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nobye-noaloha 08.25.2006 04:55 AM

a place whare i can dowload good indie movies?
Just like to know where i can download good indie movies like jim jarmush, larry clark, david lynch....
on soulseek, i just find music
on limewire, i just find porn
on emule, i never tried because a friend of mine just find viruses

porkmarras 08.25.2006 05:08 AM

I have never known David Lynch or Jim Jarmush to make indie movies so i can't help you there.

nobye-noaloha 08.25.2006 06:08 AM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
I have never known David Lynch or Jim Jarmush to make indie movies so i can't help you there.

down by law or blue velvet are not very mainstream movies. That's waht i call indie but maybe it is not the exact term but anyway

porkmarras 08.25.2006 06:15 AM

unconventional might be more apt.

lunberg 08.25.2006 06:16 AM

Try isohunt or mininova.

It's true that Jim Jarmusch is not really an indie director : his latest movie Broken Flowers has been released on Focus Features, created and owned by Universal.

Tokolosh 08.25.2006 06:20 AM

Demonoid has obscure stuff.

nobye-noaloha 08.25.2006 06:53 AM


Originally Posted by lunberg
Try isohunt or mininova.

It's true that Jim Jarmusch is not really an indie director : his latest movie Broken Flowers has been released on Focus Features, created and owned by Universal.

salut lunberg,
je vois que tu es de paris donc ca sera + simple en francais. Pour ma part je suis de tours
bon, j'ai essaye isohunt et mininova mais je suis pas tres performant en informatique.
J'ai telecharger le logiciel µtorrent comme ils disaient. Quand je fais une recherche et que je trouve quelques choses qui m'interesse, j'essaye de telecharger mais ca prend 1 ou 2 secondes mais je n'arrive pas a telecharger le film
je ne sais pas si je suis tres clair mais bon, esperons que tu puisse m'aider

Gulasch Noir 08.25.2006 06:53 AM

never got a virus by using emule. Haven't been there for more than a year though!

nobye-noaloha 08.25.2006 06:56 AM

thanx for the links but i'm an informatic jerk.
could you explain me in few words how to download the files?

Tokolosh 08.25.2006 07:41 AM

If you're downloading torrents, which I suspect, you'll have to first download a peer to peer (P2P) client like for example: BitTorrent.
Only then will you be able to download files.
Click on Download BitTorrent for windows in the top right hand corner and install it. After that, go to Mininova, Demonoid, etc, and choose the file you want. Double click it and your computer will start to capture the file. It could take a couple of days to download large torrents.

lunberg 08.25.2006 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by nobye-noaloha
salut lunberg,
je vois que tu es de paris donc ca sera + simple en francais. Pour ma part je suis de tours
bon, j'ai essaye isohunt et mininova mais je suis pas tres performant en informatique.
J'ai telecharger le logiciel µtorrent comme ils disaient. Quand je fais une recherche et que je trouve quelques choses qui m'interesse, j'essaye de telecharger mais ca prend 1 ou 2 secondes mais je n'arrive pas a telecharger le film
je ne sais pas si je suis tres clair mais bon, esperons que tu puisse m'aider

tu peux aussi télécharger des clients comme Bitspirit(celui que j'utilise) ou bien azureus.
voila les liens :
après choisis les torrents qui ont les maximums de mecs qui sont seeded (çàd qui uploadent ) : ça augmente généralement ta vitesse de téléchargement.
La je télécharge un show de Beck de 1.3 giga avec un seul mec qui est seeded ça me prendra environ 2 jours.

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