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Glice 09.07.2006 05:22 PM

Industrial music.
Hello. I've been listening to a lot of early industrial today, and I thought I'd start a thread about it. I have been particularly enjoying SPK and Non this evening. So basically, I'm looking for bands that aren't as well known from the glory days of 76-ish to the early 80's. Anyone here particularly knowledgable about this sort of thing?

porkmarras 09.07.2006 05:27 PM

I could see this coming at one point.Well done for getting into Non wich i wouldnt really think of as industrial but refer to our chat on Monday about that.

Glice 09.07.2006 05:29 PM

Aye. It took me a while, but only because I was waiting to find something on vinyl.

I know it's not really industrial, and most of the people in that scene tend to dislike the term... but I refuse to use the absurd 'England's hidden reverse' term.

Laibach, anyone?

porkmarras 09.07.2006 05:34 PM

I'll have to refresh my memory about them.

*enters Sir Clone*

Glice 09.07.2006 05:35 PM


porkmarras 09.07.2006 05:38 PM

You see,Clone and my best mate back home would totally concur on that look being something to cherish but i've been aquainted with it on the so called 'gay scene' so may times that it's almost like something that you casually wear for a shopping trip to Tesco.

Savage Clone 09.07.2006 05:39 PM

My friend contributed the "Rape Tape" to Non's "Might" LP.

I like the early work of Hunting Lodge, and the California husband and wife duo Psyclones are severely underrated.
More will come to mind soon. I listened to a lot of this stuff for a long time.

"Fascist Chic" rules, homo-ubiquitousness notwithstanding.

Glice 09.07.2006 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
My friend contributed the "Rape Tape" to Non's "Might" LP.

I like the early work of Hunting Lodge, and the California husband and wife duo Psyclones are severely underrated.
More will come to mind soon. I listened to a lot of this stuff for a long time.

"Fascist Chic" rules, homo-ubiquitousness notwithstanding.

Hunting Lodge? I'm playing with them soon.

Must be a different one, surely?

Savage Clone 09.07.2006 05:42 PM

Ask them if they had a tune called "Tribal Warning Shot" in the early 80s and find out!

Glice 09.07.2006 05:44 PM

Ah, no, they definitely didn't. Unless they were a band whilst still the wrong side of puberty.

porkmarras 09.07.2006 05:44 PM

I'll have to go for the 'it rules' option then.I'm stuck in the early 90s at the moment so i'm wearing tie-dye tshirts and dreadlocks.Accidentally reading a random free newspaper that you get on the buses today i've found out that the 'rave' look is back.Bless them,they put Paris Hilton sporting such a thing.

Savage Clone 09.07.2006 05:45 PM

Well, then tell 'em their name has been used up!

Glice 09.07.2006 05:47 PM

Mmm, I definitely will do. Although I'm pretty sure they won't care.

I've found some of the original HL on slsk, so I shall check that out presently. Any more for any more?

Savage Clone 09.07.2006 05:50 PM

Vasilisk from Japan are cool as fuck.

porkmarras 09.07.2006 05:52 PM

Drone,do you like Clock DVA and the whole body music scene?Skinny Puppy and the like.

Savage Clone 09.07.2006 05:54 PM

Oh, man!
Clock DVA reference reminds me!

ANTIGROUP, also known as TAGC. Clock-DVA related, absolutely essential!!!

"Digitaria" is one of my favorite LPs ever!
I will upload for you!

I liked Skinny Puppy in high school, but not so much now, save for nostalgia.

porkmarras 09.07.2006 05:57 PM

I personally don't need it because i've been indoctrinated big time but it would be nice for glice to hear.Whatever happened to them?I think sonicl could also be great on that.

Savage Clone 09.07.2006 05:57 PM

I was speaking more for Glice; I figured you had that one by now.

Glice 09.07.2006 06:10 PM

Tribal warning shot, yes, very nice. I've a feeling a trip to Exotica may be in order, as I'm pretty sure I haven't a snowball's chance in hell of finding half of these.

Savage Clone 09.07.2006 06:13 PM

Look for a compilation called "Vhutemas Archetypi." It's on there. Good comp, SPK, early Laibach, Lustmørd, Gerechtigkeits Liga. Dunno how rare it is; I've had it forever.

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