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gast30 07.22.2011 01:01 PM

oslo bomming
just seen it on the internet
heavy explosion
alot of wounded people

floatingslowly 07.22.2011 01:11 PM

death metal.

gast30 07.22.2011 01:29 PM

don't find it funny

floatingslowly 07.22.2011 02:09 PM

of course. only America deserves the cold caress of death's loving embrace.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 07.22.2011 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by gast30
don't find it funny

wow, that is the FIRST TIME i've seen gast30 break his routine of free prose poetry to say something SERIOUS. Floating.. you should be ashamed of yourself!

God Bless The Souls of those in Oslo :(

floatingslowly 07.22.2011 03:26 PM

ashamed for making the obvious link between these "attacks" and the constant battle between state, church and death metal in Norway or makings biopillowZ angrys?

theys caughts a guys. he's talls, blondes and nordics, SYGs dildos.


gast30 07.22.2011 04:49 PM

don't know what your talking about floating and suchfriendsa.d.

the attact is very heavy
killing teenagers with machinegun
17 deaths

don't mind here what i find funny
seen the war from 9/11 till now

i know
there is nothing beautifull about war

jon boy 07.22.2011 08:02 PM


floatingslowly 07.23.2011 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by gast30
don't know what your talking about floating and suchfriendsa.d.

the attact is very heavy
killing teenagers with machinegun
17 deaths

don't mind here what i find funny
seen the war from 9/11 till now

i know
there is nothing beautifull about war

so you support granting enemy combatant status upon untold numbers of NORDIC black metaleers? sure, eating your friends is brutal, but does this mean they get waterboarded in cuba too?

I find it interesting how one looney with a wacky agenda and psychomindset can co-opt into "THE WAR" for a couple thousand dollars worth of hardware. what's "the world's" bill?

racist apes, how many of you had already set your money upon "one of them islams"?????


this thead is now about crazy vikings. valhollaring.

SpaceCadetHayden 07.23.2011 12:37 AM


SpaceCadetHayden 07.23.2011 12:39 AM


gast30 07.23.2011 02:15 AM

police said that the bomber shooter was a extreem right person
against the islam

these populistic politicians are a danger for the future

in belgium they a "cordon sanitair " for extreem right populistic political movement

they are insaine and negative and dangerous
alot of NEO-NAZI in the belgium extreem right political national movement

these extreem right populistic movements
like blood and honor neo nazi movement
is looking for HITLER JEUGEND
speaking to young people to joing the nazi's
and creating music concert for their political propaganda machine

this nazi residue still lives in europe
and in belgium

+ they get money from EUROPE

when is that gonna stop

i get the shit from terrorist
but i also get the shit from these museum people
who have seen a war movie too much

gast30 07.23.2011 02:18 AM

it's just never ending hate they preach
a sadistic twist to have somekinda power as an animal

it's all animal imagined bullshit

gast30 07.23.2011 02:59 AM

even if you know 10 languages
you can't communicate with extreemist people

the human climate is one of an open psychose
you have these extreemist walking around with propaganda machine brainwashing
you have 750.000 phedofiles walking around
genocides, mass rapes of woman, modernday slavery, climate change
overfull prisons, earthquakes, nucliar disasters, wars, dictatorships
in the computer/space age

if i close my eyes
it's still there
and if i open my eyes it's still there

a human race that is gone insaine

because i came out of the vagina of an animal
doesn't mean the vagina is a timeportal into the future

gast30 07.23.2011 08:28 AM

populistic political groups
is a created cult
to recieve tax-money for beeing in a democratic system

Pelle 07.23.2011 09:14 AM

We dont have swedish TV here today..we can watch norwegian channels right now, all talking about the same thing, argh.

Savage Clone 07.23.2011 09:53 AM

Makes all the early anti-Muslim rancor after this story hit extra sickening.

EVOLghost 07.23.2011 01:10 PM

Oslo is a good song off of Penny Sparkle.

Pelle 07.24.2011 05:16 PM

and oh..R.I.P. everyone who died and my thoughts goes to the parents and friends of those people, what a fucking tragedy to hear about how they've died...some loner/nazipsycho :O

DemonBox 07.24.2011 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by Pelle
and oh..R.I.P. everyone who died and my thoughts goes to the parents and friends of those people, what a fucking tragedy to hear about how they've died...some loner/nazipsycho :O

Thank you. This is the worst weekend of my life.

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