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Adolfo 05.12.2011 06:36 AM

Just tried salvia. extract X5. nothing. :mad: fuck this shit

jonathan 05.12.2011 06:48 AM

Try using a blue flame lighter.

atsonicpark 05.12.2011 08:23 AM

did it once, it was insane. did it a few more times, did nothing. meh.

The Watcher 05.12.2011 08:33 AM

I really enjoyed watching Mily Cirus do it on youtube...... well shit I enjoy watching her do anything....... if you catch my drift.........

pad_023 05.12.2011 08:40 AM

Did it once it was ok.

jonathan 05.12.2011 08:53 AM

I definitely had a serious phase with salvia during my psychonaut phase. I would say it's worth doing once or twice, but it's REALLY easy to get burnt out on it. I always say similar things when I was on it, which was interesting. I remember an insect-like creature driving space through time in the rolodex of reality, which was being constantly turned by a red being on the left (male) and a green being on the right (female). One time, I remember being in my apartment, smoking salvia while watching Dr. Phil and I never wanted to do it again. I started running around my apartment; it was terrible. [/drug stories]

floatingslowly 05.12.2011 10:04 AM

Helter Skelter was on TV and the Family was accused of dosing 200 times. the jury gasped. we laughed. fucking pussies. fucking hippies.

I'm completely sane. [/storied drugs]

stu666 05.12.2011 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by Adolfo
Just tried salvia. extract X5. nothing. :mad: fuck this shit

try it again and hold the smoke in yr lungs for as long as possible, preferably in a pitch black room. then report back....

or maybe you got skanked?

EVOLghost 05.12.2011 12:44 PM

I don't like it.

I felt retarded.

Never again.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 05.12.2011 12:55 PM

^ Yeah me too.

Worst trip of my life. I don't even think I had all that powerful of a strain either.

EVOLghost 05.12.2011 12:58 PM

I've done it a few times....with the potency ranging from 15-25. I've only got high twice and I well....yeah....that shit is not fun.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 05.12.2011 12:58 PM

Yeah it goes up really high. I think mine was like 30x...?

clockaddict 05.12.2011 01:15 PM

This drug has given me several of the most terrifying experiences of my life. I was once given a tour of the universe and shown its clockwork factory procedures. It was quite like a children's roller-coaster ride, without the coaster, and an awful undertow of menace.

And I was also once an awkward stage, and the players\audience were all very upset at my intrusion. I didn't know what I'd done wrong.

Then I had to live a life as a park bench.

And the worst of them was my meeting with these plastic people who surely thought I was some idiot pretentious kid whose head they had to finally crack open because he kept trying to come back.

stu666 05.12.2011 01:23 PM

i've had some very strong effects from Salvia but i don't know what the strength was as it was from a plant my friend grew. i know the hit only last a minute or so but i don't understand why this is still legal in the UK and yet they make liberty caps illegal, not that i want it banned though, i think all drugs should be legal.

Genteel Death 05.12.2011 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by kinnikpasswordforgetter
i havent even smoked in like 9 months now.

its like - ive realised that food has a taste.

and that things can smell of smells.

i can taste things now


what is this world?

Nobody gives a ......... SHIT!!!

Genteel Death 05.12.2011 01:49 PM

so am i, sunshine.

and i am going to leave you all alone on here, in a minute. booo woo!

Inhuman 05.12.2011 02:52 PM

lol...stick with the 5x for now Adolfo, and don't be intimidated by the people saying they tried 25 or 30x once and had horrible experiences. Anyone that tries it for the first time / second time at that potency is bound to have a horrible experience. It's like smoking a large bowl of JWH--018 before ever trying's too much. But if someone's skilled with weed then tries JWH, they'll often be okay with it.

So make sure you rip it out of a bong, use a blue-flame lighter and hold it in for about 20 seconds. If it does nothing, repeat.

knox 05.12.2011 03:11 PM

don't people season food with salvia?
i'm not being sarcastic, i'm really asking

floatingslowly 05.12.2011 03:37 PM

i read this as saliva

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 05.12.2011 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by Adolfo
Just tried salvia. extract X5. nothing. :mad: fuck this shit

you just got burned is all, good salvia is perhaps the wildest plant you could ever ingest, be careful playing with plants, they are not merely drugs, but gateways and bridges into the multi-dimensions that String Theory are finally letting even scientists admit exist. The Shamanistic reality is this, when you walk into these dimensions unaided and unguided and undisciplined, you may not get out and find yourself in a Labyrinth chased by Minotaurs ;)

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