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Danny Himself 09.18.2006 05:38 AM


finding nobody 09.18.2006 05:43 AM

I love him. I like the picture of the easter stuff

whorefrost 09.18.2006 07:58 AM

not been there in ages, kinda forgot all about it. goddamned hilarious stuff.

HaydenAsche 09.18.2006 08:06 AM

I have that "If your children don't look like this when you come home you have failed as parents" or whatever shirt. I love maddox.

hey alex 09.18.2006 11:44 AM

been awhile/. Anyone seen his book, the alphabet of manliness? It's fuckin a all the way

racehorse 09.18.2006 11:47 AM

maddox is brilliant. my friend is just a less eloquent version of him. it's quite amusing./

Danny Himself 09.18.2006 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by hey alex
been awhile/. Anyone seen his book, the alphabet of manliness? It's fuckin a all the way

I looked at the 'concealing boners' section in borders.

Cantankerous 09.18.2006 05:46 PM

hahaha i've been reading that for god knows how long. i love him.

schizophrenicroom 09.18.2006 06:00 PM

i love him.

Danny Himself 09.18.2006 06:04 PM

I want to send a fan letter to him, but I'd probably make a really bad grammer mistake and he'd write an article about it calling me a dumbass, totally blowing it out of proportion.

schizophrenicroom 09.18.2006 06:07 PM

you could write it and i could spell-check it.

hey alex 09.18.2006 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by Danny Himself
I looked at the 'concealing boners' section in borders.

I ,ove the part were he mentions cyclopse's //// it doesn't make any connection to the part of the book it;'s in... and he just says "I had to mention cyclopses/" Yea. I don't really know how to spell 'cyclopsises' and have drank a 211.

atari 2600 09.18.2006 09:56 PM

The Maddox guy, despite all his turns of phrase, is barely above being an idiot. He's a frustrated comedian.

Even though I haven't seen "Loose Change," and even though the idiot Maddox thinks Avery is an idiot, Dylan Avery is probably an idiot as well.

Please note that one can still be an idiot and know that there are no hidden images in the new twenty dollar bill.

Oh, as I'm reading, I see he's fond of calling people "idiots" as well.

It's nice if one has an education and can apply knowledge as Maddox demonstrates, but it doesn't mean a goddamn thing without the capacity to be a generalist enough to see the big picture. He deals with the small, specific, researchable picture. That's his domain. Why? Because he believes in nothing other than his smug selfish self and he has enough wits about him to mask his inner idiot and seem like he really knows of what he writes. The poor fellow longs to be an edgier Dave Barry.

Cantankerous 09.18.2006 10:10 PM

but it's funny.

atari 2600 09.18.2006 10:13 PM

The poor fellow longs to be an edgier Dave Barry.

Self-satisfied wit is not something I look for in a writer.

It's not something I look for in a comedian either really.

Cantankerous 09.18.2006 10:14 PM

i don't care.

atari 2600 09.18.2006 10:21 PM

Yeah, I know.

HaydenAsche 09.18.2006 10:41 PM

A kid from my school said this, I think. It may have Maddox. Fuck if I remember:

"The alphabet of manliness will be the greatest book of all time. It will quickly outsell the Bible. In fact, copies of the bible will be recycled when all of the worlds trees have been used up to print the ABCs or Manliness.

Cantankerous 09.18.2006 10:41 PM

"big penises are awesome. big vaginas are just gross."

CHOUT 09.18.2006 11:45 PM


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