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Rob Instigator 11.16.2012 06:00 PM

Hope all the Sonic youth fans in Israel and the Gaza strip are OK
Shit is hitting the fan over there.

stay safe recsoftheflesh

Pookie 11.16.2012 06:26 PM

To be honest I think people in Israel are pretty safe. The fireworks flying over my house this evening were a bigger threat.

the ikara cult 11.16.2012 06:51 PM

plenty of Israelis have died too... They dont all support Netenyahu

Genteel Death 11.16.2012 07:00 PM

There is only one clear winner in this sort of conflict and he or she remains the only person alive, not the dead. - Janet Stephen-Wingrove

the ikara cult 11.16.2012 07:03 PM

are there any Sonic Youth fans in the Gaza Strip or West Bank? Id be genuinely fascinated if there were.

Genteel Death 11.16.2012 07:07 PM

Maybe they're running for their life to the sound of ''Massage the History'' as we speak.

the ikara cult 11.16.2012 07:10 PM

If Peace Attack were playing I would run to the nearest bomb shelter

floatingslowly 11.16.2012 07:19 PM

Fugazifan is there, I believe.

Oh, and maybe Louder. Have you been drafted yet, Nancy?

gast30 11.16.2012 07:20 PM

find you have to take distance in this fight
for 60 years this is going on
and i feel for all the people who live(d) in warzones world wide

around 40-50 are dead
and hopefully there won't be coming more

most of these fights end fast

lets hope it ends

stay out of war
and never choose side in a conflict you never asked for in the beginning

the ikara cult 11.16.2012 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by gast30
find you have to take distance in this fight
for 60 years this is going on
and i feel for all the people who live(d) in warzones world wide

around 40-50 are dead
and hopefully there won't be coming more

most of these fights end fast

lets hope it ends

stay out of war
and never choose side in a conflict you never asked for in the beginning

Out of every hopeless situation there comes an unintentionally moving gast30 poem.

gast30 11.16.2012 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by the ikara cult
Out of every hopeless situation there comes an unintentionally moving gast30 poem.

i mean what i say
been watching live wars on tv for 10 years
so i know what i am seeing and what it did with me psychologicly

see'ing live war on tv is a process you have to learn
never in history of humans this phenomenon happend

the ikara cult 11.16.2012 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by gast30
i mean what i say
been watching live wars on tv for 10 years
so i know what i am seeing and what it did with me psychologicly

see'ing live war on tv is a process you have to learn
never in history of humans this phenomenon happend

Someone should take your posts and project them on a gallery wall.
im not even being sarcastic. I know English isnt your first language, and your English is better than my French/German/Greek Cypriot, but please dont learn any more words Gast. Your posts are divine as they are.

Genteel Death 11.16.2012 07:44 PM

Yeah, and Moshe and fugazifan too.

the ikara cult 11.16.2012 07:45 PM

on the subject

The Western media completely ignores two segments of the populace; The left wing Israelis and left wing Palestinians. They act like all Israelis support Likud and all Palestinians support Hamas. In an internet era theyve done so well to muddy the waters considering most of us will never go there. The leeft wing Israelis get completely ignored, the left wing Palestinians get lumped in with the most reactionary of their people because, yknow, thats what we seem to expect them to do.

Fuckin hell

gast30 11.16.2012 07:46 PM

it can go good or it can go bad

keep it simple: - tv, internet + war = people can stop the war
...............................................= people can join the war

you don't know what the impact of this war input is on tv and internet

are humans stable enough for war on tv?

no extreemist propaganda follows the footsteps of war
and creates hatered and voilence along the way

extreemism became a fashion world wide

when i thought more peace and understand wil come

i thought wrong

it is very sad that in europe and america these agressive hatefull people pushed forward their propaganda and down the mood even more


because they have nothing to do
they don't want to look into the mirror
and realize all humans are the same from history to future

the ikara cult 11.16.2012 07:47 PM

Israel is an actual Democracy, dissenting views are allowed, though you would never guess it by the news coverage

floatingslowly 11.16.2012 07:47 PM

Hey, I heard Louder is there.

fugazifan 11.17.2012 03:23 AM

hey, yeah i am here. shit is totally fucked. so so angry at everyone. at our horrible government and all of the obidient nationalists that drop everything to blindly support the army and the war without questioning anything.
angry at the hamas for shooting all of the rockets, which are much scarier than fireworks. they even shot at jerusalem yesterday, where i live. but more than that, 300,000 or so palestinians live here and some of islam's holiest sites. so fuck them. and fuck us.

i am so sick of this shit. 63 years of colonization, 45 years of military occupation. militarism is so ingrained in our society. we have never once tried to reach an agreeent with hamas, we only control the through a cruel siege get surprised when they fight back and then bomb them. not to mention shoot random farmers and fishermen who are trying to work but come to close to the border.

this whole this fits perfectly into einsteins definition of insanity, do the same thing and expecting different results.


i think that's enough for my angry rant.

thanks so much for caring you guys :)

and yes, i am sure that there are SY fan sin the west bank and gaza.

fugazifan 11.17.2012 03:24 AM

double post

floatingslowly 11.17.2012 10:27 AM

Stay safe, friend.

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