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ni'k 11.24.2006 08:56 AM


sonicl 11.24.2006 09:02 AM

What budget do you have?

Oh, and happy birthday.

jon boy 11.24.2006 09:05 AM

yeah it depends on the budget. i would avoid spending too much on a name. you can get decent ones for £100 or so.

happy birthday!

king_buzzo 11.24.2006 09:08 AM

happy birthday, i have an article somewhere with reviews of turnables which are relativly cheap and good, i juts dont know where it is,...

sonicl 11.24.2006 09:08 AM

Also, what sort of a setup do you already have as far as amplifier, et cetera, is concerned? Are you replacing an existing turntable, or is this a new addition?

ni'k 11.24.2006 09:32 AM

i dont have an amp or anything at all. my last turntable was a really crappy one from argos that had unbearable treble. i have nothing to hook it up to. i have a stereo but i don't like the sound quality, drums and vocals and bass too high, for cd's anyway. but i could always try hooking up the turntable to that stereo if you guys think its a good idea.

oh and my budget is fairly small.

porkmarras 11.24.2006 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by ni'k
i dont have an amp or anything at all. my last turntable was a really crappy one from argos that had unbearable treble. i have nothing to hook it up to. i have a stereo but i don't like the sound quality, drums and vocals and bass too high, for cd's anyway. but i could always try hooking up the turntable to that stereo if you guys think its a good idea.

oh and my budget is fairly small.

If you have the right cable you can plug the turntable directly into the pc but how good are the speakers that you have?And if you disclose the budget another option could be buying both the turntable and some decent speakers for your pc.

porkmarras 11.24.2006 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by ni'k

oh and my budget is fairly small.

How much?

lucyrulesok 11.24.2006 09:39 AM

This isn't going to particularly helpful but...
A friend of mine has a portable turntable and CD player with inbuilt speakers which actually sounds OK. She got it for about £90, and I think she ordered it from the interenet (try
I don't know the model name, but it looks a bit like the front of a car :D

ni'k 11.24.2006 10:26 AM

i have a laptop and the speakers are atrocious. there is a cash converters near here that sells a lot of second hand turntables, i wouldn't know which one to go for tho. i guess my budget is around £150

porkmarras 11.24.2006 10:34 AM

Cash Converters tend to do some jolly good deals on both computer equipment and turntables so i'd definately get decent speakers for your laptop plus the turntable itself.A stereo cable wont cost more than a few quid and off you go.What sort of hi-fi system do you have?

ondskan 11.24.2006 10:40 AM

Anything by Stanton. Not too expensive and really good quality.

porkmarras 11.24.2006 10:44 AM

Also,keep in mind that if your stereo has some aux sockets at the back you could connect the laptop to its amplifier plus the turntable and by switching cables between sockets you would be able to convert vinyl and tapes into audio files.It's a simplier thing to do than it may sound.

sonicl 11.24.2006 10:52 AM

I have no idea if this is any good, but: Numark TTUSB Turntable with USB output

Then add decent speakers to your computer, as suggested by Porkmarras.

!@#$%! 11.24.2006 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by ni'k
so it's my 18th birthday today, and i have been offered the cash to buy a new device to play my vinyl on. problem is i have no fucking clue what to buy. i know nothing about this field.

so i was hoping some of you with some expertise could help me out, i need a turnatable, not too expensive. so what exact model should i buy?

my suggestion is to go to and pick from their selections, according to your budget.

those people really know their shit and offer great stuff at every price point; their upgraded versions in particular are a great value.

do NOT go to ebay or the thrift store in search of fucked gear that you can't find replacement parts for.

oh, when you buy, don't spend all your cash in the thing. make sure you budget for a decent cleaner (doesn't need to be expensive) and a spare stylus (that can be pricey depending on turntable model). a stylus can last a long time, but it wears out; however, an accident could break it, and it's a bitch to have to wait for the replacement and anyway you should always have a bit of money stashed for this.


oh, fuck, i forgot to ask in what country you live. this applies to the u.s. and i spotted a lot of english posters here. so. location?

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