![]() |
Haha you complete bunch of twat boxes.
So, suck me off? |
There, finished setting up wikithread
It's like 'Being John Malkovich'!
Haven't seen it yet :(. I hear a lot of people talking about it although I don't watch TV so I have no clue. Surprised wikithread already got that much rep! |
I wrote this, it was a joke but kinda the same. |
haha, I guess people like sonic susie and such can use it so people don't bash on every one of their posts if they don't add their name to it.
Haha, yeah. It's a cool idea though. I tried to rep myself but didn't work for some reason.
I just hope it won't degenerate... though i am a degenerate
I want to change the password SOOOOOOO bad.
i changed the password, its "gaydon"
(that was for you ;)) |
ACK! Who was that?
Thats got to be Porkmarras
fucking twat cunt nigger pussy pussy pusssy gay shit ass scum
Hello Hayden,how's it going?
hey guess who?
buahahahahah buaahahaha buaahahaha buaahahahaa
I haven't used that wikithread shit. I probably never will.
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