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Inhuman 04.11.2006 08:24 AM

Getting my girlfriend a CD
...and it has to be something she likes, so I can't go all out and get her something amazing like Boris (which I am tempted to do anyway).

The Yeah Yeah Yeah's
The New Pornographers
Smashing Pumpkins
Blink 182
The All American Rejects
Babes in Toyland

I'm definately aiming towards Babes in Toyland, SP, and Nirvana but I don't know which SP and Nirvana ones she has. Opinions?

marleypumpkin 04.11.2006 08:27 AM

Give her some Babes In Toyland to show your girlfriend the light on fucking awesome girl bands like BIT.

Onani Nic 04.11.2006 08:34 AM

Babes In Toyland

Inhuman 04.11.2006 08:39 AM

Yeah, I guess babes in toyland will edge her closer to no wave punk, as oppose to most of the indie rock she listens to now. I really like Babes in Toyland myself too :D

marleypumpkin 04.11.2006 08:39 AM


Please tell me that Blink 182 thing is a joke. Right?

Babes In Toyland would definetly suit any girl, in my opinion. Or any guy. It doesn't matter.

Inhuman 04.11.2006 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by marleypumpkin

Please tell me that Blink 182 thing is a joke. Right?

Nope-dead serious. She also likes that boxcar racer or whatever they're called band. Not that I'd even consider getting her an album by them, but just one of the few artists that I know she likes.

marleypumpkin 04.11.2006 08:45 AM

Well, it is her cd that your getting. Just make sure you consider every possible angle of buying a cd. Especially for your girlfriend.

Inhuman 04.11.2006 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by marleypumpkin
Well, it is her cd that your getting. Just make sure you consider every possible angle of buying a cd. Especially for your girlfriend.

Well for sure, she's been really into the Yeah Yeah Yeah's and progressively getting into Babes, and she doesn't talk too much about liking Boxcar or Blink anyway.

marleypumpkin 04.11.2006 08:52 AM

I was just about to say, if you don't have a back-up already, definetly go w/ the YYY's. Maybe "Master" would do the trick. Or the "Machine" single.

rocky 04.11.2006 09:03 AM

i bet [smashing pumpkins'] Adore would be a really good choice...
if she doesn't have it already. a really unique album, pure and atmospheric.
the songs are really some of their best. i bet she'd enjoy it, but you'll know better than i

Inhuman 04.11.2006 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by rocky
i bet [smashing pumpkins'] Adore would be a really good choice...
if she doesn't have it already. a really unique album, pure and atmospheric.
the songs are really some of their best. i bet she'd enjoy it, but you'll know better than i

I don't think she has it, and Smashing Pumpkins is one of her all time favorites, so I'll check it out later today and see if I can find it. If there's no Babes in Toyland I'll go with this, and if neither, then probably Yeah Yeah Yeah's.


!@#$%! 04.11.2006 09:10 AM

corrupt her rather than pandering to her maintream tendencies

she'll forever thank you

jon boy 04.11.2006 09:13 AM

get her something by anthony braxton. scare the shit out of her and she will love you forever.

marleypumpkin 04.11.2006 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
corrupt her rather than pandering to her maintream tendencies

she'll forever thank you

I do agree w/ !@#$%! on this subject, to an extent. She needs to learn the ways of underground music. Instead of listening to the same old groups. She will be enthrawled & overcome by the great underground scene.

rocky 04.11.2006 09:24 AM

they are a little younger though....when we're younger all the underground stuff is just mish mash compared to big obvious beauty of rock....maybe for their anniversary (she'll be keeping track so he won't have to) he can get her something more radical to keep things interesting ;)

Inhuman 04.11.2006 10:16 AM

That`s a great idea. We're actually having a party sometime next week, and we're asking everybody to bring Mix CD's to share. The only problem is, is that my girlfriend's only 15, so it might be a little difficult to get her to appreciate the stuff on my CD. I did what I could, I put some stuff by:

Eisturzende Neubauten
Ciccone Youth
The Coup
Arab on Radar
Jim O`Rourke
Aki Onda

So I'm seeing if she might like any of those, then keep them in mind to pick a CD up for her. As for buying her one now, I`ll try and get her into more experimental slowly artist by artist. She likes Death From Above and Radiohead, so if I find similar artists I can work from there. I made a bad move at the start of the relationship, I put the Roots Maneuva Dub Compilation on in my room, but I sort of figured that was pushing it and she hated it.

I'll check out Anthony Braxton, I'm always looking for new stuff to get into, and I also have to check out the Boredoms. Thanks

marleypumpkin 04.11.2006 10:23 AM

Your girlfriend doesn't know yet all the great music she is in for.

logcabinrecluse 04.11.2006 10:25 AM

some may disagree, but i think that all 15 year old girls should listen to pussy whipped at least once.[/quote]

Trasher02 04.11.2006 11:41 AM

Buy her Babes in Toyland or the Yeah Yeah Yeah's.
if you buy Blink 182 or The All american rejects i'll personally come over to yr house and kick yr ass.

AllHandsOnTheBigOne 04.11.2006 12:23 PM

Buy her Who Will Cut Our Hair When We're Gone? by The Unicorns.

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