superfun.
Will post pics someday.
It's addictive and kinda serialkillerish.

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