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keep poppin pimples 03.22.2012 07:33 PM

god proven through new age music.
iasos is a really great artist and i thought he could do anything, but i doubted him for a moment, as usual i was wrong

floatingslowly 03.22.2012 08:57 PM

I already knew it. I'm watching Strike Witches. it's about Japanese girls who never wear pants and do battle with giant spacemonsters by strapping circa dubya dubya eye eye jap planes to their feet.

yuri_field is over 99.9%

knox 03.23.2012 09:22 PM

so you want proof

floatingslowly 03.24.2012 10:28 AM

Why does the "lead singer" look so very much like afonso?????

gmku 03.24.2012 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by keep poppin pimples
iasos is a really great artist and i thought he could do anything, but i doubted him for a moment, as usual i was wrong

What an idiot.

knox 03.24.2012 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
Why does the "lead singer" look so very much like afonso?????

you're gonna have to ask him.
but he'll deny.

gast30 03.25.2012 04:54 AM

i think the basic of religious people is they have a problem with death or that life can be totally has no meaning or purpose

religious people want and need something to do
before they die

they can't live an animal life that knows that there is nothing to do
you can only fill in what you want to do

the religious people wrap their program around their childeren and so a child that was born in a free universe where there were never words spoken is programmed to follow the religious program

not knowing how this experiment will end
and what this means for the sapian DNA gene-pool

cause from then on females only have childeren of religious people
wich means this is a forced out of nature
all sapians born in that way are off track from nature

natures dna genpool is always the natural strongest dna
wich is the most adapted to the lifesurroundings

for example polar bears
a female will make childeren with a strong male with a very thick fur to keep body temprature undercontrol for the cold life surroundings

the female won't make a child with a male who has almsot no thick fur
because the child would be dead by the cold life surroundings

so what have we learned today ???

1. that life surroundings dominate the dna of the specie
life surroundings are the designers of all specie

2. even psychological changes of the specie sapian can lead to a different bread pattern
cauzed by something the religious groups call god

they think that after 4 billion years of animal life
that they are the top specie that knows better

the sapian is making him/herself a top specie is a halucinative world
look at the consequences today

3000 years of war, massive destruction of natural systems that support life on earth

this specie is the most insaine specie that walks around

gast30 03.25.2012 05:08 AM

conclusion groups are no good thing for sapians

if there are groups sapian start to fight the other group
wich is just another sapian group

live universal

gast30 03.25.2012 05:54 AM

wrapping a religion around a child is like a program you upload on a child
with the results of now 5 billion people who had a 'religious ' program uploaded on themself

what they forgot to upload is the modern information
wich is on speaking different language
like for example dna
dna speaks in modern information as 98% chimpansee simular

the people are not connected with the modern times or with modern information
because it is a lot of brainwork without the normal natural satisfaction pattern as a reward in sex or food or terretory or status
and it speaks against the first wrapped/ forced down program

something like that

you upload or download or erase
it's you that is head responsible for the information to hold on to or let go

keep poppin pimples 03.25.2012 12:40 PM

gast, are you jealous you haven't had psychic communication with pan?

gast30 03.25.2012 02:30 PM

who is pan?

keep poppin pimples 03.25.2012 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by gast30
who is pan?

did you even watch the video, you're an uneducated sheep like the religos people

floatingslowly 03.25.2012 02:47 PM

I liek Pan Pizza.

gast30 03.25.2012 03:08 PM

oh oh oh ok now i get it
i don't believe a thing from these telephatco connected to ??? things
those people scare me

anyway i was an uneducted goat and i liked it

from pizza
back to japanees girls

floatingslowly 03.25.2012 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by gast30
i was an uneducted goat and i liked it

o rly?


gast30 03.25.2012 03:53 PM

flowt i advise you to connected with the spirit ghandi
there you will find EVERTHING lol

gast30 03.25.2012 03:54 PM

maybe there was a time human were close to animals

gast30 03.25.2012 03:56 PM

after the worlds of maybe
you can simpely forget about the poison of humans

keep poppin pimples 03.26.2012 03:07 PM

i wanna go to thassos and meet the goats myself

keep poppin pimples 03.26.2012 03:08 PM

psychicly communicate with the goats

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