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phase3 08.13.2006 04:37 PM

This evening I did play with Kim Gordon.
At « le magasin » centre national d’art contemporain in Grenoble (France), there was a mini recording studio were I’d enjoy to play on a disaccording guitar which was finally mixed with Kim Gordon voice in order to make a mini record.
So now, there is a record of phase3 with Kim.
Great !!!

phase3 08.13.2006 04:51 PM

1. Kim Gordon (Sonic Youth) & Jutta Koether
Reverse Karaoke, 2005
Production : Electra Productions, Londres.

Un karaoke inversé : le visiteur peut enregistrer et graver son propre CD en utilisant un des instruments disponibles (guitare, batterie, percussions, etc) à partir de la voix pré-enregistrée de Kim Gordon. Un exemplaire du CD devient partie intégrante de l’oeuvre alors que le second est remis au visiteur, qui fabrique aussi sur place la pochette.

Inhuman 08.13.2006 05:12 PM

C'est bon! Est-ce que tu utilise un grande nombre des instrument ou la guitare seulment?

phase3 08.13.2006 05:19 PM

Juste la guitare, c'était marrant.
Elle était toute désaccordée et on ne pouvait pas toucher les mécaniques.
Alors, j'ai fait des riffs un peu pourris mais j'avais trouvé un bon son bien crade et bien gras.

Ono Soul 08.13.2006 07:54 PM

Cool! I was reading about this just the other day in a new interview with Kim. The interviewer asked her if she'd ever make a solo album and she said if she ever did it would probably be something along the lines of this installation. I think the whole reverse karaoke concept is pretty cool. So everyone who participates in the installation gets to bring home a CD of their recording? That's a really nice touch!

phase3 08.14.2006 06:58 AM

Yes, every one have a CD of him with Kim. Most of the people here were playing in little groups (drums, guitar, bass and a mic were aviable) but I did it alone with the guitar.
In the room were maybe more than 500 copies of the records and there were the same numbers from the previous perf in London.
That why I think that Kim will never heard my music !!!

Bunbury 08.15.2006 09:59 AM

woah, do i smell a 7"?

mooger_fooger 08.15.2006 10:51 AM

smells like the next SYR.....

Society_In_My_Hole 08.15.2006 05:44 PM

This sounds kick ass! I hope she releases it on CD.

acousticrock87 08.15.2006 06:15 PM

I read about the Reverse Karaoke in the Wire issue. Sounds cool.

phase3 08.16.2006 11:42 AM

No, it wouldn’t be the 7’ of the century.
I’m such a bad guitarist!
Anyway, it makes an experience, a nice experience.
If you want to see more of this kind of funny things, joint my blog:

Have fun!!!
And so you will have a friend in France.

phase3 12.03.2006 03:58 PM

You can how lesson Reverse Karaoke on :

Danny Himself 12.03.2006 05:37 PM

Aw man, I wish I could do that.


heavium 12.03.2006 08:54 PM

nice to see this thread pop up again, i wonder if some of the recordings will be available at some point, like ..vocals are the top layer of a song, there's not many songs based around vocals in a way of the vox being the first step towards writing a song, still it's vocals that can give a song a 'face' so it's funny turning it all upside down i think.

phase3 12.05.2006 03:41 AM

I don't know if Kim will do something with all those tracks (more than 2000, I think) but it could be nice.
One of "my friend", on my musicblog , Sun Stabbled had also made the same experience with Kim voice and put on line too. Have a hear following the icone "Sun Stabbed".

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