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Genteel Death 02.23.2011 03:21 PM

how much noise do your neighbours need to make for you to be bothered by it?
It's that all important answer the world is waiting for.
Don't like this thread? I have found three new ways to tell you to fuck off, today. I'm just waiting to use them.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.23.2011 03:28 PM

fucking shit!

leaf blowers and barking dogs sometimes make me wish I had my finger on the button like Nixxon..
then I come to reality and mellow out, but in the heat of the moment, shit!

I have an orchestral conductor's ear, I hear every single sound both sonically and also spatially. It drives me insane sometimes! (but hey, I must admit it is far better than the suicidal tinnitus I had years before, I was going to honestly kill myself)

SONIC GAIL 02.23.2011 03:36 PM

I live in the middle of nowhere, i hear trains planes the neighbors firng for target practice 4 wheelers going up our dirt road you would think it would be quiet here.

SONIC GAIL 02.23.2011 03:36 PM

Please oh please tell me to fuck off

Genteel Death 02.23.2011 03:40 PM

The ones who lived next to me until recently got thrown out for having raves in their flat almost every night of the week. This is in a very populated block. Not even that would disturb my beauty sleep.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.23.2011 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
This is in a very populated block. Not even that would disturb my beauty sleep.


"you know what I hate, tweakers."

Derek 02.23.2011 03:58 PM

I couldn't really care less how much noise someone makes.

I'm usually the one being complained about anyway. This one time I borrowed my friend's drumkit and set it up in my garage... my neighbour threatened to punch my parents in the face a few days after.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.23.2011 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by Derek
I couldn't really care less how much noise someone makes.

I'm usually the one being complained about anyway. This one time I borrowed my friend's drumkit and set it up in my garage... my neighbour threatened to punch my parents in the face a few days after.

I've had several drum kits, it does rattle the neighbors a bit ;)

Glice 02.23.2011 04:07 PM

I always make quite a bit of effort with neighbours, as I tend to be a noisy fucker. So they're usually decent enough to politely ask me to turn it down. I tend to give them my mobile so they can text, rather than getting out of their seats. And it usually works vice versa.

Apart from the 'hammering 6pm-1am' neighbours. They stopped doing it after I recorded their sex noises through the walls and posted it through their letterbox in a lovely case, with a note saying 'could you keep the noise down? xx'. This was after several polite requests and some 4 stereos pushed up to the wall with noise loops while we went away for a weekend.

Genteel Death 02.23.2011 04:10 PM

I stupidly forgot to switch off my amp one morning with my guitar plugged into it. Went to work, and when I came back home my upstairs neighbour gave me a (justified) right bollocking because the ghostly feedback had terrified his disabled kid to tears. Felt really sorry about it.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.23.2011 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
I stupidly forgot to switch off my amp one morning with my guitar plugged into it. Went to work, and when I came back home my upstairs neighbour gave me a (justified) right bollocking because the ghostly feedback had terrified his disabled kid to tears. Felt really sorry about it.

fuck that is a good fucking story about experimental, feedback oriented soundscapes..(serious)

Genteel Death 02.23.2011 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
fuck that is a good fucking story about experimental, feedback oriented soundscapes..(serious)

I wish I could have explained it to him that way.

demonrail666 02.23.2011 04:46 PM

I can't stand being able to hear neighbours through my walls. I'm lucky though; I live in a semi detatched house with a middle-aged couple living next door who never make a sound. I do get woken up every Sunday morning by the sound of church bells but, even without being religious, I think that's quite a nice way to be woken up. On a Sunday, anyway.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.23.2011 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
I wish I could have explained it to him that way.

that is the moneyshot though, that what is beautiful harmonic sounds to our ears are horrifying noise to others, sort of how I feel when I hear the kinds of music people like on the radio ;)

the ikara cult 02.23.2011 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
I stupidly forgot to switch off my amp one morning with my guitar plugged into it. Went to work, and when I came back home my upstairs neighbour gave me a (justified) right bollocking because the ghostly feedback had terrified his disabled kid to tears. Felt really sorry about it.

If a noise album following this methodology hasnt been released by the end of the year i will eat my tie.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.23.2011 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by the ikara cult
If a noise album following this methodology hasnt been released by the end of the year i will eat my tie.

I tried it, it loses its appeal when it isn't done spontaneously. I used to also leave my guitar and amp running live and hot in between jamming when I would hop outside for a smoke and some fresh air, I loved to just sit there and revel in the blaring feedback and natural harmonics resonating out of my room into the front yard.. so I tried to record it a few times to no avail. The art of this kind of music is in its spontaneous creation, it can never be contrived for it truly to work..

the ikara cult 02.23.2011 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
I tried it, it loses its appeal when it isn't done spontaneously. I used to also leave my guitar and amp running live and hot in between jamming when I would hop outside for a smoke and some fresh air, I loved to just sit there and revel in the blaring feedback and natural harmonics resonating out of my room into the front yard.. so I tried to record it a few times to no avail. The art of this kind of music is in its spontaneous creation, it can never be contrived for it truly to work..

Well, thats just how Silver Session was made wasnt it. There was some awful numetal band playing upstairs so they plugged every guitar in and turned all the amps up to 11.

I actually meant including the sound of the child freaking out and finishing with the aforementioned bollocking, sort of a combination of Silver Session and that Lou Reed song where he told the kids their dad was dead and recorded it

Pookie 02.23.2011 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
I can't stand being able to hear neighbours through my walls. I'm lucky though; I live in a semi detatched house with a middle-aged couple living next door who never make a sound. I do get woken up every Sunday morning by the sound of church bells but, even without being religious, I think that's quite a nice way to be woken up. On a Sunday, anyway.

In every respect this is my experience. Although two small children now wake me up on Sunday before the church bells start (they're my children before any smart alec remarks).

EVOLghost 02.23.2011 06:29 PM

as long as it doesn't sound like bodies falling on the floor or stomping I don't care. just because people live above me. that's it.

jon boy 02.23.2011 09:22 PM

they can be fairly noisy but on a school night prolonged music or stomping around after 1am will get me annoyed.

the neighbors below us complain about the slightest noise from anyone in the building at any time. we are thinking of moving (not because of them) and throwing a massive party and piss them off.

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