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gast30 10.24.2012 05:19 PM

meeting about ANTARTICA's FUTURE
today there was a meeting about antarticas future

who? and why? they do this

countries ? wich countries doesn't matter
this can be a plan of people who think they control the world, G8
the riches are now suddently after creating a climate change and 2 nucliar disasters and many oilleaks into the ocean
and creating toxic gasses and garbidge who destroyed many childerens future

these people are suddently interested to protect the ecosystem of ANTARTICA?

better not
if you destroyed soo much on this small planet then there is no real believe from these people that they CARE about something

up to the day of today
they only cared about $MONEY$

they don't care about the future or childeren or the 4 billion poor people on this planet

they are a psychotic group of people who think they are god and need to make desicions for other peoples future

without asking first if they want this YES or NO
this is dictatorship of a group G8 or what ever these rich people who are only out for power with keeping the population stupid and out of desicion making about the future

this is a problem that consurns 7 billion people

is the message of the future
this is a freeworld and people who are sick for power are not part of the freeworld or the future

not to speak about the destruction to the amazon rainforest wich is the oxygene room of our planet and your grandchilderens planet

we have to fight now for a better future
because the previous generations were not awake of the problems they pushed into the future
they were slaves of politicians and popes & priests

they were naive
they believed politicians were doing something good for the future
they believed pope's & priest were doing something good for the future

now waking up in a world were the politicians work for the rich
and are helping the dictaorship of the rich
and pope's & priest have coverup a mountian of sexual abuse of childeren
and spend money on prostitution, when this money was ask to do good deeds to help the poor


is this specie stupid or what?

it is time to wake up
and contribute the good to the future

the future needs people who are awake and help out in every crisis you can
so you help to build up a better future

a new generation of childeren are going to grow into their youth
so giving a good example to them makes them understand the future better
so they don't live in a blurred mess of the past

it is very importand to live good and feel good
for the psychological side of life it is very importand
as for the fysical side of life

antartica don't need a future
the future needs people going green

can be very plausibel that it is only a speak for the gas/oil or other resources that might be out there

like they did with the northpole

creating conflicks with north european countries and russia about where the borders walk trough
and when they will pump out what is underground


there you go

a message to the people of this meeting: - First realize that you destroyed the future of 3 generations before you speak about the future.

tesla69 10.25.2012 07:51 AM

I can't help thinking oil was a waste product pumped deep underground by a long gone advanced civilization so it wouldn't hurt people...but I'm not arriving at an answer at what kind of process would produce as waste oil or some other substance that would turn to oil/coal after millions of years under high temps and pressure

gast30 10.25.2012 08:51 AM

the oil underground is an eco-system of nature that stores coČ underground
then humans come to the idea of bringing all these coČ that is naturally stored underground back into the air
and there you have this global warming proces

we should thank nature for keeping oil/ COČ underground and keep it there

we have one planet and one natural eco-sytem that is 4 billion years old

floatingslowly 10.25.2012 09:38 AM

Tesla, would you please record yourself saying that into a mic, and email it to me?

Much appreciated.

gast30 10.25.2012 03:47 PM

flowty you know what you can do best?

you can freez yourself in the antartic
like those transhumanist did in an overenthousiastic thought that they could freez their dead bodies and turn them back alive some day in the future

and some day in the future a beam from an alianship will unfreeze you and you will be brought back alive
and your penis will grow double in size

but that is not needed since you post about your big penis in every 2 posts of yours

gast30 10.25.2012 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
Much appreciated.

educated mister from the university is there again

go ask if the queen of england don't need someone to write her letters

floatingslowly 10.25.2012 05:50 PM







gast30 10.25.2012 06:14 PM


gast30 10.25.2012 06:15 PM

you work for those people from the oilcompanies
now i see you trough flowty
and i thought you were my friend

you made the biggest enemy you possibly could make in your lifetime

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