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jakeonguitar 12.02.2006 10:13 PM

Guitar World's top 100 Guitar Albums, and SY
I forget what issue this was, but for those of us studious guitar players that read Guitar World, would have noticed the 'top 100 guitar albums' issue. Specifically, besides the Jimi albums which fucking rock, Sonic Youth made something like #80 with their album Goo. And I say... what the fuck?

Goo wasn't a bad album, but why not Daydream Nation? There are 5 albums I think of right of the top of my head that should be above Goo on SY's best guitar albums.

Anyone agree or any dumbass disagree?

atari 2600 12.02.2006 10:15 PM

Goo was the one for which Guitar Player gave Thurston Moore a Guitarist of the Year for also (snubbing Lee completely)...go figure.

So it seems as if GW's selection of that album is sort of based on GP's award.

Bollocks_to_Pop 12.02.2006 10:17 PM

I'd have put Sister in Goo's place or Sonic Nurse. I really like the guitar playing on both of these records. At least they got on the list though.

jakeonguitar 12.02.2006 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
i agree that only dumb-asses pay any attention to stats featured in guitar world.

i mean...what makes a great guitarist? and should guitar world really have the authority to decide?

i really like what arto lindsey was doin' guitar wise with DNA. matter of factly, his approach impressesme more than that of any eddie van halen rubbish...and i dont have to purchase a back issue of guitar world to know he wouldnt be featured amonst the "100 best guitar albums" or whatever.

You have to understand that the there is no unbiased guitar magazine available to some people far away in the distant jungles, like Oregon.

I'm saying Thurston is an amazing guitarist, but why should he be given credit for something that wasn't his best, and no credit for his best?

Bollocks_to_Pop 12.02.2006 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
heaven forbid they not make "the list".


I'm just saying magazines like that don't really talk about SY anymore. It's cool they at least got mentioned instead of not at all.

Bollocks_to_Pop 12.02.2006 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
well, my response to this will resemble my last response to you....whose to say what his best is?

some might argue goo...others might argue 1000 leaves...just depends on what the individual relates to as "the best".

actually...thers no such thing as "the best"..especaily when it comes to guitar playing.

That's very true.

atari 2600 12.02.2006 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by swa(y)

i really like what arto lindsey was doin' guitar wise with DNA. matter of factly, his approach impressesme more than that of any eddie van halen rubbish...

I wonder how much looking like Arto Lindsay plays into this somewhat (not completely, but somewhat) lofty assessment.

jakeonguitar 12.02.2006 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
well, my response to this will resemble my last response to you....whose to say what his best is?

some might argue goo...others might argue 1000 leaves...just depends on what the individual relates to as "the best".

actually...thers no such thing as "the best"..especaily when it comes to guitar playing.

Yeah, totally true.

But then again, because Darwin didn't slap a fish with legs on the back of a Tercel, means that someone did. And since I'm saying that you or I didn't put Goo on the top 100, the editors at Guitar World did and they should take off that metal rubbish and put some albums up that... you know... had an impact.

jakeonguitar 12.02.2006 10:33 PM

... thanks to metal rubbish.

My point exactly.

Goo had an impact, but it didn't affect mainstream. Daydream Nation had an impact, and it DID affect mainstream. And in my opinion was better than Goo guitar wise, and sonically speaking.

Bollocks_to_Pop 12.02.2006 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
and depsite thurston the only guitar player on goo? last i checked lee ranaldo plays as well.

people tend to forget that sonic youth is made up of members besides thurston and kim.

Lee seems to be in general underacknowledged for what he's contributed in the band and the press' attention has been more towards Thurston. Lee wrote Mote, which is my favorite song off Goo.

jakeonguitar 12.02.2006 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
just out of curiousity...and im not saying yr wrong by no means...but how do you feel daydream nation affected the mainstream?

Ever hear of... Dinosaur Jr, Sebadoh, NIRVANA?!?!, any other bands that STARTED THE ALTERNATIVE MUSIC GENRE? Yeah.

Daydream Nation set the standard and pathway for all of indie/alternative to come. Countless bands have tried to copy and duplicate the sound on Daydream Nation, especially songs like Silver Rocket, Candle, Eric's Trip, and Teen Age Riot. The album shook the American underground, which in turn brought immense changes to the consumer end, or mainstream, of rock and roll and things to come.

And yes, Lee is totally underrated, but he is known for all of his art (songs, poetry, film, books, etc.) not just his guitar playing.

blastscenealibi 12.03.2006 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
Goo was the one for which Guitar Player gave Thurston Moore a Guitarist of the Year for also (snubbing Lee completely)...go figure.

So it seems as if GP's selection of that album is sort of based on GP's award.

Also, you have to remember that when Goo came out it was hailed by Joe Satriani as the best guitar album of the year and you know half of GP's readership and the editors considered him a god so Goo was able to at least get a "chance" to be recognized by the masses. And by the time Dirty came out nobody gave a fuck about Joe anymore. But GP if I remember back then was the one guitar mag that recognized alternative music to a certain extent. I think Reeve Gabriel's (?? or was it Gabriel Reeves?, the Tin Machine guy) column was in that one.

PAULYBEE2656 12.03.2006 01:44 PM

Ever hear of... Dinosaur Jr, Sebadoh, NIRVANA?!?!, any other bands that STARTED THE ALTERNATIVE MUSIC GENRE? Yeah. .........

sorry to but in but ever heard of the ramones, the stooges, the monks, mc5, i could go on.....

nice read tho!

Glice 12.03.2006 02:09 PM

SY are more chordal than yr Vais or your Satrianis, hence no single player stands out as 'great' in SY. It's much easier with Vai (name out of a hat) to say he was a great player because his lines are usually single note runs - much more immediately impressive than SY whose structures are not necessarily that easy to pin down. What I appreciate about SY is that they eschew one side of virtuosity for a more challenging virtuosity. They're not Beethoven mind you.

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