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porkmarras 08.02.2006 10:41 AM

Are these human beings necessary or the cause for all that is evil in the world?

Savage Clone 08.02.2006 10:43 AM

I do know that Dave Brock from Hawkwind went from busking to doing some of the most rockin'est rock action ever.

...and then followed that up with many years of pure Cheez Whiz.

Still, it does prove that some good things come of it sometimes.
Just not very often.

sonicl 08.02.2006 10:45 AM



sonicl 08.02.2006 10:58 AM

Seeing as you've got me started...

The guy below busks around Windsor and Staines, and is the most irritating man in the world. I can't explain why, you have to see him in action to understand.


porkmarras 08.02.2006 11:00 AM

And he's jumping too.That's fucking hurtful and vile.

porkmarras 08.02.2006 11:01 AM

And a motherfucking barefoot kid dancing near him too!

sonicl 08.02.2006 11:01 AM

You see, he's got you annoyed and you've never even seen him live!

screamingskull 08.02.2006 11:01 AM

i just ignore them mostly, unless they are good then i will give them a few 10p's or something.

porkmarras 08.02.2006 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by sonicl


One of these creatures i see on my way home almost every day.I want to massacre the lot of them.

gmku 08.02.2006 11:03 AM

Is "busker" one of them funny words you England people use?

Savage Clone 08.02.2006 11:09 AM

"Busker" is a term we use on this side of the Atlantic as well.
You are merely uncultured.

Danny Himself 08.02.2006 11:10 AM

Yeah. I think by now you can work out what it means, though.

gmku 08.02.2006 11:10 AM

I'm just not hep to the language of the youth movement, maybe.

In my day, we called em street musicians. I think I like buskers better, though. You crazy Brits/kids!

Savage Clone 08.02.2006 11:12 AM

You can call them street musicians if you care nothing about efficiency in language.

Wait, you work at a university....that answers that.

gmku 08.02.2006 11:14 AM

Oooh, that's hitting below the belt, mister....

Anyway, give me some slack... I voted for setting fire.

Danny Himself 08.02.2006 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by gmku
Oooh, that's hitting below the belt, mister....

Anyway, give me some slack... I voted for setting fire.

Yeeeah, low blow, Savage.

porkmarras 08.02.2006 11:16 AM

There are some good ones though.Here's an example of a magnificient dead busker:

He'd get more than a quid if he was playing on the street.He'd get my attention.

Savage Clone 08.02.2006 11:17 AM

Moondog didn't have to busk forever though.
Plus he gets full credit for looking like that in the 1950s and playing weirdo modern composition music on the streets.
While blind!

It can yield good results, just rarely.
You know, like prog rock.

gmku 08.02.2006 11:17 AM

Oh, it's Moondog. Cool.

porkmarras 08.02.2006 11:19 AM

The street was too small for his gorgeous music.

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