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Pookie 08.28.2006 06:44 AM

Chavs: the new blacks.
I hate the word 'chav'. And how reassuring that a middle-class journalist has articulated my feelings for me.,00.html

fishmonkey 08.28.2006 06:45 AM


porkmarras 08.28.2006 06:46 AM

Oh spookie,i live in Whitechapel now.It's chavland here!

porkmarras 08.28.2006 06:47 AM

How many times do i have to whore myself until fishy gets more rep?

RdTv 08.28.2006 06:53 AM


porkmarras 08.28.2006 06:53 AM

haha.I don't have a problem with chavs as such pookie.Only when they block the entry door at shops.My ex is an art school chav or,as i call him normally,a well read Vicky Pollard.

porkmarras 08.28.2006 06:54 AM


Originally Posted by RdTv

He's more twat than chav,that one.

Pookie 08.28.2006 06:57 AM

Porky, you are a snob, admit it.

I love Jimmy McGovern's description of 'latte-drinking, pesto-eating middle-class' TV executives.,00.html

jon boy 08.28.2006 07:01 AM

thankfully there are no chavs here in berlin, there is not even an equivelant!

Pookie 08.28.2006 07:04 AM

Come on, there must be ONE other working-class person here. I'm off to the Justin Timberlake discussion board, there'll be plenty there.

porkmarras 08.28.2006 07:05 AM

Erm....not at all spookie.Of course i drink latte and eat pesto.....i am from Italy!But then i can't get enough of fish and chips either.What do you make of that?Everybody is fine by me and,actually,some of my favourite types of people are council estate girls with a mouth.I get your point,though,working class types are terribly patronized in England.It's almost as if you have to go to public school to be a cultured person wich i think is total bullshit.I'm from a working class background myself but that hasn't affected my thirst for knowledge in the slightest.It's a vile steriotype that the working classes get,that of being worthless and only trouble-making.

jon boy 08.28.2006 07:10 AM

i would consider myself working class if i could be bothered to stay sober and clean enough to sign on.

Pookie 08.28.2006 07:21 AM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
Erm....not at all spookie.Of course i drink latte and eat pesto.....i am from Italy!But then i can't get enough of fish and chips either.What do you make of that?Everybody is fine by me and,actually,some of my favourite types of people are council estate girls with a mouth.I get your point,though,working class types are terribly patronized in England.It's almost as if you have to go to public school to be a cultured person wich i think it's total bullshit.I'm from a working class background myself but that hasn't affected my thirst for knowledge in the slightest.It's a vile steriotype that the working classes get,that of been worthless and only trouble-making.

I think the point also is that it's become more and more prevalent and acceptable to stereotype a whole group of people and it's rarely questioned.

And the use of the word chav has played a huge role in this lately. It's a way for the predominantly middle-class media to dismiss a huge part of the population in one easy-to-use, but largely meaningless, word.

Another middle-class journalist to better express this:

"...I stand up for chavs — on the basis that the white indigenous English working-class is now the one group you can insult without feeling the breath of the Commission for Racial Equality on your neck, which makes it pretty damn cowardly."

Pookie 08.28.2006 07:23 AM

How long have you been in England Porky? I always thought you were just of Italian descent.

HaydenAsche 08.28.2006 07:31 AM


Originally Posted by Pookie
Oh Porky, what did I just say?

Am I the only person here who grew up on a council estate? Wait a minute...Sonic Youth discussion board...mmm...of course I fucking am.

Go on admit it, you're a bunch of snobs aren't you? I bet most of you went to art college and eat pesto.

Council estate? Stop it with your big words. I'm a snob but I come from the most terribly hick and un-snobby town ever.

porkmarras 08.28.2006 07:34 AM


Originally Posted by Pookie
I think the point also is that it's become more and more prevalent and acceptable to stereotype a whole group of people and it's rarely questioned.

And the use of the word chav has played a huge role in this lately. It's a way for the predominantly middle-class media to dismiss a huge part of the population in one easy-to-use, but largely meaningless, word.

Another middle-class journalist to better express this:

"...I stand up for chavs — on the basis that the white indigenous English working-class is now the one group you can insult without feeling the breath of the Commission for Racial Equality on your neck, which makes it pretty damn cowardly."

Absolutely!In my experience the England that you read about and the one that DOES really exist are two distinctively different things.Some working class people are ignorant but that's through no fault of their own.Look around,though,and you'll see that there is plenty of talented and cultured types in this most vilified of classes.The problem in England lies a lot with the press(not all of it,obviously) for these distorted views.It's been a tradition since the dawn of the industrial revolution that of putting one person against the other through the press.If you read some vintage articles written at the time when,say, there was a big influx of irish people entering this country you'll notice how sense of humor(to name one) was used to stir trouble between english and irish workers.The target has now changed,obviously,but for the most part that sort of thing still happens to an extent.

porkmarras 08.28.2006 07:35 AM


Originally Posted by Pookie
How long have you been in England Porky? I always thought you were just of Italian descent.

12 years and counting.

whorefrost 08.28.2006 07:36 AM

"However, she said she found Vicky Pollard hilarious, adding that it was important to remember that it tended to be middle-class, politically correct people who expressed outrage about such issues. 'Vicky Pollard is a caricature. It is comedy, and in the same way that when John Reid made his comment about smoking being one of the few luxuries working-class people enjoyed, it was the politically correct left-wing liberal middle classes who expressed outrage."

I think there's some truth in that as well.

Pookie 08.28.2006 08:03 AM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
Absolutely!In my experience the England that you read about and the one that DOES really exist are two distinctively different things.Some working class people are ignorant but that's through no fault of their own.Look around,though,and you'll see that there is plenty of talented and cultured types in this most vilified of classes.The problem in England lies a lot with the press(not all of it,obviously) for these distorted views.It's been a tradition since the dawn of the industrial revolution that of putting one person against the other through the press.If you read some vintage articles written at the time when,say, there was a big influx of irish people entering this country you'll notice how sense of humor(to name one) was used to stir trouble between english and irish workers.The target has now changed,obviously,but for the most part that sort of thing still happens to an extent.

I know it's stating the obvious, but there are talented, clever, funny people from all walks of life. I'm not an inverted snob by any means, I just object to being given a view of the world that is based on the views of a particular section of society.

12 years? You must LOVE it here.

jon boy 08.28.2006 08:06 AM

12 years? You must LOVE it here.[/quote]

he just loves the builders.

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