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SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.05.2012 01:22 PM

Attention Non-White People: Barack Obama? HAHAHAHAHA
Really? So American politics are even more racially divided in during the era of Reconstruction? Since the GOP has decided to just roll the dice on an all-white interest platform, it looks like Obama has gone the opposite, and is pandering to the all-non-white (and "liberal" white) sector. What a crock of shit! Ask the Black Caucus, what has the first black president done for black folks? Aside from symbolism, NOTHING! What has the first democratic, labor oriented president done for the common worker? NOTHING! What has a Nobel Peace prize winning president done to end the war(s)? NOTHING! Fuck that, and fuck them! I can only support Mr. Obama because the opposition is so vitriolically and obviously racist, that I want nothing to do with them. But the Democrats are feeling spoiled, and since they know its like the novel 1984, they don't have to do anything for people, they just have to play good cop to the Republican bad cop. This makes the Democrats AS racist if not MORE so than the Republicans, because at least the GOP is obvious about it. When the Democrats pander to "minorities" and yet do NOTHING to pursue theirs and our interests, that is the same empty racism that the other guys are offering. What has the President done exactly? Bailed out the big banks, caved on healthcare reform to give us the bullshit Newt Gingrich plan from 1995, has continued these ugly and self-defeating Bush Tax cuts, DEPORTED ALMOST 2 MILLION PEOPLE (!!!), done NOTHING for Immigration reform, an alas, the War(s) carry on as ever...

Great haircut, terrible policy.

Fuck these assholes, fuck those assholes.. vote for yourself ;)

fugazifan 09.05.2012 02:44 PM

obama has apparently imprisoned more migrant\undocumented workers than any other president before him.
not to mention his excessive us of drone attacks to kill people
yay democracy!

SonicBebs 09.05.2012 03:15 PM

But he did close guantanamo....oh....

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.05.2012 09:44 PM

While still coherent and moderately persuasive, I'm not quite sure who looked more confused and bewildered, pimpin Bill Clinton or Clint Eastwood.


fugazifan 09.06.2012 01:42 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
"Facing unhappy pro-Israel groups amid a Republican-led outcry, Democrats gathered Wednesday at their presidential nominating convention made 11th-hour changes to the party platform to reinstate a reference to God and a declaration that "undivided" Jerusalem is Israel's capital."

I type this as I await to hear former President Bill Clinton address the DNC......actually looking forward to this.

WOW - how pathetic the DNC was earlier today arguing over the reference of God and Jerusalem. Taking three votes to "force through" the 2/3rd's if making last second changes to the DNC "platform" changes a single thing.

so pathetic fighting over who is more pro-israel instead of making policies that would actually change anything. the dems are almost as useless and dangerous as the republicans.

floatingslowly 09.06.2012 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor

WOW - how pathetic the DNC was earlier today arguing over the reference of God and Jerusalem. Taking three votes to "force through" the 2/3rd's if making last second changes to the DNC "platform" changes a single thing.

I have serious misgivings over ANY vote that's cast using a fucking applause-o-meter.

Should we choose our elected representatives based upon the size of their vocal cords? Fucking barbarian shit.

This isn't really happening. I am still asleep.

floatingslowly 09.06.2012 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Most democrats don't recognize a God nor do they pray for Israel.

I love you, but this statement is unqualified hyperbole.

Besides, what ever happened to my beloved separation of church and state??

fugazifan 09.06.2012 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
So you think America could make a policy that would actually benefit Israel?

Most democrats don't recognize a God nor do they pray for Israel. I have no doubt that many republicans believe in God and pray for Israel, but evidently that is not working the way you think it should. If it's possible in a few short lines, please tell what you would like to see happen. If you have addressed this at some point in the past in another thread, I do apologize for not noticing it.

the policy that americans shold make that would e most beneficial would be to to stop being so pro israel, to stop giving 3 billion dollars a year in aid to the crimnal israeli army, to stop recognizing occupied jerusalem as israel's capital. . .

obama started out in the right direction but then saw how strong the pro israel forces are so he and the dems started battling it out with he rebublicans who is more pro-israel rather than actually trying to solve any of the issues here.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.06.2012 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
So you think America could make a policy that would actually benefit Israel?

Most democrats don't recognize a God nor do they pray for Israel. I have no doubt that many republicans believe in God and pray for Israel, but evidently that is not working the way you think it should. If it's possible in a few short lines, please tell what you would like to see happen. If you have addressed this at some point in the past in another thread, I do apologize for not noticing it.

Israel is a secular republic, what exactly does G-d have to do with any of this?

Originally Posted by fugazifan
the dems are almost as useless and dangerous as the republicans.


Now you've seen the Light

tesla69 09.06.2012 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
What has the President done exactly? Bailed out the big banks, caved on healthcare reform to give us the bullshit Newt Gingrich plan from 1995, has continued these ugly and self-defeating Bush Tax cuts, DEPORTED ALMOST 2 MILLION PEOPLE (!!!), done NOTHING for Immigration reform, an alas, the War(s) carry on as ever. ;)

I take it you don't think we should control our borders?

This Forbes article is interesting, it shows the Fed budget under Obama grew less than any other president recently, and the year of its largest growth was actually the budget inherited from the Bush admin.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.06.2012 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
I take it you don't think we should control our borders?

This Forbes article is interesting, it shows the Fed budget under Obama grew less than any other president recently, and the year of its largest growth was actually the budget inherited from the Bush admin.

The borders are secure enough. Statistically the US border is quite literally one of the safest places in the country! Further, there is a large enough police and military presence there as it is, please explain to me just exactly how the borders are NOT already controlled? Further, please explain to me what legalizing millions of undocumented folks has to do with security?

By the way, I see yet again that Pimpin Bill Clinton can swoon all the ladies at the Democratic National Convention ;)

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.06.2012 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
America could stop recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital, but it wouldn't change the fact that Jerusalem is Israel's capital and will remain so until God establishes a New Jerusalem.

Well, God calls Israel the “apple of His eye” and Numbers tells us that God will never abandon Israel and in the end, Israel will be saved by God Almighty......this is the light:

And what exactly does an ancient and potentially mythical people of Israel have to with the contemporary, secular country today? To assert such a claim would be like me to pretend I am some how French because thousands of years ago some of my theoretical ancestors lived there. Those folks in the Bible were called Israelites, and they are about 2600 years removed from the folks today called Israelis ;)

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.06.2012 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
The Pimp was showing some age, but Bill is still one of the best public speakers.

The Israelites who witnessed his departure will somehow be related to the Israelis who witness his return in like manner......the names of the people may be different, but it's the same Jerusalem!

That is a matter of interpretation, but historicity and archaeology suggest otherwise. Further, I'm a very religious man, but religious texts and faith don't often make good criteria for defining political boundaries and dictating national policy.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.06.2012 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
I agree, it is a matter of interpretation......just like those who once believed the world was flat in no way made it any less round.

Yes, but you realize many Christians would suggest that you are on the flat side of the argument right?

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.07.2012 11:08 AM

"Just take two tax cuts and some deregulation and call me in the morning." fucking hilarous. Hey Barack, if that is the case, why did YOU let the Bush Tax cuts continue unabated ;)

these guys are such terrible liars, seriously!

!@#$%! 09.07.2012 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
"Just take two tax cuts and some deregulation and call me in the morning." fucking hilarous. Hey Barack, if that is the case, why did YOU let the Bush Tax cuts continue unabated ;)

oh brother, let me catch you up on last year's news. the president had to concede to an extension to the bush tax cust so the teabagger congress would let him extend unemployment and increase the debt ceiling in exchange. where do you get this fantasy that the president rules at will? he's not an absolute monarch and per the us constitution congress has the power of the purse.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.07.2012 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
oh brother, let me catch you up on last year's news. the president had to concede to an extension to the bush tax cust so the teabagger congress would let him extend unemployment and increase the debt ceiling in exchange. where do you get this fantasy that the president rules at will? he's not an absolute monarch and per the us constitution congress has the power of the purse.

How cute, that asshole with the fly hair cut got you apologizing for him too?

Just admit it, the brotha sold you out for the Tax Cuts, period. By Executive authority he could have pushed legislation top-down through the Senate and then the begrudging Congress, and if Congress rejected it, brought back through the Senate, forced a 2/3 majority vote and then signed it as President ;)

!@#$%! 09.07.2012 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
How cute, that asshole with the fly hair cut got you apologizing for him too?

Just admit it, the brotha sold you out for the Tax Cuts, period. By Executive authority he could have pushed legislation top-down through the Senate and then the begrudging Congress, and if Congress rejected it, brought back through the Senate, forced a 2/3 majority vote and then signed it as President ;)

i'm not apologizing, i'm pissed at his policy of domestic spying and detention without trials, but unlike the old ethiopia 'merica is not a monarchy and POWER IS NEGOTIATED, the world is a very complex place, and nothing is black or white except for the moral fantasies of those unsullied by experience.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.07.2012 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i'm not apologizing, i'm pissed at his policy of domestic spying and detention without trials, but unlike the old ethiopia 'merica is not a monarchy and POWER IS NEGOTIATED, the world is a very complex place, and nothing is black or white except for the moral fantasies of those unsullied by experience.

Unsullied by experience? Haha, you're funny how you take this shit so seriously that you'd accuse me of nonsense like that!!

I believe you mistake my assertions. (a) ask all those dead folks killed by American military and foreign spending just how not Imperial the US president is, they might have a bone to pick with you about that..

(b) I have no faith, trust, or hope in the president, period. Power is negotiated? True. But like we in Rastafari say, "Too many Ginals at the bargain.. too many rats.. too many thieves.. Honestly my brother, the Democrats have fooled the college educated folks because sometimes we over think it, sometimes we have just enough hope and intellectual capacity invested in this game, we just wishful thinking will it towards the truth, but we all know its not. Barack Obama is a bitch, plain and simple. So was Pimpin Bill Clinton, and any other duppie president they tried to pander to we folks to believe they believe in us. Those assholes are about one thing, making they money. If you fuck with they money, they will fuck you. So lets not get caught up in this political blame game of scape-goating the problem onto the opposition, as if it were magically just the Republicans fault. Even in a perfect world, assuming the politics are real and true, then the president still failed because as a leader he should have pushed those assholes. Just saying ,"I tried and they didn't listen" is not enough. Could I do that in my classroom? Say, well I tried to teach my students, but they just weren't interested in the lecture so its their fault. No. bullshit.. We all know that as the leader of that classroom, that would be my fault, and as the leader of these Amerikkkan united states the President should be held equally accountable. I am not like the Republicans trying to pretend he didn't lead, no, I saw him give speeches about those issues almost daily, I saw him in meetings and all that blah blah woof woof bullshit.. however, again, clearly that wasn't enough, and he needed to to more according to the necessity of the circumstance. I would cry conspiracy and say that the president WANTED those tax cuts, WANTED a weakened, pro-business healthcare reform, WANTED a pretend Wall Street regulation reform, WANTED to carry on with the War(s) as ever, but also WANTS us to believe that he doesn't.

h8kurdt 09.07.2012 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
oh brother, let me catch you up on last year's news. the president had to concede to an extension to the bush tax cust so the teabagger congress would let him extend unemployment and increase the debt ceiling in exchange. where do you get this fantasy that the president rules at will? he's not an absolute monarch and per the us constitution congress has the power of the purse.

THANK YOU! Somebody who seems to have a basic grasp of politics.

Oh and Don't you boys know nothing? - The USA's the center of Jerusalem.

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