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gmku 07.26.2006 09:51 AM

What's the worst TV trash you like to watch?
TV is crap. We should all kill our televisions. But in the meantime, there's some real guilty pleasures to get wrapped up in, especially when it's summertime and it's too hot to go outside.

At the top of my list would be that stupid Supernova wanna-be-in-a-band contest (sorry, I can't remember the name of the show). Wow, what a lot of poseur loser whiney-baby no-talent wankers! I watch it just to see how stupid it can get.

jon boy 07.26.2006 09:52 AM

i dont really watch tv much but when i was in england i did enjoy watching saxondale.

Unmade Bed 07.26.2006 09:56 AM

I guess that the 75% of the tv around here should be named thrash, so I don't be sure where the other 25% is, because I don't pay too much attention to television right now

fishmonkey 07.26.2006 10:09 AM

i'm gonna be killed stone dead for this but.......

Big Brother.

Tokolosh 07.26.2006 10:11 AM

I don't watch crap tv programs full stop

Inhuman 07.26.2006 10:12 AM

I don't watch TV. The way they promote their music is shit. Most of the programs are shittier. But then again, I do enjoy the occasional Boondocks or Chris Rock.

Danny Himself 07.26.2006 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by fishmonkey
i'm gonna be killed stone dead for this but.......

Big Brother.

*Kills you stone dead*

porkmarras 07.26.2006 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by fishmonkey
i'm gonna be killed stone dead for this but.......

Big Brother.

I'm totally aware that it is trash but,on the rare occasions that i watch tv,that's one of the programs i enjoy.I also like any rubbish like 'Bargain hunt',any DIY program,and those two scottish queens who would regularly turn a poor lady's house into a pink and glowing green dump.I bet you like that too fishmonkey.

_slavo_ 07.26.2006 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by fishmonkey
i'm gonna be killed stone dead for this but.......

Big Brother.

you're my man, fishmonkey
I also love watching that, especially after a fucked up long troublesome day at work. You just turn the telly on, turn the brain off and slowly drift off to slumber as the twats on screen keep on arguing and talking shit and taking showers.

Yeah, Big Brother is fun.

gmku 07.26.2006 10:20 AM

I used to like Queer Eye for the Straight Guy quite a bit.

I also like that makeover show where the two fashion gurus give somebody thousands of dollars to buy new clothes. It never ceases to amaze me that these idiots (the people they give the money to) start out buying the same old shit they're wearing. like, duh...

porkmarras 07.26.2006 10:22 AM

Tv is meant to be trash anyway.For as long as you know that,you make the most of it.Eastenders has become a dump.

Danny Himself 07.26.2006 10:22 AM

On a lighter note, I catch myself watching high-larious sitcoms on ABC.

sonicl 07.26.2006 10:24 AM

I'm looking forward to the new series of "Bad Girls". I liked "Footballers Wives" for a bit too, but it became too much like Dallas or Dynasty.

gmku 07.26.2006 10:26 AM

Not-trash: Six Feet Under (reruns); Joan of Arcadia (reruns); Gilmore Girls (reruns).

I love those shows. I'm a man, and I'm straight. So deal with it!

porkmarras 07.26.2006 10:26 AM

Queer Gye for the Straight Guy was funny if you watched it in that kind of 'what the hell is this?'way.Has anyone ever managed to see Straight Eye For The Queer Guy?

porkmarras 07.26.2006 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by sonicl
I'm looking forward to the new series of "Bad Girls". I liked "Footballers Wives" for a bit too, but it became too much like Dallas or Dynasty.

I hear you sonicl!!!!!!
Bad Girls rules!!!

gmku 07.26.2006 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
Queer Gye for the Straight Guy was funny if you watched it in that kind of 'what the hell is this?'way.Has anyone ever managed to see Straight Eye For The Queer Guy?

Yeah, and I hated it. Even though it was meant as humor, the gay bashing was a bit too unsubtle for me. Done in very bad taste, I thought.

porkmarras 07.26.2006 10:54 AM

What happened in it Mr straight gay?

TheDom 07.26.2006 10:55 AM

Whose Line Is It Anyway?
Two And A Half Men

and this week ABC Family has played The Waterboy at least 5,000 times, so that...

nomadicfollower 07.26.2006 10:55 AM

The only things I really watch are the Daily Show and some of the adult swim programing.

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