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alyasa 08.04.2006 11:18 AM

Sonic Nurse Appreciation Thread
What do you like most about this album? I love the artwork. The first 5 songs on the album blow me away, them I'm let down gently by Dude Ranch Nurse and the rest, by the time Peace Attack rolls by, it's sheer sonic bliss. Tell me, please, what turns you on about Sonic Nurse.

touch me i'm sick 08.04.2006 11:20 AM

unmade bed was the first sonic youth song i ever heard. which is kind of a bad start off point. then later when i listened to the rest of the sy albums i was greatly relieved

Pax Americana 08.04.2006 11:20 AM

I didn't like this album at first, then it really grew on me after a while. I think that "I Love You Golden Blue" is beautiful, it gives me chills.

Trasher02 08.04.2006 11:26 AM


king_buzzo 08.04.2006 11:27 AM

i love this album, my first ever sy song was pattern recognition and i appreciate the album a lot

Fox 08.04.2006 11:34 AM

I love this album too, my favorite songs are Dude Ranch Nurse and I Love You Golden Blue

Danny Himself 08.04.2006 11:54 AM

I saw SY on the Nurse tour. That made the album come alive.

schizophrenicroom 08.04.2006 11:58 AM


fluxequalsrad 08.04.2006 12:01 PM

Unmade Bed rules!!!! I remember the first time I heard it after I bought the album on my bike ride home I was totally blown away! Such an amazing groove! The solo is amazing!

Peace Attack's mid section is the most gorgeous bridge I've ever heard in music. Instantly sends the listener into orbit time and time again.

RdTv 08.04.2006 12:15 PM

Good album. Helped that I saw them live before its release, what a great show. Highlights: Peace Attack, Golden Blue, Mariah, Paper Cup Exit, Kim Chords.

k-krack 08.04.2006 12:24 PM

appreciated muchly

fluxequalsrad 08.04.2006 12:33 PM

Remember when they used to open up with 'I Love you Golden Blue' ? HUH?

lunberg 08.04.2006 12:35 PM

Most underated SY release. Simply Brilliant.

Toxa 08.04.2006 12:37 PM

Peace Attack, Dripping Dream, Unmade Bed are amazing!

I don't like Kim's songs on Nurse at all.

lovesonicevol 08.04.2006 01:20 PM

Mariah Carey and the Arthur Doyle Handcream got me into it ultimatley. Then the rest was dominos.

kingcoffee 08.04.2006 01:33 PM

Everything turns me on with Sonic Nurse. I agree that half way through the album (starting with Dude Ranch Nurse) the albm kinda loses momentum, but Peace Attack does really bring it back. All in all it's a tremendous album. Some of SonicYouth's best work is on this album. Nurse makes me feel all warm and energetic. It's much better than Rather Ripped. RR looks sounds like a dog taking a dump compared to Nurse. Nurse has lush, beautiful chords and an immediacy that just hits you like a truck. It also has some of their more signature noisey tracks that sound great too.

Sonic Nurse: ain't nothin wrong with that.

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 08.04.2006 01:47 PM

the sound

h8kurdt 08.04.2006 01:54 PM

It is teh sex.

dark heat 08.04.2006 02:13 PM

good album, but it would probably fall into the lower half if I ranked my favorite Sonic Youth records.

greenlight 08.04.2006 02:29 PM

sonic nurse material live shows how great that album actually is.
fell in love with this album, coz first time i saw sy live was on nurse tour, so obviously...i like it from beginning to the end.

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