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truncated 09.17.2006 11:54 PM

I've become a mobile geek
I got a new phone as a pity gift while in the hospital, so I'm posting from a T-Mobile Sidekick 3. It has its own keyboard and everything. I'm entranced by new technology that I am too stupid to use.

I asked my mom to pick me up a book to read, meaning from my own bookshelves. She came back having bought a Janet Evanovich novel. Well-intentioned, but I must now cut her from my will.

Anyone else here an addict for high-tech, even when they don't know how to use it?

*Edit: "Well-intentioned?" Grammar input would be welcome. Mind-altering medication being ingested is my excuse.

Alex's Trip 09.18.2006 12:03 AM

I want a Sidekick, but my family is on Verizon.

truncated 09.18.2006 12:21 AM

I think you can unlock those to use with any provider. I'm getting a very intriguing geek education on the world of cell phones.

Alex's Trip 09.18.2006 12:57 AM

Haha. I want one, but I really wouldn't use it any more or less than my phone. I guess I want it just to have it, but whatever.

I also want (just to have) a Zune. The new Microsoft MP3 player thingy:


Tokolosh 09.18.2006 03:36 AM

I love high tech gadgets, but I'm not someone who has a mobile phone glued to the side of my face, all of the time. I use it when I really need to. Those palmtops are quite neat.

porkmarras 09.18.2006 04:22 AM

I'm stupidly in love with technology.Seeing flashing buttons turns me into a 5 year old.

static-harmony 09.18.2006 04:35 AM

I want the new Mp3player/ phone

<---- I want this one

fishmonkey 09.18.2006 04:47 AM

im a total technophile i pepper my life with loads of the latest shite, games consoles, PSP, Nintendo DS and the the DS Lite!. Ipod.. fly pod, die pod all the fuckin pods. i'm not to bothered about saving money for buying a house like a lot of my other friends are i just spend all my money on cool buzz little shit like this to make my life easier.

Glice 09.18.2006 06:29 AM

I can't say I'm entirely opposed to technology, but I am a bit like an old beligerant twat when it comes to things I don't understand. One of the most fun things in my recent life is telling computer engineer type people that they're dealing in Witchcraft. Because they are. Heathens.

I have the shittest mobile imaginable, and I hate it.

fishmonkey 09.18.2006 06:34 AM


Originally Posted by Glice
One of the most fun things in my recent life is telling computer engineer type people that they're dealing in Witchcraft. Because they are. Heathens.

ha ha!
thats funny, i fixed my dad/brother's PC a few times and he called me some sorta witchdoctor.. or crocodile dundee when he does that mind thing with the vicious dog

king_buzzo 09.18.2006 06:35 AM

old ones rule, new ones suck

truncated 09.18.2006 08:04 AM

I'm digging the PDA type thing because I'm not a fan of the phone in most cases; like Tokolosh, I rarely use my cell phone. I'm a much bigger fan of texting, as it's a less interactive form of communication, and I generally hate most socializing. Therefore, the keyboard feature excites me to a ridiculous extent.

And to static-harmony, I had that phone, but if you're into texting like me, it's a pain in the ass. The buttons 'stick,' so you constantly have to re-type your messages. And touch screens piss me off.

HaydenAsche 09.18.2006 08:13 AM

I'm a huge text-whore. Talking on the phone is so personal and overrated. Except when it's to Lilly or CHOUT of course.

truncated 09.18.2006 08:20 AM

Phone calls from Texas asshats playing country music generally put me off using the phone. And a lack of phone calls from Gooey, of course.

HaydenAsche 09.18.2006 08:23 AM

Well, as the woman in the relationship you are supposed to call me and nag my ear off into all hours of the night, correct?

Fucking Texans.

truncated 09.18.2006 08:24 AM

I think the gender roles in this liaison are debatable.

Savage Clone 09.18.2006 08:27 AM

Trannies and queers can select basically any gender role configuration, I think.

HaydenAsche 09.18.2006 08:27 AM


However, you're so messed up on pain-meds you don't even know what 'gender roles' means right now.

Do they have jell-o in the hospital there? If so, what flavor is it. I've been craving some since me and Titties discussed it the other night.

HaydenAsche 09.18.2006 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Trannies and queers can select basically any gender role configuration, I think.

You'd know, queer.

Savage Clone 09.18.2006 08:33 AM

Whoa, good comeback.

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