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Pedro Micho 11.01.2012 02:29 PM

WHo created GOd?
this is a deep one

!@#$%! 11.01.2012 02:30 PM

the human mind

gast30 11.01.2012 02:31 PM

i told you he is a cultleader

demonrail666 11.01.2012 02:33 PM

Wasn't it Kevin Martin?

floatingslowly 11.01.2012 02:36 PM

As a representative of GOd, I'll be taking questions (and signing autographs) in the lobby, after the show.

Rob Instigator 11.01.2012 02:42 PM

almost all NDE's (near death experiences) are actually memories of deeply submerged initial reactions to the birth experience.

The only thing that differentiates humans from other animals, and which is said plainly in genesis, is that humans know the difference between Good and Evil, and the difference between Life and Death.

Other animals experience life and death but they do not live with that dichotomy looming over their thoughts.
Other animals do altruistic things (good) or hurtful things (evil) but they do not see it like humans.

humans can override instincts if we so want and choose the good, and choose the life, or vice versa.

Because of this we seek explanations for WHY? why?? why??? why do good people die, and bad people live? why do children starve while steve jobs builds a massive multi million dollar yacht, even in death?

we decide, it must be GAWD!

!@#$%! 11.01.2012 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
Good and Evil

that's zoroastrian bullshit

Pedro Micho 11.01.2012 02:45 PM

that's nice and now we want more variety of opinions

floatingslowly 11.01.2012 02:54 PM

I was born dead. Where do I stand?


Rob Instigator 11.01.2012 02:55 PM

you know who was zoroastrian? Freddie Mercury! It served him well

gast30 11.01.2012 03:07 PM

if i'm correct i'm here to look after food
and not look after god

keep my life simpel i will eat and one day my natural system won't have no energy to keep my brain running and that is it

simpel natural and beautifull
totally free

Rob Instigator 11.01.2012 03:12 PM

For the first tens of thousands of years of human civilization there was no "god" just the GODDESS, because as any observant being can tell you, it i women that bring forth life, and that are the miracle bearers.

sooo, some asshole made up a male god to try and wrest control from the women who ran the mystical show.

back in the day anything which brought pleasure was seen as close4 to the Goddess, so temples were all dedicated to sexy delicious, kardashianesque lusty sexpots who would, through ritual and hot sex, bring you to ecstacy, thereby allowing you to "touch" the goddess, to experience the divine.

all we got now is cannibalism (catholic church), and enslavement to male deities.

Pedro Micho 11.01.2012 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by gast30
i will eat and one day my natural system won't have no energy to keep my brain running

why not? if food is that which keeps it running

floatingslowly 11.01.2012 03:16 PM

Associating polar gender rolls to any Divinity is a grave human fallacy.

Mmmmm.....gender rolls. I like mine with milk and honey.

gast30 11.01.2012 03:17 PM

it is totally no fun rob and i understand you compleetly
hope it changes for the good

and that we are free in the future from the woman rights and gay rights and human rights
that people just stop that shit and live on

fuck those hardheaded people
they will never understand

Pedro Micho 11.01.2012 03:25 PM

hare krsna rights

Pedro Micho 11.01.2012 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by Pedro Micho
hare krsna rights

i was just testing ym new signature woah looks so cool and shiny like a diamond

dale_gribble 11.02.2012 02:47 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
Good and Evil

evil is merely unevolved good

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 11.02.2012 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
almost all NDE's (near death experiences) are actually memories of deeply submerged initial reactions to the birth experience.

How do you know this exactly? I'm not pretending near-death experiences are visions of God, I would agree that they are subconscious projections, however, I am way too into Joseph Campbell, what you find buried in the subconscious mind IS reflections of God. The narrative of Adam and Eve suggests that at the beginning of human consciousness, be it 250,000 years ago according to strict evolutionary theory, or some other time, mankind interacted with the Divine. The archetypes of our subconscious mind are all projections from this first generations of humankind. Our religious literature and culture are reflections of the subconscious mind, we bring these indescribable archetypes from the nether regions of our minds to the forefront of our conscious experience. Religion and its explanations of God are merely a symbol for God, not inherently the real thing.


The only thing that differentiates humans from other animals, and which is said plainly in genesis, is that humans know the difference between Good and Evil, and the difference between Life and Death.Other animals experience life and death but they do not live with that dichotomy looming over their thoughts.
Other animals do altruistic things (good) or hurtful things (evil) but they do not see it like humans.

A gorilla who was fluent in sign-language was given a pet kitten. She loved that kitten, and repeatedly told other humans so in signed English no less! She painted pictures of the cat, and while they weren't very good in detail, they had the right colors and even general shapes. When asked about what she was painting, she was say, "This is my cat." When the cat died, as pets do, this gorilla had a profoundly human moment, she reflected and said, "My cat died, I am sad." She understood the cat was dead, not just missing, and further understood her feelings of grief. So how can we be so sure that animals don't experience life in the dichotomy of life and death, in moral and immoral? The trick with animals is that this gorilla aside, they rarely are able to communicate their experiences to other humans, so simply put, we don't know what their experiences are. We project our own superiority onto them, and we assume we live differently, more profoundly, even more caustically, but how can we ever know this? Elephants purposefully pause at graveyards of their kin, smell and touch the bones of their specific relatives who died, and even visibly cry and moan! They then also appear to console each other through touch and sound, just like grieving humans at a cemetery lamenting over the loss of loved ones.


Because of this we seek explanations for WHY? why?? why??? why do good people die, and bad people live? why do children starve while steve jobs builds a massive multi million dollar yacht, even in death?

we decide, it must be GAWD!

No. People did not invent God to describe unanswerable questions. There is plenty of crock science, superstition, and outright stupidity to fill in that gap..

Experiences of God are direct, dynamic, and personal. If they are just chemical fluctuations that is fine, but I don't dig into such simplistic explanations. It is a chicken and egg matter, what causes specific neurochemical release in the first place? If God is just a chemical, why don't ALL humans have this experience?

Rob Instigator 11.02.2012 09:23 PM

Consciousness is everywhere

Life is everywhere

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