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easyrazors 02.11.2011 04:16 AM

Recently moved to Manchester... what's good to do here? I saw that Mogwai and The Go Team are playing soon, might go to those, but what else is interesting here? Could do with a rough guide, if anyone can be bothered...


demonrail666 02.11.2011 04:31 AM


Originally Posted by easyrazors
what's good to do here?

Eat a barm cake? Feel superior to scousers?

easyrazors 02.11.2011 04:56 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
Eat a barm cake? Feel superior to scousers?

I don't think that feeling superior to scousers is just limited to people from Manchester :)

demonrail666 02.11.2011 07:02 AM

true. but they're the only ones to have turned it into a raison d'etre.

Glice 02.11.2011 07:16 AM

Transport links for places that aren't Manchester are very good. I'd recommend using them to visit somewhere that isn't full of Mancs.

demonrail666 02.11.2011 07:27 AM

I should say that, while I don't like Manchester as an idea, every Mancunian I know is really ok. And Coronation Street is (obviously) the jewel in the crown of British popular culture.

Keeping It Simple 02.11.2011 08:52 AM

Hollywood is shooting Captain America in the northern part of Manchester. It's doubling for 1940's Manhattan.

_slavo_ 02.11.2011 09:15 AM

Liverpool > Manchester

floatingslowly 02.11.2011 10:31 AM

the smiths > the beatles

yeah. I said it.

Glice 02.11.2011 10:56 AM

Wow. What a blindingly uncontroversial opinion. The Smiths weren't even the best band from Salford, by the way.

floatingslowly 02.11.2011 12:17 PM

so you agree. the beetles were shit. at least until they found drugs. then they were "slightly less than" shit.

you agree.

floatingslowly 02.11.2011 12:22 PM

^^^ atari could never resist the gravitonic pull of such a brilliant troll. never. ever.

Glice 02.11.2011 12:24 PM

No, the Beatles were shit. I'm tired of saying it, people are tired of reading it. No-one really cares. If other people like the Beatles, good for them, but essentially they were shit, and from Liverpool. None of this 'slightly less shit' just because they decided to make more boring music. Shit. They were shit. Shit shit shit.

hevusa 02.11.2011 12:46 PM

blind leading the deaf

demonrail666 02.11.2011 01:13 PM

The point isn't whether the beatles were shit or not (they weren't) but that Liverpool's contribution to British pop music pretty much ends with them. After them, there's Dead or Alive or The Farm or A Flock of Seagulls. Hardly worth mentioning. Elvis costello makes a big thing about being a Liverpudlian despite the fact that, while his mum was from there, he grew up in Twickenham! Frankie Goes to Hollywood were a big deal (for about a month) but very much a puppet outfit for a manc (Paul Morley) and a geordie (Trevor Horn).

Whenever I think of Liverpool I think of former glories: music for a brief period in the 60s; football in the 70s and 80s; Brookside in the 80s. Even their supposedly great tradition of comedians has dried up. Arthur Askey, Faith Brown, Tarbuck, Stan Boardman, Tom O'Connor, Alexei Sayle are very much of the past, now replaced by John Bishop, who's only ever really funny when he's talking about how much Mancs hate scousers. And none of the above were ever funnier than Bernard Manning or Les Dawson, anyway.

Liverpudlians do still have the best accent in Britain, though.

floatingslowly 02.11.2011 01:35 PM

but Dead or Alive brought us Wayne Hussey, and being goth, that makes them downright ICONIC.

where were Sigue Sigue Sputnik from? if I were to guess, based soley upon their FANfuckingTASTIC style and sound, I'd say mmmmmmmanchester.

demonrail666 02.11.2011 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
but Dead or Alive brought us Wayne Hussey, and being goth, that makes them downright ICONIC.

where were Sigue Sigue Sputnik from? if I were to guess, based soley upon their FANfuckingTASTIC style and sound, I'd say mmmmmmmanchester.

Haha, I never knew Hussey (a Bristolian) was in Dead or Alive. SSP were formed in London but their members came from all over. Mostly Birmingham, I think.

Genteel Death 02.11.2011 02:00 PM

Teardrop Explodes? Echo and The Bunnymen? Just two of the more popular names.

demonrail666 02.11.2011 02:27 PM

Yeah, but claims made about Liverpool being some kind of inherently 'musical' city still seem massively inflated to me, and almost entirely based on it having once spawning The Beatles.

!@#$%! 02.11.2011 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by hevusa
blind leading the deaf

it's worked before

or was it the other way around

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