Lee is Free |
09.16.2006 09:25 PM |
Lee last minute listing--Peekskill soundwalk 9/17 2pm
Lee will conduct a participatory sound-walk of his recorded piece "Shibuya Displacement" as part of the Hudson Valley Center for Contemporary Art's "Peekskill Project 2006". Participants are requested to bring a portable boombox or other CD player WITH SPEAKERS and FRESH BATTERIES. All participants will receive a CD copy of the piece to keep, and Lee will lead an approx 40 minute walk thru the village of Peekskill for this "boom-box ensemble". Many other artists projects are going on about town this weekend, and also an exhibition at the Museum. The sound-walk will commence at 2 pm on Sunday Sept 17 from the HVCCA, 1701 Main Street, in Peekskill NY. For more info: