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Fox 03.21.2006 03:55 PM

The classical thread...
Okay, what's your(s) favorite(s) Sonic Youth albums ? The ones you like the less?

I'd say my favorites are Confusion is Sex, Bad Moon Rising, EVOL, and coming just after, Sister, Daydream Nation and NYC Ghosts & Flowers...

The album I like the less is Goo, followed by Murray Street, but it do not mean they're bad, they're excellent too...

xpressway2yrskull 03.21.2006 04:05 PM

Evol and Sister are my favourites, but the more i listen to Nurse the higher it creeps in my ranking these days.

I still like it but I probably listen to EJST&NS in its entirety least.

Hip Priest 03.21.2006 04:25 PM

No problem:

1st - Murray Street
2nd - Dirty
3rd - Sister

I'm not too fond of 1,000 leaves, by comparison with their other stuff.

screamingskull 03.21.2006 04:28 PM

favourite 3 are
>daydream nation
>washing machine

least favourite 3 are
>NYC Ghosts & Flowers
>Confusion is sex
>A Thousand leaves

A Thousand Threads 03.21.2006 04:28 PM

my favourite sy records today
-1)Confusion is Sex
-3)Bad Moon Rising

trance feeeedback 03.21.2006 04:37 PM

top 3: washing machine, daydream nation, sister

my least favorite is dirty

Everyneurotic 03.21.2006 04:41 PM

i don't have a least favorite sy album

my top 3 right now is:
-EDIT:: actually i haven't heard dirty in a while, so right now, i would be lying. so here's the top:
-confusion is sex
-syr4: goodbye 20th century
-daydream nation (finally "got it" after so much time)

noisemachine 03.21.2006 04:42 PM

Daydream Nation and Sister are tied for my favorite. After that, theyre pretty much equal save for maybe NYCG&F...still cant really get into that one.

HaydenAsche 03.21.2006 04:48 PM

Murray Street

rocky 03.21.2006 04:49 PM

sonic background: I am a music listener who is less adept at finding the underground wellspring, so i stick with what i get, fluctuating between what's in my own space. my sonic youth collection has changed over time, mostly additions, but Goo and Sister are in other peoples' hands and may be lost.. . . .

my favorite right now is E V O L,
before that, dirty.
most listened at the moment is "experimental jet set",
i have had it for many months but am really into it right now.

ohthehorror 03.21.2006 04:57 PM

Bad Moon Rising.

SonikJesus 03.21.2006 06:03 PM

1) Sonic Nurse
2) Sister
3) Daydream Nation
4) Goo
5) Dirty

Spiritual Amnesia 03.21.2006 06:06 PM


1. SYR 2
2. NCG&F
3. 1st LP & Evol

TheDom 03.21.2006 06:09 PM

1) Sister - I have been listening to it twice everyday for the past week and have finally found out what is so great about it
2) Daydream Nation
3) Bad Moon tied with EVOL

Alex's Trip 03.21.2006 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by Fox
Okay, what's your(s) favorite(s) Sonic Youth albums ? The ones you like the less?

I'd say my favorites are Confusion is Sex, Bad Moon Rising, EVOL, and coming just after, Sister, Daydream Nation and NYC Ghosts & Flowers...

The album I like the less is Goo, followed by Murray Street, but it do not mean they're bad, they're excellent too...

For someone from France, your English is very good. However, the word 'less' should be changed to 'least' in both cases. I don't know if you care, I just thought you might want to know. I would if I were speaking French incorrectly.

...and to answer your question. My favorites would have to be:

Daydream Nation
Washing Machine
Bad Moon Rising

But really, they all are great.

My least favorite...EJSTNS and NYCG&F probably

finding nobody 03.21.2006 07:03 PM

awsome thread dude
top 3 (not in any order) daydream nation, sonic nurse, confusion is sex
least favorite is... fuck! i can't do it. i guess bad moon rising

Joey 06.11.2006 08:12 PM

-Sonic Nurse

(Not in Order)

Pookie 06.11.2006 08:18 PM

Bad Moon Rising
Goodbye 20th Century

Don't like Dirty

luxinterior 06.11.2006 08:20 PM

Bad Moon Rising is so unique in comparison to their other albums. But I don't think I have an actual favorite.

nomadicfollower 06.11.2006 08:24 PM

Top 3:
Murray Street
Confusion is Sex

Least Favorite:
Sonic Nurse

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