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sonicl 11.01.2006 04:44 AM

Are you going to ATP (the poll version)
Every time there's a "who's going to ATP" thread I lose track of who's said what, and, beyond about half a dozen names, I have no idea who's actually going from off the board. So, do me a favour will you, if you're going please can you vote "yes" above. It's one of those polls where you can see who has voted what, so hopefully it should provide a more understandable "who's going" list.


(Do feel free to discuss your attendance as well, though, otherwise I'm going to have to keep bumping this thread every five minutes)

toxic johnny 11.01.2006 06:31 AM

C'mon you ATP freaks time to crawl out of the woodwork...

jon boy 11.01.2006 06:34 AM

yes and i am looking forward to it so bloody much.

PAULYBEE2656 11.01.2006 08:55 AM

gahh, still fucking annoyed with myself! nope, not going.

Glice 11.01.2006 10:06 AM

I'm tempted to say I'm not going and vote yes, or vice versa. I can't actually be arsed, however.

Yes, I am going. With bells on. Actual bells as well, like a reindeer.

Confucious is sex 11.01.2006 10:07 AM

I am going, not that anyone cares because my posts are not in the thousands, but i will be there and i will have absinthe.

sonicl 11.01.2006 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by Confucious is sex
I am going, not that anyone cares because my posts are not in the thousands, but i will be there and i will have absinthe.

Don't sell yourself short. We have nothing against people who have better things to do than post on this board at all hours.

What does absinthe taste like?

Confucious is sex 11.01.2006 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by sonicl
Don't sell yourself short. We have nothing against people who have better things to do than post on this board at all hours.

What does absinthe taste like?

There's a literal answer and a poetic answer - it being a Parisian tipple, this is only natural.
Literally, it's a bit like a cross between Pernod and that sugary purple cough syrup you had until you were 6 and then you had to have the horrid orange one.
Poetically, it's like the fire of untold passion cascading down the back of your throat to spur you into spontaneity and forest related hijinks

sonicl 11.01.2006 10:23 AM

Hmm... I think the literal answer has put me off the idea of experiencing the poetic one.

Confucious is sex 11.01.2006 10:26 AM

It sounds worse than it is, but you don't drink it for the taste, you drink it because it has at least 150% of the alcohol content of a strong vodka and gets you blasted. Plus there's never really a hangover, as long as you don't mix it.

h8kurdt 11.01.2006 12:43 PM

It taste like sodding aniseed.

Yes I am going. Showing off me SY tat (not really). It is gonna rule. That is all.

PAULYBEE2656 11.01.2006 02:31 PM

ok, im now fucking raging im not going..........

The Lung 11.01.2006 03:36 PM

yeh, can't wait

HaydenAsche 11.01.2006 03:37 PM

I won't be attending.

the ikara cult 11.01.2006 04:03 PM

Im not, because i will have a Neuroscience exam on the Friday. I probably should have still got a ticket anyway, but i didnt and thats that. Frankly ive been in a state of despair about this for months, i even emailed my tutor asking if the exam dates were concrete. I considered killing one of my nearest-and-dearest but its not come to that..... yet.

Ive still never seen Sonic Youth play. :(

k-krack 11.01.2006 04:05 PM

I will also not be in attendence.

greenlight 11.01.2006 04:15 PM

yes, i am.
you are probably aware of it, stephen.
thanks, i probably wouldn't if not yr. offer!

is it cold in somerset in december, hehe?

therealglenstyler 11.02.2006 03:39 AM

yup. can't wait. I'm already packed.
bit bummed about only being allowed into one of the two shows by both the stooges and sy though, what the fuck is that all about!

Kyohan 11.02.2006 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by therealglenstyler
yup. can't wait. I'm already packed.
bit bummed about only being allowed into one of the two shows by both the stooges and sy though, what the fuck is that all about!

Me too! I'm trying to work out some way of swinging it, but I doubt that'll be possible. How frustrating is it going to be knowing they're playing and not being able to get into the venue!?

Cantankerous 11.02.2006 05:19 PM

see you there, motherfuckers.

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