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EyeballGrowth 04.12.2006 12:03 AM

What the hell is the deal with Crispin Glover??
What a fucking weird dude. His weird apperance on Letterman from the 80's, his music video, the fact that everything he's directed has nazi related images somewhere in it, but most importantly weird, his new movie that he just directed. " What is it? "

What the fuck is UP with that guy?

khchris 04.12.2006 12:52 AM

I'm glad Crispin Glover finds the use of nazi imagery "funny"

Maybe if he was the target of racism like my mother and I were in New Orleans and South Carolina, he would have a different opinion.

maybe chabib and !@#$% are big fans!

I think you would have a different opinion if you were the target of racism. For example, I was the target of racism in New Orleans and South Carolina. So was my mother.

Maybe he finds it funny because he wasn't the target of racism. No wonder Crispin Glover finds the use of nazi imagery "funny"

It's also no wonder why chabib and !@#$% find him funny as well.

target of racism=not funny


breligion 04.12.2006 01:22 AM

What Is It?
I'm not sure what's up with Crispin Glover. I can't tell if he's just acting in that Letterman appearance or really that messed up. I like his music video, though. hehe's information about What Is It? seems wrong. They date it at 1996. IMDB and Wikipedia date it at 2005. They also say it's 68 minutes, while IMDB says it's longer.

The last line about What Is It? On Crisin Glover's Wikipedia entry seems nonsensical. "He belated on taking many shrooms to complete the film." So did he miss a few shroom seasons because he had to be hard at work directing? What are they talking about:p??

The movie sounds like it's probably interesting..and weird. Maybe I will check it out. Have any of you seen it?

"Being the adventures of a young man whose principle interests are snails, salt, a pipe, and how to get home. As tormented by an hubristic, racist inner psyche." - from IMDB

val-holla-ing 04.12.2006 01:24 AM


Originally Posted by breligion
I'm not sure what's up with Crispin Glover. I can't tell if he's just acting in that Letterman appearance or really that messed up. I like his music video, though. hehe

i have a friend who worked for/with him briefly, back in 2003 and he didn't have much of anything to say about crispin glover except for the fact that he is a very peculiar human being.

stirling 04.12.2006 01:32 AM

If you've seen The Orkly Kid I don't know how you can't love him.

EyeballGrowth 04.12.2006 01:42 AM

Ever seen River's Edge. He was amazing in that. He really brought that character to life with his drugged up behavior and crazy speeded out mannerisms. Hehe I love whenever he tried to explain something his eyes got huge.

He seems really fucked up though. He covered 3 or 4 Charles Manson songs

LifeDistortion 04.12.2006 02:13 AM

Maybe he just likes to be shocking, like John Waters or Todd Solandaz. I've heard stories about him, but a lot of it is third hand information, so I'm not sure what Glover is all about, just heard that he's weeeeirrrrdddd.

Glice 04.12.2006 05:09 AM


Originally Posted by khchris
I'm glad Crispin Glover finds the use of nazi imagery "funny"

Maybe if he was the target of racism like my mother and I were in New Orleans and South Carolina, he would have a different opinion.

maybe chabib and !@#$% are big fans!

I think you would have a different opinion if you were the target of racism. For example, I was the target of racism in New Orleans and South Carolina. So was my mother.

Maybe he finds it funny because he wasn't the target of racism. No wonder Crispin Glover finds the use of nazi imagery "funny"

It's also no wonder why chabib and !@#$% find him funny as well.

target of racism=not funny



This is not a troll - this is a comedy machine.

truncated 04.12.2006 05:19 AM


Originally Posted by Glice

This is not a troll - this is a comedy machine.

I am DYING for chabib to disclose his identity.

Toilet & Bowels 04.12.2006 05:54 AM


Originally Posted by Glice

This is not a troll - this is a comedy machine.

it wasn't until you said this that i even clocked that it was comedy KH rather than original version.

pokkeherrie 04.12.2006 06:06 AM

haha... same here.

hotbutterknives 04.18.2006 09:43 PM

hotbutterknives 04.18.2006 09:53 PM

Lone Flanger 04.18.2006 10:29 PM

Is it just rumor that he was frying on 'cid on Letterman?

hotbutterknives 04.18.2006 10:41 PM

i have no idea, but he does look pretty fucked up

!@#$%! 04.19.2006 03:46 PM

hah hah holy shit i just found this thread

that trailer is fucking hilarious

and so is this post-- took me a minute to gauge that troll-- i thought for a minute that khchris had been trolling himself all along--- and suddenly slipped-- hah hah hah---

umjammer atomsk 05.23.2006 06:21 PM

I've read that the letterman bit was all acted out as the character crispin played in the movie that he was promoting. I'm not sure if that's correct though but it does seem like a very probable explanation for his behavoir. I've just recently begun to dig crispin's work and i really want to read his books; they sound so damn interesting.

atari 2600 05.23.2006 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
-- i thought for a minute that khchris had been trolling himself all along---

i would be willing to bet money that khchris (original) & khchris are one & the same.

i wonder who khchris (crispy) is though. that's some funny shit right there.

chabib, please help us out. After all, nobody here signed a confidentiality agreement or anything.

alyasa 05.23.2006 08:52 PM

"You are my density..."

Daycare Nation 05.23.2006 09:19 PM

I have his has some readings from Rat Catching and Oak Mot, as well as the clowny clown song--thanks for that video! I can't get the preview of the movie to work--404 error

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