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Moshe 08.23.2006 01:59 AM

How would you like your SYR7?
It has been nine months since the Youth released SYR6 and I hope they won't keep us too long before they release SYR7.
I was wondering what would you like to be released as SYR7. There were official and semi official rumors about all of the following:

1) J'accuse Ted Hughes ATP performance + an unreleased studio session.

2) Sonic Youth/Brigitte Fontaine CD/DVD

3) Sonic Youth/Takehisa Kosugi studio session (1999)

4) Lee Ranaldo/David Watson/Christian Marclay/Gunter Muller

5) Sonic Youth filmworks box set (Released stuff like Made in U.S.A. and Demonlover and unreleased stuff like Things behind the sun and Nudist Guerrilla).

Something else?

Alex's Trip 08.23.2006 02:02 AM

Whatever it is, I hope they take their time. I still don't have SYR 5 and 6.

spirale 08.23.2006 02:24 AM

Definitely option n. 3

Iain 08.23.2006 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by Moshe
3) Sonic Youth/Takehisa Kosugi studio session (1999)

Whaaaaa. I didn't even know this happened? Any bootlegs?

I would want this one obviously.

krastian 08.23.2006 02:41 AM

A DVD/CD would be fucking great.

Jef Mertens 08.23.2006 02:42 AM

SY filmworks box set for sure!!!
Seems the most likelmy as well since that was the latest talk.

Brigitte fontaine thing will never happen.
They should do a more recent one and not use things from so long ago in my opinion.

SYR6 was from a gig from 3years ago, although very good it's to bad they didn't do any splicing of tapes and more altering of the original.

sonicl 08.23.2006 02:53 AM

I'd be very happy to see either the Filmworks box set or J'Accuse Ted Hughes (largely for unreleased studio stuff), but my most desired option, not included here, would be for something acoustic-based.

top 40 squeeze 08.23.2006 03:03 AM


Originally Posted by Moshe
It has been nine months since the Youth released SYR6 and I hope they won't keep us too long before they release SYR7.
I was wondering what would you like to be released as SYR7. There were official and semi official rumors about all of the following:

1) J'accuse Ted Hughes ATP performance + an unreleased studio session.

2) Sonic Youth/Brigitte Fontaine CD/DVD

3) Sonic Youth/Takehisa Kosugi studio session (1999)

4) Lee Ranaldo/David Watson/Christian Marclay/Gunter Muller

5) Sonic Youth filmworks box set (Released stuff like Made in U.S.A. and Demonlover and unreleased stuff like Things behind the sun and Nudist Guerrilla).

Something else?

All this stuff would be pretty sweet, although it would be cool if they recorded something specifically to be SYR 7.

Moshe 08.23.2006 03:26 AM

btw, the rumour about the Moore/Ranaldo/Sauter/Dietrich release was wrong. apparently it never happened.

Hip Priest 08.23.2006 04:43 AM

I'd like something continuing the musical vein displayed in SYR6, which is the series' pinnacle as far as I'm concerned.

Perhaps something similar in style to the 'Hidros 3' LP, but their own compositions. Or just an hour of them f***ing about - to be honest, I think the SYR series is a great idea, but works best when it's sound is in total contrast to the normal LPs.

Hip Priest 08.23.2006 04:44 AM

In fact, f*** it, they should celebrate the opening of their new studio by having a good improv jam session (broadcast to us via webcam) and then hastily release the results. I'll preorder now, thanks very much.

sonicl 08.23.2006 04:56 AM

I know this would be incredibly unpopular among the people on the board who aren't employed or are poorly-paid, but I'd like to see a series of SY subscription-only releases, where you pay, say, $40 upfront, and you get an SYR-type release drops through your letterbox every three months for a year.

porkmarras 08.23.2006 05:08 AM

I'd love to hear a collaboration between SY and :
1)Philip Jeck

whorefrost 08.23.2006 05:55 AM

the SY/Fontaine recording has been strangled by corporate red-tape by Fontaine's label. I have a boot of it and it has some cool moments but all in all i'm not hugely impressed by it. maybe just cuz it's a shitty CD-R and I don't play it enough to get into it...
I thought J'Accuse Ted Hughes was the shit, I watched the video online round about 2000 and was excited by it... so I would like to have a proper release of that at some point...
I remember Lee talked about presenting an SY concert archive of some sort via SYR, maybe Ted Hughes could be included in that with some other improv stuff...
I'm afraid I've never heard of this Kosugi chap... I know this must seem supremely square, specially as everyone is all over the Japanese avant types...

Moshe 08.23.2006 06:00 AM


Originally Posted by whorefrost
I'm afraid I've never heard of this Kosugi chap...

yes you did. he took part in SYR4. in fact that recording i was referring to is from the goodbye 20th century sessions.

whorefrost 08.23.2006 06:11 AM

ahhh... thought the name sounded somewhat familiar... ok... shit, his fingerprints are all over SYR4.... cool

Iain 08.23.2006 06:20 AM

He was in Taj Mahal Travellers and they are great. At least the one record of theirs I have heard is great. I don't think they did many.

PAULYBEE2656 08.23.2006 06:56 AM

any of the above but 1 and 5 would get my vote.

Hip Priest 08.23.2006 08:02 AM

If it's to be a collaboration, then I'd like it to be with someone from completely outside of their musical sphere. Aphex Twin would be my personal dream collaborator, of course, but someone from jazz or classical or techno, so that we get something completely original addition to the SY canon.

sonicl 08.23.2006 08:04 AM

How about a remix album, a la "Reich Remixed"?

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