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porkmarras 11.16.2006 05:27 PM

American Sonic Youth fans=Nazis(Tokolosh comes in the package)
Just an impression that i regualarly get.It is,of course,a sweeping generalization.

porkmarras 11.16.2006 05:28 PM


scott v 11.16.2006 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by porkmarras

Get Lost, Fucker.

Tokolosh 11.17.2006 04:59 AM


Originally Posted by porkmarras

Nurse!! Don't forget to administer the recommended dose of potassium cyanide, before bedtime.
It'll do him good.

static-harmony 11.17.2006 10:37 AM

Huh I can't be categorized as Nazi, those morons don't like the likes of me or any of my kind. They call us wetback. Stop making generalizations be more specific who your intended target is when attacking Americans as there are more than one kind of American.

matt g 11.17.2006 11:21 AM

I would say that it is an incorrect assumption that all American SY fans are Nazis. Being a Nazi takes a lot of time and energy, or so i've gathered from the History Channel. Americans are too layzee, and I would suggest that we are most of us NOT-SEES, for our lack of forsight and indifference, sweeping generalizations aside, of course.

Prisstina 11.17.2006 02:22 PM

Me? :(

k-krack 11.17.2006 03:04 PM

What's with all the spam lately. Really fucking annoying. Get banned already, bastard.

Tokolosh 11.17.2006 03:29 PM


Above -- A 240 mm Howitzer of Battery B from the U.S. 697th Field Artillery Battalion prepares to fire into German held territory near Cassino, Italy. January 1944.
(Photo credit: U.S. National Archives)

tesla69 11.17.2006 04:37 PM

Americans are mostly just dumb. Partly its not our fault, we've had our minds sucked out by TV and bad nutrition and peer pressure and occultism (i.e., christianity).

I like Matt's "Not-see" observation, it is very accurate.

scott v 11.17.2006 05:25 PM

yea, Americans are dumb and lazy and not capable of holding the esteemed characterization that is called "Nazi". American SY fans are probably too smart to fall into the trappings of Nazism.

Anyways anyone who accepts a face like this:
must have some sort of severe mental disorder...

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 11.17.2006 05:25 PM


can you blame them?

porkmarrass 11.18.2006 02:29 PM


porkmarras 11.18.2006 02:31 PM

My troll is not american.

the ikara cult 11.18.2006 05:16 PM

I'm too indie to be a Nazi.

porkmarrass 11.19.2006 04:21 PM

I'm too much of a Nazi to be indie.

static-harmony 11.19.2006 04:21 PM

but by being a nazi isn't that being indie?

Massenvernichtungswaffen 11.20.2006 01:29 AM

most north americans are fucking weird. they all think they have to be cool for some unknown reason, so when people talk about things that are outside of their spectrum of awareness or something their peers(whoever is fashionably cool at the time... be it goths, metal heads, punks, chess-nerds or old man style dudes in sweaters) aren't cool with, they attack it. this happens in most parts of the world being human nature and all.. but damn are the north americans good at it. what music do you like? oh rap that's too bad. cool shoes.. where'd you buy them? bla bla bla... everyone likes music and everyone fucking wears shoes. try content for once people.
a friend or relative

p.s. this is slightly hypocritical seeing as i was born in Canada... but I've been around the globe and Porkmarras and some of the others have a point with their complaints. SY forum gave me quite the surprise. I was the only Sonic Youth fan I knew for years, and I always figured the fans if I ever met them would be pretty right on seeing as you gotta be open minded to love noise.. .but alas snobby kids and snooty artists and the occasional firebrand with a big mouth(yeah you Lily) no wonder the band members aren't online much. we fucking probably disappoint them.

HaydenAsche 11.20.2006 01:39 AM


Originally Posted by Some Cunt

p.s. this is slightly hypocritical seeing as i was born in Canada... but I've been around the globe and Porkmarras and some of the others have a point with their complaints. SY forum gave me quite the surprise. I was the only Sonic Youth fan I knew for years, and I always figured the fans if I ever met them would be pretty right on seeing as you gotta be open minded to love noise.. .but alas snobby kids and snooty artists and the occasional firebrand with a big mouth(yeah you Lily) no wonder the band members aren't online much. we fucking probably disappoint them.

You are an idiot.

Massenvernichtungswaffen 11.20.2006 01:48 AM

and you are a stupid teenager who obviously has no true capable means of saying anything more intelligent than "you are an idiot."
grow up kid. it's for your own good. pfft.\

a meth lab.. real intelligent... oh and cool so ooo cool and contemporary

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