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Pookie 08.19.2006 08:56 AM

Green Day.
Catchy punk tunes, good looking singer, popular & charismatic. We all love them, but which song is the best? You decide.

"OK im not a music connoisseur but i believe music is made to entertain and this is the most enjoyable band I have ever listened to. For me they push all the right buttons. I love Green Day." Thurston Moore

porkmarras 08.19.2006 08:58 AM

Are you kidding me?I've just posted about them on the other thread.This happened with Glice a few weeks ago.Spookie?

Pookie 08.19.2006 08:59 AM


holy-reverb!! 08.19.2006 09:22 AM

you'r kiddin, right?

LittlePuppetBoy 08.19.2006 09:37 AM

I don't know. I appreciate Green Day because I have good childhood memories of them (from when Dookie came out), but now they and their new teeny bopper fanbase disgusts me.

porkmarras 08.19.2006 09:38 AM

Green Day are rubbish wichever way we look at them.

Pookie 08.19.2006 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
Green Day are rubbish wichever way we look at them.

I'd like to see you say that to Thurston.

porkmarras 08.19.2006 09:41 AM


Pookie 08.19.2006 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by Pookie
Catchy punk tunes, good looking singer, popular & charismatic. We all love them, but which song is the best? You decide.

"OK im not a music connoisseur but i believe music is made to entertain and this is the most enjoyable band I have ever listened to. For me they push all the right buttons. I love Green Day." Thurston Moore


jon boy 08.19.2006 09:46 AM

one of the worst bands to exist ever.

atari 2600 08.19.2006 09:55 AM

Pookie exposed hehe. Some people like to try & get a rise out of others by zeroing in on a topic that is sure to get lots of negative attention.


Originally Posted by LittlePuppetBoy
I don't know. I appreciate Green Day because I have good childhood memories of them (from when Dookie came out), but now they and their new teeny bopper fanbase disgusts me.

he said: "from when Dookie came out" he heh

Green Day?

The only songs out of these that I know
are Basket Case & Boulevard of Broken Dreams & I think I know Longview.

I don't like the way they arrange power chord progressions, I don't like Billie Joe's voice, & their rhythm section is utterly boring.

BJ even talks smack about Sonic Youth to boot.
Fuck Green Day.

But, please, nevermind me, carry on...

Inhuman 08.19.2006 10:25 AM

I don't mind some of their older music as Littlepuppetboy said, but ugh, Billie Joe annoys me greatly about what he said about the youth

Glice 08.19.2006 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
Green Day are rubbish wichever way we look at them.

I don't quite understand the disgust people feel towards GD. They're rubbish or passable, depending on my mood, but people (especially SY fans) seem to single them out for hatred. Surely there are more deserving targets of the ill-directed venom of people here?

Pookie 08.19.2006 10:26 AM

Oh damn & blast. Named & shamed. Are you at work & as bored as me Sn@ke?

Pax Americana 08.19.2006 10:32 AM

If I hear that Boulevard of Broken Dreams song one more time, I might snap and shoot a bunch of kids.

Inhuman 08.19.2006 10:35 AM

"Yeah, Nirvana were important, because there was this forceful message, and it was sexual. But Green Day aren't like that. They're pretty blank. Billie Joe seems like a nice guy, but..."
-Thurston Moore

Pookie 08.19.2006 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
Some people like to try & get a rise out of others by zeroing in on a topic that is sure to get lots of negative attention.

Thanks for obliging so predictably.;)

atari 2600 08.19.2006 10:39 AM

Nice to know you freely admit that you thrive on attempting to cause me strife, stalker.


Originally Posted by Inhuman
"Yeah, Nirvana were important, because there was this forceful message, and it was sexual. But Green Day aren't like that. They're pretty blank. Billie Joe seems like a nice guy, but..."[/i]
-Thurston Moore

Those two should naturally appear in a line of thought together, because without Nirvana becoming hot shit & selling big numbers, the Green Day machine would have never been borne into the marketplace. And yeah, Green Day are like a non-threatening (with the soul sucked out) version of Nirvana in many ways. When one considers all the bands that the success of Green Day have spawned, it's a bit like a lot of '50s rock with the endless parade of seemingly neutered safe-for-your-daughter performers.

Pookie 08.19.2006 10:43 AM

Like it or not, there's a whole group of people (the vast majority in fact) that just like music because it sounds nice.

We're the exception.

Pookie 08.19.2006 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
it's a bit like a lot of '50s rock with the endless parade of seemingly neutered safe-for-your-daughter performers.

...or 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's. There's nothing that Green Day do that's worse than any other pop band over the last 50 years.

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