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Pedro Micho 10.30.2012 03:52 PM

Do you feel like an alien amongst all the normal people?
hare i basically want to talk to people who are considering either shooting themselves or joining a temple and becoming monks which is kind of like the same thing cuz you are basically finishing off the way of living you have been conditioned to live since your birth. most of the people im meeting on day to day basis cannot get beyond the weird paranoid feeling from religious type of stuff and i totally get it cuz i also feel weird and paranoid about religious type of stuff and that's why i joined the hare krsna culture thingy. if you're like really paranoid, i may let you know that im not in any type of organization officially but im doing this on my own simply by following the guidance of my guru srila prabhupada who is basically alive in his books. i do my meditation on the beads, wake up in the morning, worship krsna and invite people to the center im running (my apartment kind of like do it yourself kind of temple) and give classes on the bhagavadgita -which is the 5000 year old science of GOd, consciousness and their mutual interrelationship. being a former pot smoker, grunge band player, drum and bass MC, film student and a filmmaker and all sorts of maker, its the most exciting life i have ever had cuz im pretty much living like no one else and i am able to keep it up. the thing is that i want to share this kind of lifestyle with others cuz thats what you do when you discover something cool. something cool is not limited. it wants to expand. thats why im basically doomed to go out and preach to someone and create my new hare krsna friends. the way how im doing it is i ask everyone hey this is what i do just chant hare krsna love krsna and depend on krsna for your necessities and krsna will takke care of you. why not? and i ask people to tell me what would be their doubt in doing it.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 10.30.2012 08:24 PM

No, but sometimes I do wonder if I normal people alienate introvert folks. I took me years to navigate the "normal world" and I still think it is a rather silly imaginary narrative of pomp and circumstance. However, if that is how to communicate with other humans so be it, communication is crucial to building community. One way or another we are all part of community, the question is are we contributing both effort and yet sacrifice?

!@#$%! 10.31.2012 10:08 AM

do i feel like an alien? fuck yes. normal people are weird.

do i want to shoot myself? fuck no. why??? it's much better to shoot others.

floatingslowly 10.31.2012 10:40 AM

While discussing food, I'm often reminded that I married one.

Two words: MUSK CANDY.


floatingslowly 10.31.2012 11:01 AM

As a master theurgist, I must warn you, that which separates the layman from the skillful is action.

A will-to-form that is often disguised as ritualized worship, whether you are Catholic, Hare or Voodist, is still just a basic means toward the same end.

The mere act of worship implies that one cannot simply lay back, and soak in a trusting universe to take care of, or take away your wants and woes.

You are a biomechanical machine, designed to transmute energies into higher forms. Total reliance on your diety, or whatever you deem as foci, is a prescription for ultimate failure. The entropic nature of this physcial realm will callously see to it that the chaff becomes separate.

If you ever find yourself in need of a new cult, please, by all means, look me up.

floatingslowly 10.31.2012 11:01 AM

As a master theurgist, I must warn you, that which separates the layman from the skillful is action.

A will-to-form that is often disguised as ritualized worship, whether you are Catholic, Hare or Voodist, is still just a basic means toward the same end.

The mere act of worship implies that one cannot simply lay back, and soak in a trusting universe to take care of, or take away your wants and woes.

You are a biomechanical machine, designed to transmute energies into higher forms. Total reliance on your diety, or whatever you deem as foci, is a prescription for ultimate failure. The entropic nature of this physcial realm will callously see to it that the chaff becomes separate.

If you ever find yourself in need of a new cult, please, by all means, look me up.

floatingslowly 10.31.2012 11:02 AM

As a master theurgist, I must warn you, that which separates the layman from the skillful is action.

A will-to-form that is often disguised as ritualized worship, whether you are Catholic, Hare or Voodist, is still just a basic means toward the same end.

The mere act of worship implies that one cannot simply lay back, and soak in a trusting universe to take care of, or take away your wants and woes.

You are a biomechanical machine, designed to transmute energies into higher forms. Total reliance on your diety, or whatever you deem as foci, is a prescription for ultimate failure. The entropic nature of this physcial realm will callously see to it that the chaff becomes separate.

If you ever find yourself in need of a new cult, please, by all means, look me up.

floatingslowly 10.31.2012 11:05 AM

Three in a row?!?

Blessed be.

floatingslowly 10.31.2012 11:05 AM

Three in a row?!?

Blessed be.

floatingslowly 10.31.2012 11:06 AM

One. Is the most important number.

!@#$%! 10.31.2012 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by halfeatencake
i am normal and i make fun of weird "alien" people
it's the only thing that keeps my alive

there's no such thing as normal

you're a mutant just like everybody else

!@#$%! 10.31.2012 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by halfeatencake
daaaad, you are SO embarrassing!


Nefeli 10.31.2012 02:47 PM

dunno if this replies: my best friend doesnt let me wear 'old skool' headphones. but you know, that normal/alien thing doesnt really register.
perhaps, only when i watch criminal minds*, or when i have certain talks with my parents.

* nah.

Rob Instigator 10.31.2012 02:53 PM

if you find a "normal" person, run away like your ass was on fire.

tesla69 10.31.2012 03:34 PM

There is only one logical response to a thread initiating question such as we see here:

thank you.\

ALIEN ANAL 11.01.2012 08:21 AM

I do

GravitySlips 11.01.2012 12:16 PM

I Am A Fuckin Alien

Pedro Micho 11.01.2012 02:10 PM

im happy to be here cuz you dont have to make sense ansd thats exactly how i want to communicate

floatingslowly 11.01.2012 05:00 PM

Hola, amigas y putas.

gast30 11.01.2012 05:06 PM

no, i feel what i am ... nature
it is difficult to imagine i would feel something else

i feel perfectly home on this planet where everthing plants as animals (including humans) is natural

don't need no learning from a source outside of me that it is that simpel

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